Hate is the New Love

His best days will be some of my worst

“He is the new kid?” I asked as I pulled into a different spot.

“Yea, he must be. You are so lucky!” Ivy said.

“You are welcome to kill me and take my place.” I said and looked around. I had the worst parking spot ever known. It was right under a tree. I mean who was going to save me when it gets hit by lightening? It defiantly isn’t going to be Justin fuck-face Beaver. This was not my day. I sighed and made my way to my first period class.

“So class, if x is 3 times the negative of 5, what would y be?” Mr. O asked. No one answered and I wasn’t planning to risk my life either. I hadn’t even done my homework.

“Autumn?” he called. Oh fuck.

“um…10?” I asked and prayed for it to be right.

“That’s right. Do you want to come up and show us how you got it?”

I scoffed “no.”

“And why not?”

“Because you were about to do it anyways.”
Mr. O looked at me with a slightly shocked expression, and then quickly composed himself. “Detention Miss Avery.”

I was about to talk back when the door opened and Justin Bieber walked in with the principal.

“Morning class, this is your new classmate, Justin Bieber.” He said and Justin smiled. All the girls squealed and murmured around. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

“Now, I know that he is a pop star and everything but I want you to be respectful and give him space. Is that clear?”

“Yes sir.” the class droned but I knew that after the principal left, they would attack him.

“Who wants to show him around?”

All the girls and a few guys put their hands up.

“Justin, it’s up to you. Pick anyone.”

“Anyone?” he asked with a sly smirk.


My eyes widened when his eyes landed on me and I tried to hide. I got under my table and had my eyes closed and my fingers crossed. I heard someone move beside me and I slowly opened one eye and peeked out. Justin Bieber smiled and waved at me. Damn it!

“I pick you.” he said and extended his hand to help me up. I ignored this gesture and tried to help myself up. In doing so, I bumped my head on the table.

“Ow fuck!” I cursed and rubbed my head. I looked over to see Justin stile a laugh. I gave him a dirty look and crawled out from under the table.

“What were you doing under the desk?” Mr. O asked.

“Oh…um….I was checking to see if the floor was clean or not.” I said and patted the floor and gave it a once-over with my eyes “Yup, looks good. We should pay the janitors more!”

“Autumn, tell me the truth!” Mr. O Said.

I sighed and got up “I was hiding.”


“What do you think? I don’t want to show this midget around.” I said. Quickly, I dusted myself off and sat down.

“I’m like 2 inches taller than you.” Justin said using his fingers to show me 2 inches.

“I know what 2 inches looks like Justin.” I said.

Justin looked at me for a second and burst out laughing.

“It wasn’t funny dude. You have no sense of humor!” I said. The class held their breath and waited for Justin to explode.

“I thought it was funny!” He said and his face broke out into a smile. I wanted nothing more than to smash his face in.

“No Autumn, you have to. End of discussion.”

I groaned as Justin sat at the desk beside me.

“So your name is Autumn?”

“Yes, do you have a problem?” I asked in a monotone voice. I didn’t dare look at him.

“It’s a pretty name and it suits you.” He said and lifted up my brilliant red hair.

“Don’t touch my hair!” I said swatting his hand away.

“Sorry!” He said hold his hands up in defeat and then his face flashed me a wide smile. I sank farther into my seat. This will not me a good day.
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Theres chapter 2! Hope you love it! Comments are always welcome!

oh, I found what Autumn looks like!!

I imagine Autumn to look like Hayley Williams