Hate is the New Love

Don't know what I want

Justin would not leave me alone. He followed ne around like a puppy. The only difference was that it wasn’t cute. It was stalkerish. He was lucky I had the same classes as him or he would have gotten lost completely.
In my next class, I sat as far as possible from Justin and had the pleasure of watching him being attacked by fan girls. I smiled when all the girls started to crowd him but I knew something was wrong when I saw him try to push them away. He looked terrified and he was hyperventilating. My smile dropped quickly. Even if I did hate him, I didn’t want him to die. It was my morals that taught me to never leave a person who needed help. I walked up and started to dig my way around and in between the girls until I reached him. He looked so scared my heart melted for a second.

“Pleas-ase he-elp m-me. I-I fee-el li-ike im go-oing to die!” he said in between gasps. His face turned red and he tried to swat the girls away who clearly refused to be swatted.

“Okay. Hang tight.” I said and nodded. He returned a weak nod and smile.
I crawled back out and looked at the crowd. Where is a ak-47 when you need it?

“Anyone left near Bieber after I count to 5 will receive a personal death sentence from me.” I yelled


Most people scrambled out and left him sitting there. He took a couple breaths and tried to calm down I could see the panic in his eyes.

“Are you okay?” I asked kneeling beside him.

“I think so,” He said “Thank you so much.”

“This doesn’t mean I like you.” I said and stalked off to my desk. I sat down as the bell rang and the teacher came in. OH, so now he comes in? Teachers have to worst time management skills. I sighed and looked over at Justin to see him shaking his head and smile at me. That kid has a real smiling problem.

“Okay class, take out your French books please.” The teacher said and so continued the worst day of my life.