Status: Writers Block. No Motivation

From Rouge to Pet

From Hunter to Hunted

Zara crouched near the edge of a river that ran through the jungle. The birds had stopped singing as soon as she entered the area. Her pink tongue lapped up the water quickly. She sat up and scanned the area with her amber eyes. She took a deep breath and stood. Her large paws padded through the soft loamy soil near the bank. She walked off back into the forest. She was more animal than human these days. Survival was hard but she had done it so easily.

She stopped moving as she heard the foot falls of her prey. A smile crept onto her face and she quickly climbed the nearest tree. She watched as her prey a jungle deer walked through the forest. She stood and her eyes locked on her prey. Her shoulder shifted as she prepared to pounce on her prey. Unbeknown to her she was the one being hunted. A stick snapping made her ear flick back towards it and scared the dear away. She snarled as she turned to the noise only to feel a sharp pain in her shoulder. She jumped from the tree and landed clumsily on the ground. She wobbled as far as she could before she passed out.

Her eyes opened and she was engulfed in darkness. She stood and her tail flicked angrily. She thrashed against her cage. Her sharp claws digging into the wood. she snarled and growled only to receive a bang on the top. She finally settled down still feeling a dull ache between her shoulders. She huffed and looked into the darkness wondering where she was going. This huntress wasn't at her full size yet but she was halfway there. She was rather small but her power was unmatched against other leopards. She fell asleep as the rocking motion and the roar of engines lulled her to sleep.
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Starting another one.
Hope you guys like this one.
I'm having a little block on my other one.