Snow and Ice

Everything is a drug; it depends on the dose.

Ryan Ross. 21. Son of Luis Patelli, the Italian mobster. Kept his mother's maiden name. Gay. Cocaine addict. Party kid. Has a tendency to shoot people in the face. Likes sex. Gives good head. Met Gabe in a club. Should have known better.

Gabe Saporta. 27. Ran East meth distribution. Gay. Doesn't do illegal drugs. Favors clubs to bars. Never killed anyone. Likes sex. Doesn't give head. Wanted to take over West meth distribution. Got told to fuck Ryan. Did. Should have known better.

William Becket. 25. Gabe's best friend. Straight. Knew better.

O God, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains! that we should, with joy, pleasance, revel, and applause, transform ourselves into beasts!
—Shakespeare, Othello

Warnings: Drugs, violence.
Unfinished three-shot.

Recommended listening: "Cry Me a River" by Julie London. You can listen to it on YouTube here.
  1. Little Miss Sunshine
    "Gabe has a temper. He ***ed the wrong kid."