Status: Still writing

Vampire Exterminator


She was huddled in a dark corner as the rain made faint splattering sounds around her. Wet hair stuck to her cheeks and water soaked through her coat. She could hear the wind tugging at the trees and the leaves rustled soundlessly. A blinding flash fill the alley as lightning streaked across the dark blue sky.
She lifted up her head and gazed at the tall dark figure standing over her. Her lips parted and she spoke, in a soft, shaky voice.
“Who. Are. You?” he teeth chattered violently and left tiny cuts on her small tender lips.
The figure smiled and shifted slightly, causing the light of the moon to shine across her beautiful face.
“I am a hunter; an exterminator.” The woman whispered quietly.
“Come,” said the woman and reached out a gloved hand. “This world is not safe for such little ones like you.”
As she was lead out of the dark valley, the woman paused and the echoing sound of her footsteps halted.
“Tell me,” she asked in a quiet voice. “Do you believe, in Vampires?”