Status: Still writing

Vampire Exterminator

Chapter 4

Ria and Braedan ran towards the direction of Kanna’s scream. Ria shook her head slightly. The ear-splitting sound was still ringing in her ears. Her heart pounded against her chest.
“Kanna!” shouted Braedan as they suddenly reached a corner. Ria looked up. Kanna was on the ground, her face pale white, inching slowly away from a strange figure looming over her. The figure turned at the sound of Braedan’s shout and bared his teeth, revealing 2 pointy white fangs. Ria’s heart sank.
As the vampire stood in front of them, hissing and sitting, Braedan reached into the inside pocket of his jacket and pulled out an old fashioned, silver gun. He pointed his anti-vampire weapon at the creature who was making jeering sounds at him, as if daring him to shoot.
Braedan grabbed a metal rod that was leaning on the side of the alley’s wall and tossed it at Ria. She caught it at griped it tightly. The vampire hissed loudly and lunged at Ria who swung the rod forward. Braedan fired his gun and the vampire was forced to retreat. He fell back and crashed into a pile of paint cans that were stacked in the corner of the streets.
Braedan lowered his gun and looked at Ria.
“Are you okay?” he asked. Ria nodded, lowering her own rod.
During that brief moment of hesitation, the vampire had dislodged itself from the empty paint cans and once more lunged at Ria. She held her rod in front of her, but the vampire swiped at her face with his clawed hands. He craned his neck and bared his fangs at Ria, who could smell his putrid breath as he breathed down on her.
Ria’s hands started to slip, no longer able to hold the rod in place. Just as her arms gave away and the vampire loomed over her, something suddenly came from behind the creature and a sword was drawn down on it, slicing it in half. The remains of the vampire fell to the ground and dissolved. As the dust cleared, Ria could make out Keenan standing over her, holding a long sword in his hands.
Ria was speechless.
“Keenan!” she sputtered, not knowing what to say. His face was serious, no longer the warm smile that Ria was so used to.
“I was told that a Class C vampire was on the loose somewhere in town.” He told her. “I decided to come to investigate and I’m glad I did.” He looked sternly at Ria. “What were you doing in such a dangerous place?”
“What do you mean?” protested Ria. “I am a Vampire Exterminator and my duty is to protect people!”
“What I mean is you could have gotten yourself killed,” answered Keenan sternly and then turned slowly towards Braedan. “How could you have gotten Ria in such danger?” he accused, but Ria interrupted him.
“It’s not his fault!” she exclaimed. “I insisted on going and there was nothing Braedan could do about it!” Keenan glared at Braedan, who was standing there with his gun still in his hand.
“I’ll let you go this time,” he snarled, “because of Ria. But if you get her in danger again,” he shot him a sharp look, “It won’t be easy like this time.” And with that, he put his around Ria’s shoulder and led her away from the alley where Braedan still stood.
Five minutes later, Keenan had taken Ria to a nearby coffee shop and had sat her down with a nice warm cup of coffee. Taking a sip, Ria looked cautiously at Keenan, who was staring out the window, his brown eyes looking troubled.
“So,” she asked slowly, “Was that the Class C vampire you were looking for?”
Keenan looked at her and sighed.
“Not necessarily.” He replied, his beautiful face looked tired and worn out. “Recently there has been several vampires lurking around town, all of them Class C’s. We suspect another more powerful vampire that’s behind this, you know, creating these creatures.”
“But why is he or she creating them?” Ria questioned him, anxious for his answer. Keenan looked more tired than ever.
“No idea,” he answered. “He might be creating them because he’s thirsty. That or he’s trying to build an army. It’s all really complicated. Something similar to this has happened before and the higher members of the council suspect that it has something to do with the incident 10 years ago.”
“What incident?” asked Ria curiously. “What happened 10 years ago?”
Keenan suddenly looked different, as if he didn’t mean to say that last sentence out loud. Looking at Ria, he smiled.
“Nothing,” he assured her. “The point is that you need to stay away from these out of control vampires and the safest place for you right now is with me.” He smiled again. “Speaking of which,” he continued, “the Fall Formal is tomorrow and I was wondering if you will go with me.”
Speechless at the sudden topic change Ria sat there for a moment, analysing every word Keenan had said.
“Uh, Sure!” she stammered, then her face fell. “I mean I can’t. I’d love to, but I haven’t got a dress or anything else to wear. I’m really sorry.” Her face turned red as she said this. To her surprise, Keenan just laughed.
“That won’t be a problem,” he assured her, and winked. “You’ll see.”
“Do you think Jeremy will like it?”
It was the night of the dance and Kanna was twirling around the room in her new dress. She had no memory of the incident at all, thanks to Keenan and some members from the Council.
“So, are you going, Ria?” asked Kanna as she danced around their dorm room, her blond hair flying behind her. Ria hesitated. She wanted to go, a lot. Especially since Keenan had asked her. But what would she wear?? She had no dress, or anything that was fancy enough to wear to the Formal. Sighing, she shook her head.
Just then there was a knock on the door. Ria answered it.
“Delivery for Miss Ria,” said a teenage boy about her age and handed her a box wrapped in delicate ribbons. Feeling perplexed, Ria took the box and the delivery boy left. She carried it all the way back to where Kanna was still spinning and admiring her dress.
“What’s that?” she asked when she saw the package.
“No idea,” admitted Ria and carefully pulled on the strip that was hanging off of the ribbon. The velvety cloth slid through her fingers and slowly untangled. Ria lifted the lid of the box.
A beautiful emerald green gown unfolded in a fluid motion as Ria held it up. When she did, a small card fell out. Ria picked up the little card. It said:
I thought this dress might bring out the colour of your eyes.
Sincerely, Keenan.