Status: Still writing

Vampire Exterminator

Chapter 6

The cold wind was blowing hard against her as she held onto the woman tightly. Snow was swirling around menacingly. Like millions of ballerinas all dressed in white, they pirouetted from the endless grey sky and landed daintily onto the ground. The ice cold air lined her small red cheeks with frostbite, stinging her skin causing her to flinch.
A figure stood in front of them, his ice blue eyes glinting as he smiled a cruel smile. She shivered, as if the figure’s glare had pierced right through her. The man standing next to her looked angry and worried. He held his hand up, and waved. The woman held her tighter, and slowly backed up into the house.
As the large wooden doors closed, she reached out her tiny little hand and cried out in desperation, tears spilling out of her emerald green eyes.

Ria jolted awake. She was lying on her soft comfy bed as she gazed up at the ceiling. She could hear Kanna’s heavy breathing in the bed beside her. Ria sat up. Her head spun heavily, blurring her vision. She lay back down, panting. She tried to make sense of the bizarre dream she just had before it fades away. A snowy night, a dark, cruel smile, then...
Blood. She thought, as the dark red memory splattered her thoughts. Who were the people beside her? She had called out “Daddy” at the end of the dream. Was that man her father? Was the woman her mother?
She screwed up her face in concentration, frustration pulling her thin eyebrows together. She had never had any memory of her past, not a single clue of what her childhood was like. She closed her eyes tried to paint the picture of her mother and father on the insides of her eyelids. She thought hard trying to remember exactly what they had looked like. Every detail, every trait. She was interrupted by her brain pounding against her skull. Reluctantly, she stopped thinking, and let the dream fall back deep into her thoughts.
She heard a faint rustling beside her. Kanna was sitting up in her bed, looking around sleepily.
“Good morning Ria,” she mumbled, her words slurring together into one big bunch. Then, taking a closer look at her, she frowned.
“You look terrible,” she told Ria, “Are you feeling okay?”
“Not really,” admitted Ria, and breathed slowly.
“You should probably stay in here for today then,” suggested Kanna, as she got out of her bed. Ria sighed and closed her eyes.
The rest of the day progressed like that. Ria lay in bed, watching the latest episodes of 90210 and snacking on whatever she could find. Her head still spun here and there, and flashes of that same snowy night kept appearing, although each one was more faint and blurry than the other. A knock on the door snapped her out of her trance.
“Come in,” she called out, her voice dry and raspy. She quickly reached for a glass of water and gulped it down.
Braedan entered the room, a handful of papers in his hand, and closed the door.
“I have your homework,” he told her as he sat down in a chair, “how are you feeling?”
Ria sat up, her heading still spinning, and smiled.
“I’ve been better,” she sighed, and looked up at Braedan. “Is something wrong?” she asked, seeing his troubled expression.
“Oh, no,” replied Braedan quickly, and looked sternly at Ria. “Don’t stray off of the school grounds these days,” he told her, “there are more of them around.”
‘Them’ must mean vampires, Ria comprehended. Smiling, she assured him she would not leave the grounds and Braedan left the room with a hasty “Get well soon”.
The door snapped shut behind him, and Ria slouched back into her warm covers.
Ria got in her car and closed the door with a thump. She had completely ignored Braedan’s suggestion to stay within the school boundaries and was driving slowly toward town. Her head had been pounding even more after his visit and she desperately needed some Tylenol. It was a wet night and the little droplets of rain littered her windshield as she drove further and further away.
She parked in a parking lot across the street from the local drug store and got out of her car. Crossing the street hastily, she went into the shop.
Five minutes later, she emerged out of the store with a handful of pills.
I should have asked for a bag, she thought as she pulled her hood over her head and dropped a box of pain killers on the side of the road. Bending down to pick it up, she saw a shadow block the light from the near-by street lamp.
Looking up, she saw a man, dressed head to toes in rags looking down at her. His eyes were tinted with starvation. Realizing what the man was, Ria flinched backwards. A flash of red jolted through her brain as the vampire wrenched at her arm. Her head was pulled back, exposing her pale white neck. She kicked and flailed her arms, trying to push it off when she felt the vampire’s hot sticky breath on her.
As the fangs pierced her fragile skin, Ria flinched. He squeezed her eyes shut, wishing this was a terrible nightmare. It wasn’t. Blood was slowly being sucked out of her veins. Her head got dizzier, and dizzier. The vampire threw Ria down on the ground and she felt her skull bang against the asphalt street.
Blood spattered her vision as she lay there in the pouring rain, her heart pounding heavily against her heaving chest.