Love at a Convention

Love at a Convention

I entered the large banquette hall and was instantly impressed. I knew that the event was going to be huge, but I had no idea how huge 'huge' was. I signed in, made a name tag, grabbed a raffle ticket, and looked for my seat. I was at table number two and by the looks of it, no one was here. I found my name on a folded name tag and took a seat. The hall was already at a loud buzz seeing that most of the tables were already full. There weren't many seats at the table, so I was hoping the other three people who were to sit here came soon. And they did. My table was taken over by two blonds in gold and silver sequined dresses, and who's bubbly personality was an instant red light for majorly annoying. Their names were Heidi and Hannah, and they had been friends since they were four. It was a cute story, but I wasn't interested. I just wanted this to get started.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," came a vice over an intercom, "Thank you all for coming to this evening's events, and please welcome the guests of honor... your Chicago Blackhawks!"

There was a loud cheer as the boys of the Windy Cities hockey team entered the room. Cameras were whipped out and flashes were going off. The boys waved and made their ways to their separate tables, I sat down as Duncan Keith made his way over to ours. I stood back up as he smiled at the three of us, "Hi, I'm Duncan Keith."

"Hi, I'm Hannah, this is Heidi," Hannah waved from across the table, "We've known each other since we were four."

"That's cool... I guess," he smiled then turned to me, "And you are?"

"I'm Anna Clark," I held out my hand, "I'm a huge fan."

"Of mine?"

"Well, of the team in general, but yeah... your playing is excellent."

Duncan smiled, "Nice dress."

I was wearing a faux wrap dress that had three colors in layers, the top was white, the middle red, the bottom black. I smiled and replied, "I thought it was only necessary."

Duncan laughed, "Shall we sit down?"

We all took our seats and waiters came pouring water into our glasses. The conversation had died and an awkward silence fell over the four of us, awesome. Hannah and Heidi were just smiling at Duncan, who sat between an empty spot and me, while I just sipped shyly at my water. After another minute I said, "So, hows your mouth?"

Duncan looked at me, trying to decide if I was joking or if I was trying to take a stab at his manliness, but he said, "It's fine," he gave me a smile showing a full row of teeth, "I can eat food now."

I laughed, "Always a plus."

"What are you two talking about," asked Heidi, "His mouth is fine."

"He got hit in the mouth with a puck." I said.

"I lost seven teeth."

"So... those aren't your real teeth?" Asked Hannah.


"Oh...." The two girls looked like they had just lost all interest in Duncan Keith.

"I was so shocked when you came back on the ice after that," I said, "You are one crazy son of a bitch."

Duncan laughed, "The game wasn't over."

"No, it wasn't." We smiled at each other and Heidi gasped.

"Oh my God! You two are like, totally flirting with each other!" she giggled, "That's so cute!"

I looked at Duncan and blushed, I turned my attention back to my glass of water and thankfully the waiters came with the opening salad choices. I ordered a Cesar salad with shrimp, Heidi and Hannah ordered garden salads, and Duncan ordered what I had. We all ate, Duncan and I using the food as a distraction from egging on the blond twins across from us. But I felt like the table was too quiet against the low hum of the rest of the room, "So how does it feel being the Western Division Champs?"

Duncan finished chewing his food and said, "You know, it's... something I can't even put in words. It's great. It's something that we've always hoped for and we really want this."

"It shows. When you guys went against Nashville, it was obvious how much you wanted it. That's why I think it was so easy for you guys to beat San Jose. They gave up."

"It was hard, let me tell you."

"Oh! No doubt. I mean, if they are willing to hit you with a puck...."

Duncan laughed, "Yeah, that was like a big fuck you. But it's all apart of the game."

"Well, yeah, what's hockey without loosing a few teeth."

Duncan and I laughed while Heidi and Hannah looked sad across the table. It was obvious they weren't happy with the topic of the conversation, and they were trying to find something to say that will make Duncan talk to them and not me.

"So, do you like playing for Chicago," asked Hannah.

"Yeah, it's great. The guys are all awesome."

"Especially when you get half your mouth knocked out," I said, "I bet you got shit after the game."

"Oh yeah! They were trying to make me say things like 'Sally sells seashells by the sea shores', and other things like that and just getting a hoot out of it."

"But they give you shit anyway, Mister Jigsaw."

"Ugh, you know about that?"

"I watch BHTV," I laughed, "But it's okay, my friends love the Saw movies so I have to deal with them all of the time."

"There's just something about them that keeps me watching them."

"I don't like horror movies," said Heidi, "They're too scary."

Duncan smiled, "What kind of movies do you like?"

"Romantic comedies!" Heidi scrunched her nose as she said it. Duncan's smile faltered a bit, and it was obvious that he didn't like where the conversation was going. I sat off to the side and just let the conversation roll.

At the end of the dinner there was a dance where all of the guests and the players got to just relax. Patrick Sharp was dancing with a girl out on the dance floor, along with Adam Burish who was dancing with two young blonds. Troy Brouwer and Collin Fraser were dancing with their wives and being totally cute. I stood next to the wall and watched the boys of the Chicago Blackhawks temporarily forget the future and just focus on the moment. I smiled as Kris Versteeg danced with a red head who looked like she was having the time of her life, then Duncan Keith came over to me.

"Would you like to dance," he asked.


We made our way out to the dance floor and danced next to Sharpy and Burish. The two guys noticed us and moved their partners to get closer, "Dancing with Duncan Teeth, eh," asked Patrick, "You do know he has only half of his mouth right?"

"Yeah," I replied, "But I don't like to discriminate."

"Aw," said Adam, "That's so cute!"

"Shut up, Burish," laughed Duncan, "I'm perfectly fine."

"Yeah, now your teeth are perfectly strait."

We all laughed and Duncan moved us away from the two laughing goons. We danced by ourselves, keeping the conversation light. There was a lot of laughter and a lot of blushing. Off to the side of the dancing circle Heidi and Hannah watched with sour faces as Duncan never let me go. I didn't really notice until several of the guys started making comments behind Duncan about all of their amazing dancing partners. It was then that he sort of realized that he never really changed dancers when he was suppose to. He let me go and gave Heidi and Hannah a quick spin around the room before coming back to me.

"You don't have to keep dancing with me," I said, "You know... give Heidi and Hannah a chance at you."

"You have better conversation topics."

When the event was over, everyone drifted off. Heidi and Hannah were one of the first to leave, talking about how it wasn't worth coming if the man they were suppose to spend time with didn't care about them. I gathered up my belongings and was about to leave before Duncan caught up with me.

"Hey," he grabbed onto my arm, "Would you like to get an ice cream or... a coffee?"

"Um... yeah, sure. I would love to."

He smiled and it filled his eyes, "Great. Let me um... yeah, great!" He smiled again and quickly ran to a group of the players and took something from Brent Seabrook. Coming back he flashed keys to a car and wrapped his arm around my waist, "Lets go."

I followed him out to the parking lot and up to a nice black BMW 9 Series, and my jaw dropped, "Is this your car?"

"Yeah. It's new."

"It's beautiful."

"Not anymore," he looked at me and smiled, "I mean... um, you need to life up on the door."

I did and the door opened up instead of to the side. I smiled as I slid in and closed the door after me. He drove off down the streets, "Where are we going?"

"I know of this one place that's really nice," he said.


"It's a surprise."

I laughed, and let him drive. We ended up at a Dairy Queen and we went in ordering a hot fudge sundae for him and a mint Oreo blizzard for me. We sat in a booth and talked about ourselves, and about what we do - mainly about what I do seeing that everyone knew that Duncan Keith was a hockey player. When we finished he offered to drive me home and I took it. When we arrived to my humble loft apartment building, he walked me to the front door of the building where he spun me around to face him.

"I had a lot of fun," he said.

"I did too."

"I um... hope we can have fun together again soon."

I smiled, biting my lip a little, "Yeah... sure."

He smiled and then hesitated. He leaned in a little and I smiled at him. He gave me a small kiss and pulled away to make sure that he was on good grounds. I let him know that it was okay, and I kissed him.

(Two Years Later)

Duncan smiled down at me as I woke up in our bed. He brushed my black hair out of my face before leaning down to kiss me. He ran his hand down my body and over my ever growing stomach. Pulling away, he went down to my stomach and whispered, "Good morning, baby." He placed a kiss on my tummy, then came back up to me. "Good morning, baby."

I laughed and kissed him, "Good morning, hunny."

"Did you sleep well?"

"Only as well as Baby would let me."

Duncan smiled, "Only two more months and then Baby will let you sleep."

"No. Another year."

"Oh right."

"But it'll all be worth it."

"It will."

We kissed again and Baby kicked me, "Yeah, I know... you don't like it when mommy and daddy kiss, but you don't have to kick." I rubbed my stomach, "We need a name for baby."

"We do."


"You're kidding right?"



"What if it's a boy?"

"Why didn't we have them tell us the sex?"

"I want to be surprised."

Duncan smiled, "How about Duncan Junior?"

"I like that actually."


"Yeah. It has a nice ring to it."

"And if it's a girl?"

"Not Anna Junior."



"Just like the name."

The baby kicked me and I laughed, "Well Baby likes it too."

Duncan looked at me, "Does that mean we're having a girl?"

"Nah, Baby kicked at the thought of Duncan Junior too."

Duncan laughed, "Well, I'm glad Baby likes the name."

"I like it too."

Smiling he leaned down and kissed me, and the moment his lips touched mine, the baby kicked me so hard I knew I was making the right choices all over again.
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