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Modern Society

Chapter One: Which Deals With Insecurity

A porcelain mask lies on the table next to her. She walks to the table and gently slips the mask on her delicate features, covering what she wishes to hide- an upturned corner of her mouth, a furrowed brow of discontent, and scarred eyes that keep her sorrow locked up. She makes her way to the mirror and stares silently. Her naked body is frail and in danger of breaking. Her bones are clearly visible behind a layer of thin, papery skin. Her features are child-like, innocent and undeveloped. Yet as she stares, she sees imperfection, not in her lack of health, but in an image that does not exist. Disgusted, she steps back into her clothes and removes the mask, leaving the room to go sleep without eating again, only to wake the next morning and repeat the process...
♠ ♠ ♠
\\Hate? </3//
\\Love? <3//