His Reflection Speaks To You

Part I

June 14, 1876

Eighteen months ago…

I stepped out of the green Volkswagen and on to the stone path. The warm summer wind blew around me ever so slightly, it was a beautiful day but my mind was elsewhere; I was too distracted to notice the perfection surrounding me. I played with the hem of my floral dress with one hand, while the other rested above my eyebrows, acting as shield from the glaring sun. I squinted toward a large, Grey stone structure. It was clearly old, probably aging over a century. There were vines covering nearly each inch of what I assumed was the ground floor. Some reached to the second, and a couple passed the third. There was a breathtaking front porch completed by an enormous, elegant door. What caught my attention were the dozens of windows, all in neat and precise rows. All but one. The window was in a corner on the last – the fifth- floor. It was also the only one with a set of heavy, luxurious burgundy drapes.

Something about the room pulled me to it, something eerie, something intriguing. I automatically knew that that was the room I wanted.

“Come along, dear.” The sudden touch of my Mother’s hand on my back made me jump.

“Yes, Mum.” I picked up the suitcases resting at my feet and followed her through the gigantic, rusty gates. This was my new home; this was where it began.