Not A Soul


“Get back here you little fucker! I’m not through with you, Kellin, get the fuck back here!”

His shouts could be heard down the street, but I ignore them in favor to go to school. Yeah, a miracle, I know right. But school is a hell of a lot better place than this hell hole.Plus Curt is there. I didn’t think that.

Speaking of Curt though…last night he…he kissed me. I bite my lip and it isn’t because I disliked what he did. Hell no, I rather enjoyed that courageous act of his andI want him to do it again I’m kind of confused. Because doesn’t he hate me?

Or am I looking at this all wrong? I must be. Curt doesn’t exactly go around kissing people. I know this, because Curt is the same as he’s always been. That cute, adorable, sweet little boy and no, kissing random guys is not his thing.

Obviously he only said what he did to me because of how I acted towards him. Enough with this stupid shit though…I’m tired of it.

Groaning, I pull out a cigarette. Pressing the thing between my lips I light it and take a drag. Blowing the smoke out through my nose I sigh in satisfaction. This shit is no good for me, but I’ve never had a reason to quit.Maybe Curt can change that?

Fuck. Didn’t think that.

I arrive at school in no time. Going towards the only kids who really accept me, the drug addicts and party goers until I notice an all too familiar head of brown standing with him. That little fucker is far too close to be considered just friendly and when he puts his arm around Curt’s waist I snarl.

Why? Because I can damn it!

Hanley, the biggest idiot to walk this earth and I swear if he doesn’t remove his fucking arm I will rip it off and shove it up his ass, smiles and he flirts, that little bastard flirts with my Curtie.

“Hey baby, if I flip this coin what are my chances of getting head?” And hearing that makes me decide..

Fuck it.

I leave the kids who claim to be my “friends” and make my way towards Curt. His friends, whoever they are, notice me, but Curt’s back is facing me so he doesn’t. One points me out and Curt turns to see me coming right at him.

His eyes widen considerably and they’re filled with confusion and what looks like fear. I snort, he needs to stop being such a pussy. I’m not going to hurt him.Unless it’s in bed because I’m sure shoving my dick up his sweet little ass will hurt a little…it will be worth it in the end though.

Shit. Stop thinking like that Kellin! Fucking idiot.

Getting back to reality, I make it to Curt’s side. His sweet pink lips open to tell me something, but those addicting lips of his are cut off by my own, which crash against his. There are gasps from not only his friends, but other people around.

Who would of thought bad ass Kellin would kiss innocent little Curt? No one, I bet, especially not Hanley who I’m looking at from the corner of my eye. His face is a mixture of pain, heart break, anger, and shock.

Good. Asshole.

I run my tongue about his bottom lip, begging for entrance, which he gives me. Our tongues mingle for a moment, simply dancing together, massaging each other, before they fight for dominance. I, obviously, win and run over every crevice of that wet cavern.

His moan is just as sweet as I expected it to be and I smirk, making a mental note to have him do that more often. After feeling like I’ve done enough damage and had a good enough hit, for now, I pull away with a slight ‘pop.’

Curt’s eyes are half lidded and lips bruised from the force I used, but I don’t care. I grin and when I remember why I had come over here, I throw my arm around his small waist and pull him to my chest. Curt is surprised because he doesn’t move an inch and stiffens in shock.

But after a few seconds, realization hits him, and he sighs contently wrapping his own arms around me. Glaring at Hanley, who is now doing the same to me, I growl menacingly, “Fuck off. He’s my boyfriend.”

And I take this time of shock to drag Curt off into the school building where he begins to ask me questions. I answer none until I find a secluded area where I pin him between the wall and me. Curt looks up at me, slightly frightening, but when he sees that I am going to cause him no harm that goes away.

“If that fucker, Hanley, even looks like he’s thinking of touching you…I will kill him.

I don’t know what was so funny about what I said, but apparently Curt found it hilarious because he burst into a fit of laughter. I scowl at the boy who is currently laughing before me. Fisting my hands beside him I ask, “What the fuck is so funny, Curt? Fuck, Curt stop laughing I’m hella serious!”

Curt’s laughter slowly but surely dies down. He smiles up at me with this kind of twinkle in his eye, like he’s happy that I am currently glaring at him. He sighs and his hand runs up to cup my cheek, which I find a bit surprising, but I don’t push it away. His soft skin is very much welcomed.

He smiles and I can’t help but wonder if he’s insane. But that thought is pushed aside the moment he says, “It isn’t that it was funny it’s just…great to have you back, Kelly.
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So my router for the internet broke and I didn't have internet for 3 days
But I'm back now
Here is your gift!
