Not A Soul


Kellin is my boyfriend. Kellin is my boyfriend. Kellin is my boyfriend.

I bite my lip, as Kellin walked me to each of my classes. It is a nervous habit of mine that I need to fix. I'm shocked Kellin would even want to be my boyfriend. And then there it is again: That feeling that overwhelms me because Kellin is my boyfriend. I can't seem to grasp it. I say it over and over, trying to get familiar with it, but I can't. If he asked me before he decided to just tell my friends, it might be easier to grasp. Of course, he's Kellin, so he wouldn't just ask me.

"Curt!" Hanley shouts, "Still up for tonight?"

Hanley ignores Kellin, as he waits for my answer. Kellin glares, "No. Curt and I are hanging out tonight."

And I'm back to biting my lip.

"Then we can get Tom and Paul to come over, too. The five of us can hang out." Hanley's trying.

Kellin scoffs, "Yeah right. Curt and I just want to be alone."

"What are you two doing?" He asks me, and I shrug. I don't have a clue. I'm not going to say that, so I just point to Kellin. I sigh, "It's a surprise. I'm not supposed to know."

Hanley rolls his eyes, as if to say he doesn't believe me. I barely understand why Kellin is suddenly willing to let all of my friends know that he likes me. I barely knew. We kissed, sure, but that doesn't always mean anything.

Kellin glares at Hanley and grabs my hand, pulling me away. He grunts, "Do you honestly know how hard it is not to kill him?" He looks at me only to roll his eyes at my shrug, and he explains, "It's extremely hard. I see the way he looks at you, and I cannot stand it."

I place my hands on my hips. Softly, I tell him, "He is my friend whether you like him or not."

"He doesn't act like he wants to just be your friend."

I growl, and it scares me to know I made such a noise, "Everyone is so caught up in telling me how he feels about me. No one cares about how I'll take it. They just assume that pointing it out will make me see it, but I don't. He's flirty, and he's touchy, but that doesn't mean he likes me. It doesn't matter if he likes me anyhow because I like you."

Kellin nods, "I guess so."

"Are you really going to come over after school?"

"Absolutely," He laughs.

Do you know the feeling when you're around one you care about and all you want is their attention? I want so much for his arms around me, and Kellin to simply tell me how much he cares. Kellin wouldn't dare, though. It's foreign to him. So I just curl into my bed pillows as Kellin sits at the foot, and we talk.

When the room quiets, we stare at each other, and eventually the silence becomes almost natural, soothing. Then we smile or laugh at something small that the other has done, and we are talking again.

Somehow, being around Kellin, I have managed to loose my mind. I think constantly of him, and I forget of our surroundings. I want everyone to know that I'm his and he's mine. I don't care what or how anyone else feels, and when I think about it, it scares me. How can I completely ignore everyone's feelings and concentrate just on Kellin?

Kellin looks over to me, and I smile at him. He is my guardian angel, my Kelly. Even if he refuses to believe it, he isn't as tough as he wants people to believe, and I hope he wants my attention as much as I want his.
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