Not A Soul


I blew out the smoke, which circles around me before ascending into the sky. I watch carelessly as it does so. Reaching up, I twist my finger around in the smoke, sighing but that sigh turns into a quiet snort at the sound of his voice.

“That’s no good for you.”

“Like I care,” I scoff, pressing the cigarette between my lips and opening my arms as an order for him to get his ass over here. I know he’s coming over by the sound of his foot steps. Curt smirks as he takes his place on my lap, wrinkling his nose at the cigarette but he seems content when I wrap my arm around his torso.

Taking the fag from my lips I blow the smoke away from his face and flick the ashes to the ground. “What do you want?”

“Can’t I skip class with you?” Curt asks, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to my lips. I know I probably taste like smoke, which he hates, but that doesn’t stop me from applying pressure to those luscious lips and angling his head so that I can sneak my tongue past his barrier to run over every crevice of the moist cavern behind.

Curt moans into the kiss, entangling his fingers in my hair, he uses the hold on me to bring our bodies closer together. I rub my hand against his hip and he shivers. Nibbling on my bottom lip, Curt pulls my lip between his teeth and bites. I grunt and run my tongue across his lips, pushing past them once more to twist my tongue with his own.

Panting, we pull apart and I smirk. My cigarette lays forgotten on the ground and I say, “You’re coming with me tonight.”

“Where to?” Curt asks, still slightly out of breath and cheeks tinted a light pink. His lips are slightly bruised at it makes me smirk.

“A party.”

“I don’t like parties.”

“You can live with it.”

Curtie rolls his eyes. “Whatever but I’m not drinking.”

I shrug. “Didn’t say you have to, dumb ass.”

Curt punches me lightly in the chest and I grunt in response. When he doesn’t protest I mentally cheer because I haven’t been to a damn party in for-fucking-ever and I need to go. I need the beer and the smokes. I want the blasting music and the smell of sweat, weed, and alcohol. It’s just something I have urges for and Curt being there will only make it ten times better. Not that I’d ever tell him that.


“I don’t like this,” Curt whines, his hands gripping onto my bicep like a scared puppy. I kind of like the way he presses his chest against my back and curls into me whenever a drunken teen scurries their way past us with their equally as drunk friends.

I scoff. “Pussy, get over it.”

“You’re an ass, you know that right?”

I turn to grab his chin and place a possessive kiss to his lips. Pulling away with a soft ‘pop’ I smirk in response. “You love it.”

“Fuck you.”

Snorting, I make my way to the kitchen. There I get myself a beer and Curt a water. He smiles in appreciation and sips from the drink as if he expected it to suddenly explode or make some strange noise. I just roll my eyes at his behavior and chug the beer, going for another and another and before I know it, I’m drunk.

The music doesn’t make sense in my ears. It’s just a blur of words and sounds. The bodies all around me seem to blend together, making one big mess. The house doesn’t seem to want to stand still because every time I step, it sways and I sway with it.

I lean against the wall for support and search the room for that familiar head of brown. Stumbling towards his frame, I throw my arms around him from behind and he squeaks. Curt looks back at me in fear but I place a rather demanding kiss to his lips.

His hands press themselves against my chest and pushes me away. I whine. “Wha the fuck, Curt?”

“You’re drunk,” he says or they. Wow, how many Curt’s did I bring with me?

“So?” I drag out the ‘o’ and lean in to nibble at his neck. His body shivers but he shakes his head in protest and grabs at my hands, which are attached to his hips and bringing them closer to my own. I press him against the wall and grind our hips together, earning a curse from him.

“S-Stop it, Kellin!” He scolds, trying to push me away but I just grunt. My mind doesn’t really pay attention to anything or anyone around us or how Curt tries to push me away. I just want to have some fun and he’s ruining it all!

I go to run my hands up his shirt but a throbbing sensation going through my cheek stops me. I curse and stumble back, holding my now reddening cheek. Looking back, I see Curt with his fist raised and face flushed. Shaking his head, he shoves me away angrily and hollers, “You’re a fucking asshole, Kellin!”

And before my fucked up mind could catch up with time, Curt runs off, leaving me behind. And maybe if I were sober I would have gone after him but I’m not so I just stumble to the kitchen where I get myself another beer and drown myself with it for the rest of the evening.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh o.o
I am sad about the lack of comments
