Not A Soul


“Kelly, I really like you, too.”

I blame whatever is wrong with my health for the erratic beating of my heart. It’s definitely not because of what Curtie said. Hell no. He doesn’t affect me that much.Yes he does. It’s just that…my heart must have tripped over a rock or something…that’s why he’s skipping. It’s a perfectly logical explanation.

The fingers encased in my hand suddenly squeeze my own breaking me out of my trance. Blinking, I look down at Curt to see him smiling up at me. Then he steps onto his toes and leans towards me to press a lingering kiss against my lips, which I happily apply pressure to. When we pull apart his cheeks are a cute shade of pink and I smirk.

“You’re such a girl.”

“Shut up.” He nudges me softly and smiles. The two of us step up to his doorsteps. He reaches into his pocket for his key and unlocks the door before pushing it open. It squeaks quietly from old age and we both walk inside, kicking off our shoes, socks, and jackets.

“So what do you wanna do?” Curtie asks, spinning to face me and I bite my lip to keep myself from telling him how fucking cute he is when he looks at me with his big brown eyes…ah, what is happening to me? I’m becoming such a softie! Damn it, it’s all Curt’s fault.

“I don’t know,” I snort, shoving my hands in my pockets and pretending to act angry. Curt sees right through me though and chuckles as he walks up the stairs.

Sighing, I follow him up to his room where I lie on his bed. Throwing my hands behind my head, I stare up at the ceiling and listen to him talk to me about something from where he’s seated at his computer desk. I hear his fingers typing and I have no idea how long we sit here talking until Curt says something about taking a shower and leaving me.

Grunting, I sit up and look outside to see the sun has set and the sky is pitch black. I automatically assume that I’m staying the night because I’m not going home. Curt can put me up for the night, he won’t care and even if he does it doesn’t matter. I’m staying.

“You can take a shower now if you want, Kelly.” Curt’s bedroom door opens and he steps in. The moment he does I question his sanity because he must know that walking in soaking wet with nothing but a pare of boxers on is like putting a giant Fuck Me sign over his head. “Kelly…are you listening to me?”

“Did you say something worth listening to?” I ask, my eyes scanning him over and once I look up at his face I smirk because he’s blushing like mad and probably finally realizing his mistake. He takes a step back when I get up from his bed and stalk over to him.

I throw my hands on either side of his head once I have him backed up against his bedroom door. I look down at him to see that his eyes are wide and he‘s chewing ruthlessly on his bottom lip. Yeah, Curt is cute, not that I’d ever tell him that.

Leaning down, I run my lips over his neck, which is covered in goose bumps. I kiss a trail up his neck to his ear where I nibble on his ear lobe and his body shivers against my own. “You know,” I whisper, breathing softly against his ear. Bringing my hips against his, I create a sensual roll with his own. “That I’m no good at resisting temptation.”

I could hear him swallowing the lump in his throat, which causes me to chuckle softly. He curses and brings his hands up to clasp onto my shoulders when I start grinding against him. I bring a hand over to cup his chin and force him to look at me.

His eyes have fallen half mast and cheeks have darkened a deep shade of red. That makes me grin and I lean in to run my tongue across his bottom lip. He easily opens up for my tongue to tangle with his. Curt moans and throws his arms around my shoulders as his hips eagerly start to rock against my own. Beneath his boxers I can feel him hardening against me and I press him against the door to rock roughly against him. He curses into the kiss, his tongue diving into my mouth.

One of my hands grab his thigh after he manages to wrap one leg around my waist while the other is running up his chest to find a hardening nipple. Taking it between my fingers, I tweak it and run my nail across it. Curt breaks away from the kiss, panting and I go to his neck where I suckle at his pulse. Biting down, I make sure to use enough force to leave a mark so not only Hanley but everyone knows that Curt is mine.

I run my tongue over the wound in apology and Curt mewls. His dull nails gripping at my shoulder blades as he grunts against my ear. Mm…I don’t think doing this on a door is much of a turn on, not that Curt seems to care.

I grab Curt’s other leg and throw it around my waist. I pick him up easily and drop him down onto the bed before re-taking my position between his legs. Curt runs his fingers up under my shirt and I raise my arms, allowing him to toss my shirt to the side before tangling his fingers into my hair and bring me back down for a rough kiss.

His other hand runs down my back while mine burn into his chest, feeling every piece of skin I can get my filthy paws on. Palming him through his boxers, my other hand plays with the hem of the fabric. Curtie thrusts his hips up into my hand, whining against my lips.

“You’re such a needy thing,” I murmur against his lips. He glares at me, at least he tries to but when his eyes are like that and his cheeks are stained red it doesn’t really work. Smirking, I pull his boxers off and throw them to the floor.

My hand grips the base of his cock and Curt groans, his arousal twitches with appreciation. In a teasingly slow manner, I maneuver my hand up and down his penis, running my thumb over his tip and smearing the pre-come over my palm.

Curt growls and gives me a look that clearly states he’ll leave right now and do it himself if I don’t stop being a tease. Rolling my eyes, I pick up the pace and soon his hips are thrusting desperately into my hand. Curt’s back arches up as the pleasure builds up and a part of me is thrilled to know that I’m the reason he’s feeling this wayand I’ll always be the only one to make him feel this good.

Curt groans when I pull my hand away. Once again, he tries to glare at me and I can only imagine how ticked he is about me being a tease but you see, I pulled away for a reason. Curt’s eyes widen when I press one of my slick fingers against his entrance.

He opens his mouth to speak, probably to object to the idea but when I run my lips across his and say, “Don’t worry, we’re not going that far. I’m just getting you ready for whenever I do pound your ass into the nearest object.”

He blushes. “Y-You’re a pe-” He bites his tongue in discomfort whenever I push my finger into his ring of muscles. To keep his mind off it, I kiss my way down his chest before I reach his nipple. His grunts turn to soft whines whenever I run my tongue over his nipple, taking it between my teeth, I nibble softly before sucking on the already reddening appendage.

I push my second finger in and I curl them. Just as I do, Curt shouts, his back arching in a way I didn’t know possible. Curt throws his arms around me and brings me down for a kiss as his ass begins to rock back into my fingers.

I curl them a second time and Curt mewls. Found it. His hips come up to rub against my own. I hiss at the friction it causes and resist the temptation to take him here and now because damn…it’s really fucking tempting. I reach for Curt’s hand and press it against my own arousal. He buries his face in the crock of my neck and kisses the skin tenderly whenever his hand dives into my boxers to grip me between his hands.

The room fills with sounds of moans and breathy kisses. It doesn’t take long for Curt to fall over that edge, especially with the double pleasure. I knew being good at multi-tasking would come in handy one day. And after hearing Curt whimper my name against my ear I lost it, spilling my seed into his hand.

“I think you need another shower,” I purr against his lips. Curtie whines and kisses me sweetly.

“You ass.”

“You love me.”

He rolls his eyes and sits up, dragging me along with him to the showers where I swear we don’t do anythingbut make out.
♠ ♠ ♠
-fans self- Oh my...I amaze myself and my pervy-ness sometimes
-giggles- Smut for the win!

P.S. If none of you have read my story How A Heart Breaks you should do that ;D

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