Not A Soul


I try to cuddle with Kelly as much as I know that he'll let me, and when we're alone in my room, I can't help myself. I pull his body closer to my own, and I curl into him. I rest my head on his chest, and I breathe in his scent. Of course, this makes him smirk, and he tells me about how we aren't going to always be this affectionate. He said that yesterday and the day before that too, but here we are.

When Kelly and I spoke on the roof top yesterday, I instantly knew that if Kelly and I never made up, if I never found out about Hanley's lie, that I wouldn't have him now, and I wouldn't be able to do this anymore. I felt like I would be nothing without him, just like I felt for the week I avoided him. I wish all the time we spend together that we could take out that one week, as if it has never happened, but if it hadn't, I wouldn't know if he truly cares about me. I guess, in a way, I'm glad it happened.But if it were to happen again, I'd want to just die.

"You're zoning out again, Curtie."

I look up at him and apologize. I hadn't realized I was zoning out. The time simply slipped through my fingers as I ranted.

"Don't apologize. I was just asking if you wanted to go for a walk, and you just stared at the floor." He laughs.

I blush, and I playfully push him, "Don't laugh at me."

"I'm not."
"Don't lie."

He pulls me back towards him, and he whispers into my ear. I can feel his breath on me, and shivers run throughout my body. "Well, do you want to go for a walk or not?"

I nod vigorously, and I jump to my feet. Of course, in the motion of standing, I am over-whelmed with dizziness, and I fall back into Kelly's arms. He chuckles and helps me to my feet. Not a word was said about how stupid my action was, but instead, we walk hand-in-hand the whole way outside and down the street. I don't think our hands once part the whole way to the park.

I climb on the swing, and Kelly is standing in front of me, between my legs. Both of our hands are connected now, and I'm staring up at him. He really doesn't understand how much I care about him. He might have some idea, but that is not merely what I feel.

"Stay the night." I say quietly, as if our midway point was not far enough away and his parents might over-hear. It's a stupid thought, but it doesn't change my actions.

Maybe I'm too clingy. I know that since yesterday, we've been closer than ever. I can't seem to get enough of Kelly. When I'm around him, I just feel so alive. I feel like I'm finally able to breathe, like I'm just now tasting oxygen for the first time in my life. I want so badly to just be a normal couple, but I know we can't. Kelly... He's just not like that. He's not like this. I think that sometimes that I'm pulling him into this: love. I feel like I'm making him do things for my selfish cravings.

"I can't, Curtie. You know that."

I sigh, "I know."

I let our hands go, and I grab the chains connected to the swing holding my weight. I can feel Kelly move closer between my legs. I shutter once his breath hits my neck. He kisses it softly. He plants the kisses all over my neck

"Kelly," I whimper, making him grin against my skin. I shiver, "I don't want you to go home. I want you to be safe." In my arms.

He doesn't say a word. He simply presses against me, and it's hard to keep my feet on the ground. The swing is moving back, higher. Kelly's hands are on my thighs, keeping me from moving any higher. The sudden placement arouses me. I'm a little too excited for him not to notice.

"Kelly, we shouldn't stay out here."

He nods, but he takes his time in moving. He slowly moves back, and the swing is moving along with him, as if attached. He knows I'm horny, so he's being a tease. He moves away from me, and I quickly remove myself from the swing. It takes a lot of will power, that I didn't know I had, to restrain myself from jumping on Kelly and making love with him.

Our fingers are braided together, and we're pulling at each other, as if we're both trying to see who could find my bedroom before the other, but we're moving at relatively the same pace. As we make it through the front doors, I check for my mother's car, which is no where in sight. I slightly grin to myself, and let the door close behind us. I walk up the stairs as closely to Kelly as possible. I want to see him squirm as I rub against him.

He hands find their way to my thighs, as he continues to walk in front of me towards my room, and I playfully smack them away. I love him, but I want to be the dominate one tonight. He'll just have to suck my cock and get over it.

He whines softly, when he realizes that I don't want him to touch me. I lean in close enough to kiss his lips softly, apologetically. He grips my hips, and it's my turn to whine. Before he has time to turn the table, I press into him and slowly, surely start to grind into him. I can tell this is new for him by the way he gasps and tries to match my grinding. I kiss and bite at his flesh. I want him to know I'm in charge tonight.

He pants as I pull away. We're both hard, and I can feel my cock pounding against the thin fabric of my boxers and jeans. That's it. Without approval, which wouldn't be hard to get, I pull his jeans off, and then I pull on my own. They're off before Kelly could even think of taking them off, and he stares at me as if he's shocked at how quickly I managed to tear my pants off my body. I smirk, but it's quickly removed.

"No," I stop him, as he's trying to regain control. He ignores me and flips us over. My back is thrown against my bedroom wall, and I grunt. I glare at him, and I push him off of me. Instead of instantly reconnecting our bodies, I lock my door.

I can feel him start to rub himself against my ass, and I growl. This is not going to happen. I move away from him, and as he moves closer, I push him away. He's getting frustrated, and I'm getting annoyed and ridiculously turned on by how frustrated he is, and I know that he is just as turned on.

"What the fuck?" He finally whines, and I just push him onto the bed.

I climb on top of him, and I start moving my hips, grinding down, causing enough friction for his breathing to hitch. His hands grab my ass, trying to make me move faster. Just by the look on my face, he stops. He may not like being dominated, but if I bottomed for him, I think he should give up and bottom for me. It's not like I'm a bitch. I actually have a cock.

It feels like we have been staring at each other for years, but I know it has only been a few minutes. It is as if we're silently arguing over who gets to top, as if the first that looks away has to bottom. I refuse to let him win. I can feel my eyes starting to ache, and I'm trying desperately not to blink.

I blink, but only after Kelly does.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm actually quite excited to post this chapter.
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LexaMig (xtwo)
Your Backroad Eyes
you were the first to comment with our link in your signature. You are so amazing. cookies! (xtwo)
GlitterNinja (xtwo)
i love you! brownies! (xtwo)
Beauty Killer (xtwo)
Sucks For You like the update? ;) BTW, i say that a lot... "sucks for you." cupcakes!
nikkisixxsicles (xtwo)
sorry about that. :p cake!

(Those are comments from the last two chapters-- if you have a link to our story in your signature and i didn't see it, please let me know so i can change the font size on this list and put a picture of food)