Not A Soul


I curl my body against Kelly's, and I breathe in our scents. They're mixing together, morphing into the smell of sex and sweat. I don't care how weird it sounds, but I don't mind it. I like laying with Kelly, and if Kelly doesn't want to move, I won't move either.

Kelly woke up early this morning. I felt him move around, trying to get comfortable. I wish I felt bad about forcing him into something he doesn't want at all, but knowing he let me do it... I just can't feel bad about it.

"Curtie," He sighs. I can feel his chest rise and fall. "We should shower."

"As long as we can do it together."

He nods, agreeing, and I climb out of bed. Kelly grabs my hand, and I help him out of bed. Hand-in-hand, we walk to the bathroom. I start the shower, and we climb in. I let his hand go, and I bring both my hands to his chest. I lean against him. The warming water beats my skin, and I feel Kellin sneak his arms around my waist. We stand like this for a long time, just enjoying each other. The water slowly starts to cool down, and Kelly and I pull apart to clean up ourselves and climb out.

I wrap a towel around myself, and I pass Kelly a towel. We don't exchange words until after we're dressed, and we're standing in the kitchen, searching for something to eat.

"Why don't we go out?" Kellin asks.

Thinking about it, I'm not in the mood for anything that my mother has bought and eating out sounds like a good idea, so I nod my head, eager to spend more time with the boy I love. I can't even get over how head over heels I am for Kellin. I am so in love with him.

I nod, "That definitely sounds good."

As we walk through the doors, my mom is walking up the driveway from her car. She has an odd look on her face, and I guess we should have cleaned up my room before choosing to leave, but my mom will just have to grow some balls or something. She hasn't really been the same since Kelly and I slept together. I don't think she likes thinking that I'm not a virgin. Hell, I think she has some grudge against Kelly for taking my virginity.

We make it to a small outlet, and we find a small place to go in and eat. I've never been here before, but it looks like it has some good food. As much as I want to cling to Kelly, showing everyone that he's mine, I hold it back. I stand next to him in line, and I stare at the menu, looking for something that appeals to me.

"Can I help you?" The cashier is a pretty girl. She has blonde hair that is pulled back in a high pony tail, and she's pale. If she was any paler, she would have to be taken into an emergency room for being ill. Her name tag reads Manda, which is probably short for Amanda.

I tell her what I want, and Kelly follows suit. I can see her eying Kelly, and I'm trying so hard to ignore her. She just continues to push me over the edge, eying up my boyfriend. She tells us the cost, and as Kelly thumbs through his wallet, counting money, I hand her my card. She looks a little disappointed that she couldn't touch Kellin's hand, and I grin.

Bitch, Kellin is my man.

After Kelly and I get our food, we sit together at a small table.

"I was going to pay, you know."

I nod, "I know."

"Then, you should have fucking let me pay." He grunts.

I shake my head. "I couldn't deal with that cashier any more."

Kelly looks over at her. I could only imagine what she would do if she noticed. He looks back at me. "What's wrong with her?"

"She likes you."

Kelly rolls his eyes, "I don't care."

"I do."
♠ ♠ ♠
ONE: I changed my tumblr URL, so if you haven't followed me yet, click the damn link and follow me. link
TWO: This is coming to an end, and I don't know if we're going to write the Hanley slash or not. I think the next chapter will be the last. We (Twoony and I) are trying to finish up the co-stories we have out now, so we can write new ones. I'm excited about it. ;)
THREE: Check out my new stories. They need subscribers and commenters. Liebling and I Know.
FOUR: I just bought the new Escape the Fate CD (the deluxe one), AND I LOVE IT.

Lipstick Lullabies
Your Backroad Eyes
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Sucks For You
miss monti