Not A Soul



It’s the bane of any child’s existence. There’s no point to it what so ever. It’s just a bunch of shits walking around with sticks shoved up their ass while they take out their anger and sexual frustration out on little kids.

That is the definition of school.

But for some strange, unknown reason the adults still force us to go. Even if Michelle wasn’t up this morning, I knew that if I didn’t go as soon as she did get up she’d figure out that I didn’t and slaughter me the moment I step back into that trailer.

I grumble at the sound of whatever his name introducing me to the class. I was kind of hoping that this morning he wouldn’t say a thing. The kids might than realize who I am. Kellin isn’t exactly a name you hear often.

“Class, we have a new student. His name is Kellin. Please make him feel welcome.”

Murmurs break out in the class, but they quietly disperse at the sound of Mr….Hart speaking. I make my way to the first empty desk I see near the middle of the class. I can feel several eyes on me, but I simply ignore them and stare at the board blankly for the rest of the period until the bell finally rings.

I wish I could say I was saved by the bell, but as the soon as the thing sounded, a pack of ravenous females came storming towards me. I’m not sure if this is a good or a bad thing. It could be good, because having sex on the first day is always a plus in my book…

But it’s also bad because these girls are just stupid.

The first girl seems to be the leader of the bunch, so the rest stay back as she swings her hair to the side. The fake blonde needs to be re-dyed because her roots are beginning to show, making her look more like a skank.

“Hi there,” she greets me with a flirtatious grin, thrusting her chest out, which I honestly don’t mind. “I’m Shauna and you’re Kellin right?”

I should have called her stupid. My name is obvious, the teacher announced it earlier, but why would I mess up an opportunity like this?

“That’s right,” I reply, allowing the girl to follow me out of the room. Her clones are close behind, giggling away and I can feel their eyes on my ass. A part of me wants to turn around and scream at them, but I’m kind of focused on something more important…

“Were you listening to me?”

I tear my eyes from her breast to answer, “Yeah, a party.”

Shauna giggles and reaches out to place a hand on my chest. Her manicure nails make my skin crawl, but I ignore that to focus on the words coming out her lips. “It’s at my place, this Saturday at 6. Make sure to be there.”

She slips a piece of scrap paper, that I didn’t even realize she had, into my back pocket before walking away with her little Barbie wanna-be’s. I snort and pull out the sheet that tells me which class to attend next and I slowly, I mean slowly, make my way there.

The teacher let me off for being late, claiming that it was all right since I’m knew. Rolling my eyes, I work my way through the desks and once again I feel eyes on me and as soon as I sit down people are trying to speak to me, trying to get to know me, wanting to get me into their little “cliques,” which I refuse to interact with.

I’m not here to make friends. I don’t need them. I don’t want them, so I tell them all off, getting myself a group of haters on the first day, which I am completely proud of.

The sound of laughter rips through the room, which gets everyone’s attention and a scowl from the teacher. My eyes also followed the sound and that’s why now I’m sitting here stunned.

There, not even 3 feet away across the room, is the one kid I didn’t even think about. It’s the one boy who I didn’t even realize that I would see again, or even think that I would ever see again.

Just across the room is the grown-upfucking hot version of Curt, the only could who knew anything about me. The only kid that I ever spilled my heart out to, and trust me it was on accident. It just kind of slipped one evening while staying at his housebut I don’t regret it.

Curt…his hair has gotten longer. He even has a piercing now and his smile, it’s as brightand cute as ever. Even back then he was smiling, laughing, and having a good old time. I guess only his appearance has changed.Yeah, he’s gotten ten times hotter.

I don’t even realize I’m staring until one of the guys laugh and gesture towards me. At first, I just thought it was because I was new, but as soon as Curt turns and looks at me I know that I’m caught. Quickly I look away and act as if it were just a passing glance and pray that he fell for it.
♠ ♠ ♠
My friend is coming over today, we gonna partay! ;D
Hope you enjoyed!
