Not A Soul


I forced the empty cans into the trash can, hissing when I accidentally cut my hand on one of the cans. I guess I shouldn't have crushed it. I just felt insanely awkward holding a beer can with such a huge logo.

Instantly, I regretted even thinking of talking to him. If his words meant the world to me, I think I would kill myself. He has definitely turned into his parents, whether he wants to admit it or not, and it scares me. It scares me to know what he'll end up like if he doesn't change now.

I ran my hand under cold water, trying to clear the blood from my hand, before I pressed a bandage to my skin. Slipping out of the bathroom, I curled up at the foot of my bed. What did I do to make him want nothing to do with me? Is it wrong of me to missmy little Kelly? Doesn't he remember all the fun we've had?

I woke up on the floor. My eyes ached, and I could feel the blood pounding in my hand. I groaned.

"Curt, you need to go to school! You'll be late!"

I didn't bother to through clothes on. I walked downstairs in sweats, a white wife beater, my hair a mess, and I'm sure my eyes had bags under them. I didn't sleep to well. I brushed my teeth, and I ate a small breakfast.

"You're going to school like that?" My mom asked.

I nodded, and I'm glad she didn't even ask why.

I'm sure if it was the beginning of the year, authorities would tell me to change, but it is not. They looked at me, but not a word left their mouths.

I slouched down in my chair in Mr. Hart's class and laid my head against the desk. Claire sat next to me and asked if I was alright. I nodded telling her I didn't sleep well. She patted my shoulder, as she said something else, but I didn't really hear her. I was too focused on how heavy my eyelids have become.

Of course, I wasn't able to sleep. Mr. Hart yelled as he entered the room, making me jump and grabbing the attention of everyone else. I tried hard to show that I wasn't bothered by Kellin's harsh words last night, but inside I was screaming. I hated the fact that he hated me, and I hated knowing I couldn't change his mind. I haven't changed. If he hated me enough to avoid all contact, why would he want to start caring now?

I drew more and more excited to see how Hanley would try to cheer me up.

Hanley decided I needed to sleep, I realized. He let me lay my head on my desk without asking what's wrong.

I should have known that Bennett wouldn't let me sleep, but I never really thought he would be the one to bother me.

"Curt, where's all your spunk? Why do you seem so upset today? It's not your mom is it? I swear, if something is wrong with her, I will be just as upset as you are."

Ben loves my mom. I think he expects he'll have a chance with her. I can't just tell him that she doesn't want to date anyone who is as old as her son. He will be devastated.

"He's really tired, Benny. We had hot, amazing sex all last night." Hanley grinned, playing with my hair.

I can almost hear the rumors spreading already.
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