Someone Left Behind

The Ride Home

~July 1st 2009~

“Uncle Marc! Uncle Jared!” a young voice rang throughout the small airport and the two Staal boys spotted a small blonde head bobbing through the crowd toward them. He threw himself at Marc, knowing he’d be the one more likely to catch him, which he did and crushed him in a hug. He then passed him to Jared who hugged the young boy with great vigor as well.

“I missed you!” he squeaked at them and they laughed, greeting Eric and Tanya as they came trailing behind him.

“Its only been like a week Jake!” Jared laughed, setting him down and holding out his hand, which Jake latched onto.

“So!? That’s still too long!” he pouted, looking up at Jared with sad eyes.

“They don’t see you for months at a time during the season.” Eric pointed out from behind them.

“Yeah but when I’m able to be with them without games or anything getting in the way then I want to be with them but if I’m not it seems even longer because I’m able to see them I just can’t…” they all stared at him and he burst into giggles.

“It made more sense in my head.” they all chuckled as they reached their parents' SUV, Marc and Eric piling the suitcases into the back while Jared helped Jake into the car seat, then climbed in next to him. Marc squished in next to them while Eric drove and the pregnant Tanya sat in the passenger seat.

Marc had fallen asleep on the ride home and was leaning against the door, snoring heavily and making the two immature boys next to him giggle while Eric rolled his eyes from the front seat. Suddenly Jake lit up in the back seat.


“No Jake…” Eric warned but was already pulling off to the side of the road.


“Seriously? You’re that excited?” Somehow he’d already found a camera and was handing it to Jared, smiling and nodding. He somehow managed to unbuckle himself and pushed his door open and scrambled down from his car seat, nearly falling on his face. The back door on the opposite side of the car opened next and Marc woke with a start, just in time to catch himself before he fell out onto the rainy highway.

“What the hell ?” He yawned, sitting up, and rubbing his eyes with both hands. Jake was already sprinting across the deserted highway, Jared handed the camera to Marc and pounded after him.

“Come on guys!” Jared yelled over his shoulder, motioning for the rest to follow; Eric jumped out and Marc followed, tossing the camera to Tanya who waddled along behind. Eric took off across the highway too, scrambling over the drainage ditch that Marc had just launched himself across. They both smiled like idiots and stood underneath the Thunder Bay welcome sign with Jared and Jake. 'Welcome to Thunder Bay, Home of the Staal Brothers' it read and Jake had always wanted to see it; proud of his heritage. Eric picked him up and held him on his right hip, in between Jared and him while Marc stood on the other side.

Tanya sighed and held the camera up to her eye; she allowed it to focus before taking the picture. So much had changed for all of them, yet here they were, still the biggest goof balls ever. She slid the camera into her pocket and saw Jared whip a mud ball at Eric, it hit him square in the shoulder.

“Oh no you didn’t!” he shouted and scooped up a blob of mud, throwing it back at Jared who ducked, making it soar over his head and hit Marc in the chest. Marc then grabbed a ball of mud but was suddenly hit again in the stomach, Jake having known what he was going to do and protecting Jared. Eric gently threw one at Jake and it splattered all over his chest, he laughed though and threw one back at Eric. Soon it turned into a full on mud war and Tanya retreated to the safety of the car, watching as Jared and Jake attempted to fend off the bigger and older Eric and Marc.

This went on for about 20 minutes before they all wandered back to the car, caked in stinky mud but laughing hysterically and shoving each other.

“Oh no, you are not getting in the car like that!” Tanya stood in front of the driver's door, her arms crossed over her chest.

“What else do you expect us to do?” Marc whined, attempting to make his way around her and failing miserably.

“Baby, Jake needs to get home and see Mom and Dad.” Eric said, holding her hands and attempting to persuade her. Apparently it worked because she huffed and jumped into the passenger seat while everyone else piled back into their respective spots.

“Ugh, you guys stink!” she complained, pinching her nose.

“Love you too!” they all replied and laughed, continuing on their way
♠ ♠ ♠
This, in my opinion, is a short chapter. Let me know if you guys want them longer or if this is okay.