Impala and Ingrid

chapter 5

I bent over and said softly,

‘Impala. It’s Ingrid. What has HE done to you now?’

She looked up at me with her green, watery eyes and said,
‘He came home in one of his moods started to blame mum dieing on me.
He started to get violent and he put the iron against my arm. See?’ she said holding out her arm so I could see the raised white mark taking up most of her arm.

‘Impala. This has gone too far. If you don’t call child line I will!!’

I reached for my phone that was tucked in side the top of my pair of black skinny jeans.

‘No!!’ Impala shouted at me as I pulled out my phone. ‘He said that of he finds out that I’ve told someone about what’s happening then he’ll kill me.’

‘He can’t do that if he’s already dead now, can he?’

‘What do you mean? Are thinking what I think you’re thinking?’

‘I might be if you mean…’ I swing of my bag and pull it open to allow Impala to see inside.