Status: Just watchin tv and more

Wolf Love

The arrival / Information

Name: Jessabell Ashley Black
Nicknames: Jesse, Bells, Jessica
Age: 17
Look: Long black hair, pink, green, and blue highlights, bright blue eyes, 7 pricing in the right ear, 6 in the left, and 4 tattoos
Info: Was put in an orphanage by Billy, has bin friends with Bella and Jake since they were three, was adopted by a nice, rich couple, never did any that was NOT against the rules, knows that she is a werewolf, never know she was adopted.
Other characters
Embry Call
Quil Artera
Sam Uley
Jacob Black
Billy Black
Emmett Cullen
Edward Cullen
Jasper Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Esme Cullen
Bella Swan.
Sorry if I spelled their names wrong.
~Story starts~
Well, I guess this is my new life. This plane is taking me to my new home and my new prison. The first class seat was so comfy, but the old bitch just had to wake me up. I was groggy, and tired from the flight from N.Y to fucking Forks. I got my luggage and made my way to the dude in the wheelchair holding my name on a card.”Umm…I am Jessabell.” I said.

He smiled and it reminded me of so person I use to know. “Hi, I’m Billy Black your dad.” I smiled brightly at him. I knew he looked familiar. Then, I remembered that I have a brother. “Where’s Jake?” “He’s at the rev. He’s setting up your room for you.” “Thanks, dad.” We walked to a beat up pick-up. Someone was waiting at the car for us. “Hey, Billy.” “Hello, Quil. I think you met before“Then, I had a flashback when I was in the orphanage. “Quillie!” He chuckled and hugged me tightly. “I’m glad you remembered.” We all got in the car and got to La Push in an hour. I jumped put the car. I watched as Quil helped Billy in his wheelchair.

I was about to grab my bags when Quil got them first. “HEY! I take care of my self.” “You’re not going to do any labor when I’m here.” I huffed and walked to the porch. My dad unlocked it. I walked upstairs to a door that was black and multi-colored splats on it. “Oh my god! I love the door.” Quil chuckled behind me.”Wait till you see the inside.” I opened the door to see a desk, dresser, a closet, and very confused Jake trying to fix my bed frame. “Hey, Jacky.” He looked up and hugged me tightly. “Hey, Bells. How you’ve bin?” “Good. You?” “I’m fine, but I have to work on my temper.” I laughed.
“You say you need to work on temper? Hun, you are talking to the queen of temper. So, when am I going to meet your alpha or what?” “Oh, yeah. Come on. I’ll show you the way.” “Hold I have to get something.” I walked to my suitcase and grabbed my phone and Converses. I put on my shoes, grabbed my red/black plain jacket, and followed Jake outside two see two more dudes talking to him. “Oh, hey Jesse. This is Paul, and Embry. Guys, this Jessabell, my sister.” “Hey, guys.” I did a small wave. “Hi, I’m Embry, but you all ready know that.” I giggled a little.” Hey, I am Paul. Look I was just wondering if you want to go out Saturday?” “So, you’re the infamous man whore. Huh, you don’t look like you have crabs but I could be wrong.”
I smiled as Embry, Quil, and Jake ’oh’ed. “Come on. I want to meet the alpha.” we started walking, about 15 minutes later we came to a small house in the woods. It was a faded blue with a white porch. We just walked in and everyone froze. “Hey, guys. This is my sis, Jessabell.” Jake moved aside so I came in to view. I got a little nervous and waved timidly. “Hi, Jessabell. I am Sam. This is Emily, my fiance. This is the pack Collin, Brady, Leah, Seth, and you met the others.” “Yeah, I have. Not what I would really think of a pack, but hey that’s how you roll I’m cold with that.” I shrugged. I sat down on the counter in the kitchen and just stayed quiet. Everything was good until my phone rang.
Well, you are a problem child
Bin grounded your whole life
So now, you run a wild
Playing with them cocos
That inch of style and
You thi-
“Yeller?” “Jesse!!!!!!!” I pulled the phone away from my ear a little. “Hey Krissy. What up?” “When am I going to get my birthday present?” I laughed. “Now Krissy I don’t think you this is a little early to think about presents?” “No.” I laughed. “Krissy your B-day is like five months away. When your B-day rolls around then you will get your present.” “K, talk to you later.” “K, love ya girl.” I hung up and everyone was looking at me. “What?” Jacob raised an eyebrow and talked with a mouth full of food. “You’re not hungry?” “No, I don’t eat like it’s the end of the world, but I do eat.” I sighed and looked out the window. Then, the doorbell rang. Emily got it and called me in to the room.
“Yeah?” “Someone is at the door for you.” I walked to the door to see a delivery dude there. “Can I help you?” “I have a package for Jessabell Black.” “Oh, that’s me. Thanks.” “Your welcome.” He winked at me and I smiled. I stepped out on to the porch and closed the door behind me. “What are you doing here Jason?” “What? I can’t see my girlfriend who lives in Washington now.” I laughed at him and smiled. “Jason my twin brother is on the other side of that door and I don’t think he would like to find out that his little sister has a boyfriend. Now, how would you feel if you found out that Krissy has a boyfriend and she never told you?” I asked and his eyes softened when he realized it.
“Besides is doing want him to kill you.” He looked wide-eyed at me. I laughed and hugged him around the waist. He wrapped one arm around while the other held my package. “So, do you want to meet my brother?” he looked down at me with a little scared look in his eyes. “Don’t worry. I won’t let him hurt or get near you without me.” He sighed and put his forehead on mine. “OK, I’ll come but I get a kiss first.” I smiled at him and slowly leaned in as he did the same with me. When our lips touched, it was like the first time we kiss at my fire escape in New York. Then the door burst open. “Jesse is y-” I turned around to see Jake standing at the door with his mouth wide open.
”OK Jake, I know this looks weird with me kissing the mailman but, he’s my boyfriend.” Jake’s eyes got wider if possible, and he looked like he was going to have a heart attack. Then, he straightened up and pushed me away from Jason. “What are you doing here, Jason?” “What I can’t see my girlfriend?” Jake growled at him. “You better leave here before I beat you to the end of your endless life.” I just stood looking dumb not even knowing what was going on. “What the hell is going on?” I asked after I came out of my daze. “Oh, I see that your boyfriend here didn’t tell you that he’s a bloodsucker.” “WHAT?!?!” I looked at Jason with my eyes wide.
“You’re a bloodsucker?” I turned to Jason in disbelief. Jason looked down at the ground and scratched the back of his neck in sham. “Yeah, I was going to tell you on our third date but, you left before I could tell you.” I got angry. “That is bullshit!! When, I left we were getting ready for our like, tenth date. YOU TWO FACED CUNT SUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!! I DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOUR UGLY MOTHER FUCKING BLOOD SUCKING FACE EVER AGAIN!! You try and talk to me I WILL have Jake all over fucking ass, like your fucking gay boy toy!!!” He looked scared and started backing away.
He soon bolted like a bat out of hell. I stood there shaking wildly and I knew that I might be changing so I just started taking deep breathes and do some yoga poses. I calmed down completely. I breathed in deeply and turned around to face the pack. I smiled brightly and skipped in to the house. Sam stared in amazement a me. “Jesse!!” I turned around to see Sam running to me. “Yeah? What up, Sam?” He blushed a little.”Umm, I was wondering if would want to be the beta?” “Sure, Sam. I would love to.” That is my first day at La Push with my new family. Maybe being here is not going to be so bad. Let us see what happens next.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is my first story with both werewolves and vampires, in equal parts. Hope u enjoyed it.