Status: Just watchin tv and more

Wolf Love

Guitar Hero

After I was assigned to beta position, I went home and changed in to basketball shorts with a skin tight black tank top. I walked all the way back to Sam’s house. I walked in to the living room and sat on the couch next to Embry. “Hey …Jesse. Damn you are hot. No wonder that bloodsucker liked you.” I chuckled at his comment. “WHAT DID YOU SAY Embry?!?!” I heard Jake yell from the kitchen.”Um…I…umm.” Embry stuttered all of himself. “Jake!! You’re making Embry nervous!!” Jake laughed from inside the kitchen. I looked at the T.V to see Quil and Paul playing Guitar Hero™ on the Wii™. I watched as Quil handed Paul his ass on the game. I laughed at Paul’s face when he lost. “Look, Quil I don’t think you could be so cocky. I bet you I can beat your sorry ass at Guitar Hero. “

“OK, how about we say I win I get a pair of neon Converses™. If you win I give you my car.” “Your car?” “Yeah it’s sitting in the driveway right next to Jake’s rabbit.” “OK, I’ll see if it’s worth beating your ass for.” I walked an outside with Quil in tow to see his car. It was the cherry red convertible next to Jake’s baby blue rabbit. My eyes got wide. “Where the hell did you get this?” “The Cullen's got it for me for my birthday.” I looked at him like he was crazy which in this case it could have binned.”OK, let’s get this over with this.” I walked back inside and toke the guitar from Paul and waited for Quil. “OK, so we will do two songs. Who ever gets the highest score on both with get the prize? Oh, and by they way I’ll enjoy taking your car and wearing your Converses around here.”

Quil picked Weightless by All Time Low. I picked Brick by Boring Brick by Paramore. When Alex Gareth’s voice came on, I was in heaven. No body knew I was a huge music fanatic. So knew all the words to the song so I hummed along. When the results came, back I got 1 missed hit while Quil got 20 missed hits. Then, my song came on and I sang my ass off.

Well, she lives in a fairy tale
Some where to far for us to find
Forgotten the taste and smell
Of a world that she’s left behind
It’s all about the
Exposure the lens I told her
The angles are all wrong now
She is ripping wings off butterflies
Keep your feet on the ground
While your heads in the clouds
Well, go get your shovel
And we’ll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle
Bury the castle
Well, go get your shovel
And we’ll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle
Bury the castle
Ba ba ba da
So one day you
Found her crying
Coiled up on the
Dirty ground
Her prince finally
Came to save her
And the rest you can
Figure out, but it
Was a trick and the clock
Struck 12, but make
Sure to build your house
By brick by boring brick or
The wolf’s gonna blow it down
Keep your feet on the ground
While you r head is the clouds
Well, go get your shovel
And we’ll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle
Bury the castle
Well, go get your shovel
And we’ll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle
Bury the castle
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Well, you built up a
World of magic
Because you’re real
Life is tragic
Yeah, you built up a
World of magic
If it’s not real and
You can’t hold it in your hand
And can’t feel it with heart
Then, I won’t believe it
But if it true and you can
See it with your eyes
Oh, ever in the dark
Then this world would be here
Well, go get your shovel
And we’ll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle
Bury the castle
Well, go get your shovel
And we’ll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle
Bury the castle
Ba da pa ba la ba la da ba da pa ba la pa da
Ba da pa ba la ba la da ba da pa ba la pa da
Ba da pa ba la ba la da ba da pa ba la pa da
Ba da pa ba la ba la da ba da pa ba la pa da
Ba da pa ba la ba la da ba da pa ba la pa da
Ba da pa ba la ba la da ba da pa ba la pa da

When the results came, back I had o misses and Quil had 59 missed hits. I looked at him shocked. He starched the back of his neck nervously.”I didn’t know you were going to pick a hard song.” “That song is like elementary math to me. I can’t believe you play only song sung by guys. Damn you’re sexist. Now, I’ll be glad to take those keys of your cherry red convertible.” I held my pale palm out, Quil dropped the keys in to my hand, and I skipped outside.

“Quil, can you come outside?” “Why?” “Well, because I want to see your face went I drive out the driveway with your car and, if you’re screwing me over I WILL fuck your ass up bad. You understand?” He swallowed loudly and nodded his head. “Crystal.” He said in a high-pitched voice. I smiled and walked in to the driveway. The car beeped when I unlocked it. I walked in and sit in the driver seat. I cranked the car up and it ’purr’ed like a kitten. I smiled and turned it off and skipped out the car. “Thanks, Quillie. You know I love ya.” He laughed and hugged me.

“Well, you’re lucky I’m really cocky.” I laughed in to his chest. “Your lucky I smoked your ass at Guitar Hero or you would look gay as hell with neon converses on.” he laughed and I could feel it in my chest. “OK, well I’m going home because I’m tired and I’m going site seeing tomorrow.” I grabbed my things, put them in my new car, and drove home. I walked in to the house said hi to my dad and walked in to my new room. I lay down on my new bed, looked at the multi-colored ceiling, and sighed. I guess life here isn’t going to suck after all. It wasn’t long before sleep toke me.
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Hope y'all enjoined it. Tell me what u think by posting a comment. Well, until next time