Status: Just watchin tv and more

Wolf Love

New Wolf

~~~6 weeks later~~
Me, Leah and Emily are like best friends. I know what you think how you got that bitch to be nice. Well, it happened 2 weeks ago.
2 weeks ago

I was sitting at the table in Emily’s house with Seth, Jake, Quil, Paul, and Embry. Colin, Brady and Sam were on an early patrol. Leah walked in and sat down in front of me. She sat there and glared at me as if I did something to her. “What is your problem, Leah?” “My problem is that you just walk in here like you own the place and taking my spot as beta. That’s my fucking problem!” I stood and got in her face.” You can’t lie to me Leah. You’re mad at me because I toke the only thing that mattered to you. That was the only thing you had of Sam without actually having him. You loved it cause if still gave you something to look back on and say ‘Sam must be proud of me’.

That was only thing had left of Sam and I toke it cause I can control my feelings and angry you can’t. So you decide to go take it out on people who didn’t does shit to you. Why do you think everyone except Sam calls you a bitch behind your back? Huh? Sam has to much respect for you as a pack member to tell you that. I know you hear them when they say it, you mad, you take it out on them more, and the cycle starts all over again. You need to learn self-control of everything. So, when you learn to control you can come and talk to me.” I got out her face and walked in my red convertible. I drove to the beach and stayed there. A week later Leah came to me and we be came BFF.

Today I was just hanging at the beach the pack and messing around. We were all on the biggest cliff and Jake was worried about my safety. “Are you sure you want to do this?” I sighed this was like the 10th time he asked if I want to do this. “Yes Jakey, I want to do this. Now move. I have to change.” He stepped out the woods and changed in to a black bikini with neon skulls and bones. I throw a shirt and denim shorts on and walked out the woods with Leah. We walked into the group of guys who were just standing back.

“What are you guys doing?” “Oh, were just waited for you girls.” Leah and me exchanged looks and stripped to our bikinis. Jake look angry when the pack was checking me and Leah out. “OK, I’ll go first.” Quil ran and jumped in to the water. Me and Leah look at each other and ran into the water.I screamed and the water hit me hard. I looked around under the water and I laughed at Leah’s face. Her face looked like the ones you would see at the carnival in the fun house.

I flipped upside down and looked down it was so dark down there it was crazy. Then 2 hot hands toke my waist and pulled me up fast. All the air I had in me flew out in a rush. Quil had me in a waist lock and I was gasping and coughing.Then, I felt something warm coming out my nose. I touched it and saw I had a nose bleed cause Quil and his dumb ass. “Quil!! Look at what you did to me!!” All the guys came running down the hill after they heard me yell. My nose was dripping blood like crazy and I was pissed.

“I’m so sorry, Bells. Please don’t be mad at me.” “Oh, I’m not mad at you.” His face showed relief. ”I’m pissed at you! But I know how to make it even.” “How? I’ll do anything.” I smirked. “OK, then get on your knees and close your eyes.” He slowly got on his knees and closed his eyes. “Now, relax. “ I pulled back my fist and it made a very satisfying crunch under my hand.

Quil fell back from the blow my hand delivered. He had a nose bleed with a broken nose.”Hey, Quil. We match now.” My blood dripped on to his chest and then Embry howled in the distance. “Oh, crap. That doesn’t sound good at all.” “Well, we have to phase.” “Hell no. I’m not changing with a nosebleed. It’ll show red spots on my coat.”

“Well, then get on my back.” He phased and climbed on his back while I tilted my head back. Now that is not easy to do. We soon came to the spot where we heard Embry howl. “Hey Bry. What’s wrong?” He whined and licked my face clean of the blood.” Ewe, Bry. You got spit up my nose.” He barked and I laughed. “Oh, yeah. You think its so funny. I know it was funny when I kicked your ass at Guitar Hero last night.” he glared at me with his wolfy eyes and I laughed. “So what the problem?” I turned to see a group of pale people standing there. The pack phased back and I was confused. “Who the hell are you guys?” “We are the Cullen's. You are?”

“I’m the beta and Jake’s twin sister, bitch. Now what the hell do you want?” “Dude, Jake I didn’t know you had a sister.” “Well, dude she’s standing right fucking here. Now what the fuck do y’all fucking want? I don’t have all day.” “We just wanted to meet the new wolf.” “Well, you met her now the fuck off our land, leeches.” “Wow, this one is a feisty one ain’t she.” I looked at the buff dude werid. “What’s your name?” “Emmett Cullen. Why?” I looked at them wide eyed. “Oh shit. This can not be happening.” I fell backwards on my ass and looked at them wide eyed.”Jesse, what’s wrong? Jessabell! What’s wrong?” “Jake, I need me phone, now.” My phone was in my face in less then 2 seconds.
I called my mom on speed dial and waited.

“Hey, honey. How’s la push?” “It’s good, but they’re here.” “No, honey they’re in Alaska right now.” “Don’t fuck with me mom. They’re right in front of me.” “OK, let me hear them.” “OK, here. Y’all say hi.” All the Cullen's said hi.”That’s enough to say it mom?” “Yeah, honey. I’ll be down there by morning, OK?” “OK, sure just don’t make a big scene at the airport besides we have treaties and stuff we have here so I don’t know how your going to get here.” “Well, I’ll just spend the night in a hotel.” I laughed at her. She has never binned out of the city, since she was changed.” Mom, this is not the city. This is the open air the ’country’ as you call it. So you might have to drive to Seattle for a hotel good enough for your taste.” I laughed a little.

“That’s not funny you know I have back problems.” I snickered a little while I was pacing. “OK, I have never heard you make an excuse with your back, and when do you sleep? Last time I checked vampires don’t sleep.” she laughed at me this time.” Honey, first off I’m half, and I sleep now because I’m prego.” I stood still like a rock. “Are you serious?” “As serious can be. Look, honey I know this is a shock but I was meaning to go up there anyway. I need to see their father for the baby.” “Umm… OK, so you are here tomorrow?” “Yes, well I have to go. These actors can be such cry babies.” I laughed a little at her weird joke.”OK, mom. Love ya.”

“Love you too sweetheart. See you tomorrow.” “Yeah, tomorrow.” I ended the call and the whole pack was looking at me funny. “What?” “You lived with a leech?” “Yeah, my whole 14 years in the city. Why? Is it wrong?” “No, just I’m very surprised to learn this now, and not the first time you came here.” “Oh, I’m sorry Jake; I didn’t know you want to know everything about me? Don’t want to know about my other boyfriends? Or how many guys I’ve fucked for fun? Or how old I was when I first got drunk? Or what Jake? What the fuck do you want to know about me?” By the time, I finished the sentence I was yelling. Jake just stood there looking at me then sighed.

“Look, Jesse. I know your like six minutes older then me-” “Damn straight.” He sighed frustrated and continued. “But you don’t have to talk to me like that. I mean, I know your beta but you’re not Sam, so stop being a bitch and calm the fuck down.” I was a little taken back he said that.”Oh, so I’m being a bitch? Well, I’m sorry for all most being drowned and getting a nosebleed. I’m sorry for trying be your sister and the beta. I didn’t ask for this shit. Didn’t ask to be flown out to the middle of nowhere and not be at fashion week in New York to day. Fuck it, I’m going home.” I walked right past the leeches and caught a very familiar sent. I stopped walking and looked over my shoulder to see a very familiar head of brown hair. I turn completely around.

The Cullens turned around with Bella next to brozie, then pixie and pain face where standing together, then Emmett and beauty were on the other side. ”What are y’alls name anyway?” “Well, I’m Edward, this Alice, Jasper, Rosalie and you Emmett, and-” “Isabella Marie Swan, or better know as Bella. Yeah I know her. I mean it’s hard to forget your first best friend and all but, it looks like she forgot. Oh, well. Peace.” I turned and started walking away when someone yelled my name. “Jessabell Ashley Black.” I stiffened and slowly turned around. There stood the most klutziest person in history.

She stood, feet spread, face determined and strong. I just stood there my hand on hip with a lot of attitude. Then we dropped the act and ran in to each other. I crushed her in to a hug just like she did me. “Oh god, Bella. I’ve missed you.” “Same here. I can’t believe you’re here and you didn’t phone.” I had hot tears running down my face as we turned in circles still hugging. “Well, sorry. I really didn’t know you were here. I thought you were still in Phoenix with Renee.” “She got remarried, and he’s great but she’s going on the road with him.”

I pulled away and looked at her. She had the same hair and eyes as before but see was pale as hell. “Bells?” “Yeah?” “Have you binned getting ANY sun? I mean you lived in Phoenix, Arizona. You had to get some sun, but knowing you I don’t think you even stepped out the door after you got home from school.” I sighed and shook my head. “Poor Bella. You’re never going to be a colored girl.” We both laughed at the inside joke. “Yeah, you how I like my tan guys.” I laughed again as the tears kept falling down my face. I pulled her back in to a bone crushing head, and sighed.

“Oh, Bella. I’ve missed you baby girl.” She laughed a little. “Yeah, I missed you to mommy, but you know I had to move back.” “Yeah but, I wish was there when you were grown-up.” She smiled awkwardly and smiled.” I guess you were lucky. I know, you would have put me on house arrest if you knew I was going steady with a vampire.” I smiled at her 50’s slang.” No, not really. At least they seam cooler then the vamps I met at my mom’s annual ’Come all, Drink all.’ Yeah, don’t really get her parties. She’s mostly drunk off her ass most the time and she still has a steady job. I don’t how she does it and I don’t want to. So, this is the infamous Edward Mason Cullen? Well, I’ll be damned Bells this is the hot-” my words were cut off as the world disappeared around me and it was only my and Edward. This was bad, and I mean like uber bad. I imprinted….oh damn. It pained me to tear my eyes from his and run like a bat out of hell. This is so not good.
1) I’m Not Your Boyfriend Baby-3OH! 3
2) Talk Shit- Millionaires
3) Starstruckk-3OH! 3
4) Happy- Leonia Lewis
5) Decode- Paramore (LOL XD)
6) My Butterscotch- Ke$ha
7) I Caught Myself- Paramore
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This was my favorite chapter to write. I hope y'all liked it