Status: Just watchin tv and more

Wolf Love

For real?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Edward’s Point Of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Who is this girl? She looks so amazing. Her multi-colored hair, her gorgeous blue eyes, her perfect tan, her tattoos, and piercing. Her eyes shined when she saw Bella. I couldn’t read her mind like Bella’s and her blood was 10x more intoxicating then Bella’s. This was no good. I can’t fall in love with this dog. I snapped out my thoughts when my eyes connected wit hers and one thought ran through her mind was ’I imprinted?…oh damn.’ I smiled when she said that but I was torn apart when she ran away. I couldn’t control myself so I ran after her.

She was the fastest wolf I have ever seen before. Her coat was a beautiful white color. I had to strain to keep up with her. She stops at the meadow I toke Bella to before. She looked up at the sun and sighed a little. She changed back and stood up. I could help but look at the curve of her back the perfect arch it had when it got lower. I stopped my eyes when she looked my direction. She squinted a little and slid on some short-shorts and blue tank top. She sat down and closed her eyes.

She stood up and walked up in front of the spot I was standing at. She looked in to my eyes and asked the simplest question ever. “Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be with Bella?” I looked at her a little concerned. Her hair was flipped in front of her right shoulder and her face looked sad. I looked in to her beautiful blue eyes and got lost. I felt like I din’t have control if my body. I lightly caressed her cheek and her breathe hitched. Her eyes shined bright and sprinkled. Her skin didn’t feel like an open fire.

It felt more like she was glowing. I slowly set my hand down and toke a step forward. She looked up and her breathing got faster. I slowly returned her hair to the right side and evened it out. She slowly lowered her eyes down my body and stopped at the ground. I tilted her head up and looked deep in to her eyes. Her gorgeous blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight. I look deep in to them and almost got lost again.”Why hide your beauty from me?” A light blush covered her russet skin.

“You have Bella to blush and swoon over you. You don’t need me to do that.” she looked to her right and sighed softly under her breathe. I slowly walked in to the sunlight and sat down. Jessabell looked a hesitantly and walked in front of me and sat down. The sparkle form my skin made her sun kissed skin look like it was glowing. We sat there in the most comfortable silence I have ever had in my life, even better then Bella. Jessabell slowly crawled in to my lap. She slowly leaned her back in to my chest. I hesitantly tightened my arms around her waist. We sat there for hours just sitting and asking questions at a time.

“Edward, love? What time is it?” I looked at my brand new watch to see that it was 8:30. “8:30, love. “ The sun was setting beautifully. The pink, purple, and orange colors streaked across the sky.”Edward, I heard this saying that you have your whole for friends but occasionally you just need to watch a beautiful sunset. Who ever said that is so right.” I chuckled a little from the saying. After a while, I heard paws and panting a couple of miles back in the woods. “Jesse, I think we should go to my house, so you could meet my family.” She looked up at me like I was crazy.

“Edward, we just met today. I don’t think I should meet your family till later.” “Oh, come on, Jesse. If you don’t come today, Alice is going to be bothering me until she meets you. And I don’t think I can get back on the rev. without almost getting ripped apart.” she laughed a little and slowly crawled out of my lap. She stood up and walked to the forest. “Well, Eddie. Is u going to show me where you live or do I have to track your scent back to your house?” She smirked a little and put her hand on her slim hip. I smiled, shot up from the ground, and throw her over my shoulder. She squeaked and started telling me to put her down. “Edward!!! Put me down this minute!!!” I throw my head back and put her gently on the ground.

She stood there with her arms crossed, mouth in a pout, and eyes set in a glare. “Oh, don’t be like that love. I was just kidding. Please, don’t be mad at me.” She turned on her heel and started walking to the direction of my home. I jogged after her since she was fast walking fast. She kept walking and then she phased. I didn’t see her clothes get shredded, or torn. She started running and looked back at me with mockery in her eyes. I ran after laughing. She laughed her wolfy laugh. We came to a screech in front of the house.

She won by a landslide, and I literary mean a landslide. The whole family was on the porch watching with big wide eyes. She phased back and started gloating. “Ha Ha, I win. You lose. Ha. In Your FACE!!” She did a little happy dance and started laughing. I lightly tackled her to the ground and she yelped in surprised. She growled lightly and flipped me over with her on top. She whispered in my ear so only I can hear. “I see you like it when the chick’s on top by your boner.” My eyes got wide when my cock twitched from her words.

I gulped and took a deep breathe. She laughed a little in my ear and kissed my cheek. I got enough control and flipped us over. She laughed and tried to push me off. “No way. My turn.” I gently tickled her sides and she squealed in laughter. “E-E-Eward, S-S-Stop, P-P-Please. HAHAHA. S-S-STOP. I’M ABOUT TO P-P-PEE. S-S-STOP.” I chuckled and let her do. She lay under me gasping for air. After, Jesse caught her breathe she smacked my arm with a gentle force. “You meanie. I could’ve died from lack of air.” She tried getting from under me but I held my ground and didn’t let her go. “Eddie.” She whined in a childish tone, “Get your fat self off of me.” I looked at her with fake shock. “ I happen to be a health weight of 190, thank you very much.” She laughed from under me and smiled. “This is bad. I weight 195, and you see how slim I am. I wonder where all that fat went?” “Maybe to your breasts and butt.” That flew out of my mouth before I could I could stop it.

She just looked at me and laughed. “Edward I can’t believe that you just said that.” I smirked at her and helped her up. She brushed off the extra dirt and I grabbed her hand. I entwined our fingers and started walking to the porch. Her eyes widen we she saw we had an audience. She hung her head in a little of embarrassment but kept pace with me. When we reached the porch, Emmett did a dude shake with her. He laughed and flew her up in the air. She laughed and landed on her feet.

Jasper came and shook her hand, with a small bow at the end. She let go did a curtsy with an imaginary skirt. We Alice came up she smiled and then had her in a tight hug. She hugged back tightly. Rosalie came up and sized Jessabell up. Jessabell sized up Rosalie too, with a smug look on her face. We all stood there tensed and worried. “What do you want mutt?” “Oh, nothing. Just wanted to get to know the vampires in this state. The ones in New York were nice and all but they were to snobby, just like you, my dear.” She stood her ground and Rosalie looked shocked.

“I guess we’ll be good friends, dog.” “Sure, whatever, hun. By the way it’s Jessabell, you blond bimbo.” Jesse put her hands on her hips. Rosalie just turned around and stocked in to the house. Then her phone rang.
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now,
Wish right now, wish right now
Can we pretend that air-

“Purple is the color of the day, talk to me babe……ha ha, yeah. I’ll go. When?…Well, can I bring someone?…Where?…What the hell is your problem?!…….Well, excuse me Mr. I-know-you. Last time I checked I didn’t really talk to you……..You son of a bitch, you know for a fact that never happened…..Whatever, next time you want to talk then talk you sick bastard.” She ended the call and just stared at her phone. She flipped it open to the full coded keyboard and texted someone.
Think of me when you’re out,
When you’re out there
I’m begging nice from my knees
And when the world treats you
Way to fairly, well it’s a sham-

“Yeah?….Can you?….Please?….Oh, come on. You’ve got to be kidding me…..Fine but I get to pick out the color….OK, see you in Seattle.” She closed the phone, sighed and the groaned frustrated. “Why are yo-” “5, 4, 3, 2, 1.”
Oh, well imagine as I’m
Pacing the pews in a
Church corridor and I
Can help but to hear
No, I can’t he-

“What, Sam?….OK, and?…..Well, nobody told me this….Well sorry for having a life……Why? You don’t control me……Um, Let me think…NO!….I don’t care, give me patrol for a whole year I don’t give a shit but you don’t control me…..Ha, I’ve bin a wolf in a New York for 2 years before Sam, I don’t take alpha commands……Whatever, Tell Emily I said hi.”

She ended the call and ran her finger through her hair frustrated. “OK, so why are you frustrated?” “Well, just now I got invited to a party by a very arrogant person, told me bro beat the living shit out of him and the alpha is all over me for the stupid treaty. Like a person on our land needs any help. Sam I smoking crack, to think I’m going to listen to him. Oh, I must sound so rude right now. I’m so sorry.” I looked at Esme to see her smiling warmly at Jesse. “It’s OK, dear. I understand the stress of being the BETA of a pack full of boys can be.”Jesse looked at Esme and smiled warmly.

“Thank you…” “Oh, it’s Esme, dear.” “Well thank you Esme. My name is Jessabell.””Jesse, this is my adopted father, Carlisle.” “Nice to meet you, Carlisle.” “You to, Jessabell. I see that Edward has taken a liking to your arrival.” Jesse just looked at him. I flustered look crossed her face. “Umm.. I don’t really know how to say this, but…I’m werewolf or shape shifter, whatever you want to call me, but I imprinted on Edward.”

The look that crossed there faces were not anger, or disgust-It was relief.
Emmett-Dude, Edward. You don’t know how happy everyone is that Bella is gone.
Alice-Edward, I know this sounds bad but some of us are gone that Bella is gone.
Rosalie-Thank god, she is gone. You know Edward bell was just using you.
Jasper-Edward, I’m very sad to ell you this but she was cheating on you with Jacob, Jessabell’s brother.
Esme-oh dear, Bella must be heartbroken.
I guess, Jesse know what Esme was thinking. “Esme, I don’t think Bella is heartbroken from the look she was giving Jacob earlier today. I guess could interrupt there ‘happy time’ for a one phone call.”

I looked at Jesse, to see that she has a mischief sparkle in her eye. She hit the #5 for the speed dial and put her phone on speaker. It was ringing and a deep, shaky voice was heard. “H-Hello?” “Hey, Jake. I was just wondering if you have someone over there?” All you could is heavy breathing on the other line. Jesse sits down and gently puts the phone the ground. “Well, Jake. Do you?” Then there was a loud grunt and a girl screaming Jacob’s name. “Umm *huff* maybe *huff*.” “Well, hope you don’t get little Bella prego, cause then I get to kick your ass out the house.” “What the fuck are you talking about, you can kick me out?” “Well, I talked to dad and he told me that it he dies, which is like 20% possible, Rach is married so she doesn’t need a house, and Becca is at school so my name is on the deed for the house. So if you get that little whore prego then that is your problem. Oh, and if I was you I would get myself checked out for anything that thing could be caring in her crotch. See ya, bro.” With that Emmett, Jasper and Rosalie were laughing there asses off. “Oh my god, that is the funniest thing that any body has done.”

“I think I just found my new best friend here.” Rosa said. Jesse smiled a little. “Did you really just call Bella out in front of us?” “Well, duh. I didn’t just call effin Barney and told him I love him, but that would be weird if I did.” They all looked at her and smiled brightly from her personality. “Why don’t you come in dear?” “Umm, OK, I guess.” Jesse brushed the grass off her bum and walked inside behind Esme.

We all followed suit to that her and Esme were in the kitchen all ready. I scent of cheddar cheese and toast filled the air. I looked to the stove to see tomato soup and a grilled cheese being prepared. Jesse and Esme were making great conversation while we all stood in the doorway. “So, how do you like Forks so far?” “Well, I happy that I get to my brother again, but it is a pain in the but to hear Sam tell everybody everything. I know he is the alpha and all but the constant pack meetings are getting on my nerves. Every time we have a meeting I think we have a nomad to chase or kill, but most the time is to tell everyone that I’m in charge when him and Emily have to go on a date or some thing. It’s so annoying. He could just buy a phone and text every one or howl to tell us. “

With that Esme laughed, while Jessabell scoffed at the memories of the day before.
I’m sitting in a room
Made up of big white walls
And in the hall there’s
People looking through
The wind-
“Blueberries are awesome. What’’s up?” There was some fast-talking on the other line and her eyes grew wide. “Umm…So in like 10?” She listened closely and sighed.

“OK, well is he mad? Or just straight up pissed the fuck off with me?” She bit her lip lightly and waited for an answer.”OK, well see ya in a few.” She hung and dropped her head on to the table with a THUD!. “What’s wrong?” “Sam is going to be so pissed. He found out where I am at, which is here. So he going to get the whole pack together runs all the way here to talk to me. The good thing is nobody in the pack knows about the ‘me imprinting on’ thing. I am totally screwed.”

She said to the table mostly. I laughed lightly and rubbed her back lovingly. “It’ll be OK. We’ll get through it together.” She smiled lightly at me then a loud howl was heard in to the woods. She sighed softly. “I guess that is our cue.” We all walked outside together. I walked behind a tree and phased. I walked back out and circled the family.

Alice squealed and pet her fur. Rosalie, Jasper, and Emmett stared in awe. Esme and Carlisle smiled happily, while I just stood back. She looked and talked to through her thoughts. Let’s go, Eddie. We don’t wait to be late now do we? I strolled over and walked to my family. “Think we should get going to meet the pack.” They all nodded in agreement. We all ran after Jesse when we got in to the safety of the woods. Soon, we were at the border.

The wolves stood on the other while we stood in front of them with Jessa bell next to me. Slowly, Jesse walked to the woods, while keeping eye contact with Sam, and phased back to human. She walked back to my side and toke a hold of my hand. All the except, Seth glared at our interlocked hands. Soon, Sam phased back and stood in front of us and looked directly at Jesse in the eyes. “What are you doing?” He asked in his alpha voice. She smirked slightly. “I’m hanging out with my imprint and his family. Do you have a problem with that, all mighty alpha?”

I could see the anger in his eyes from the way Jesse talked to him. “How could you, a BETA of the Quileute tribe, imprint on a leech, bloodsucker, a parasite?!” Then the grip on hand was gone. I looked at Jesse, to see her face set in stone and the look of death in her eyes. “You, fucking accuse me of loving a creature that is our enemy. This whole pack takes in a fucking whore because my brother loves her?! You sit there and say that imprinting is not our chose, well it looks like my other half is a vampire, a leech, a bloodsucker, a parasite that is classier that you. They keep there part of the deal, and yet you sit here and point fucking fingers when someone is kill outside of La Push. I know about the newborn attack, matter of fact my parents were asked for help when the war going to start, but they decline from the fact they had me to take care of. You sit and boss people like its second fucking nature.

You sit there and regret what you did to Emily, because you’re scared that she might not forgive you in the future. Look all around you Sam, Emily has forgiven you and is still going to, unless you forgive yourself I don’t think this is going to be a good thing to tell all the members of the pack. They have chooses and mistake they need to make to get there, but if you keep warning them and telling them what you did, then they have no room to live, no room to make mistakes, take chances. So, now if you want to talk to then I advice you to get a cellar device and call me. When I get the call and listen to whet you need to say is what I want to hear then I will came back but till then I will be at the Cullen's. Good day to you my friend.” With that, she turned around and walked down the street. I just looked at Jacob to see guilt in his eyes. “ I guess, I will be off.” Then, Bella came running out of the crowd of wolves.

“Edward, what the hell is going on?!” “ I’m sorry, Bella but I have to go. I’ll talk to you later.” I turned my back on her and walked after Jessabell.
Playlist for chapter
1) Let the Flames Begin-Paramore
2) Fences-Paramore
3) Miracle-Paramore
4) All I wanted-Paramore
5) I Write Sins, Not Tragedies-Panic! At The Disco
6) Airplanes- B.O.B ft Hailey Williams from Paramore
7) If I Had You-Adam Lambert
8) What Do You Want From Me-Adam Lambert
9) Alejandro-Lady Gaga
10) Seventeen Forever-Metro Station
11) Smile-Uncle Kracker
12) Like You Do-Angel Taylor