Scream till there's silence

The party

*First P.O.V*

Early Saturday morning and my alarm starts buzzing like crazy. Looked to my left and its 8:00 am AM !! I'm gonna kill the fucker who changed my alarm

"Oi fucker get out of bed you lazy shit" Lee stood there smiling like a idiot and yet i still wonder to myself why i have a crazy ass bestfriend. Lee is the same age as me 19 and yes we do take it for granted as a easy access to free alcohol especially when your a collage student, she's the one person i can tell anything to and never be judged

"There better be a good reason otherwise I'm going ninja on your arse"

"Oh there is" smirking and winking at me great i know that look anywhere. Grabbing my pillow and stuffing my head as far as it would go underneath

"I don't wanna go" i whined

"Stop being a baby....Don't make me force you to come out" shit that's the time when you gotta run. I dash out of bed and into the living room she's already on my ass yeah she's a fucking fast runner. As soon as i grabbed the keys a ton of weight made me collide with the floor she's not fucking light either.

"Your...killing me" Lee pushes more weight onto my stomach that's when i started to space out

"Now my loving Kay pick out a outfit for the Halloween party or i could just sit her all day and fart on you !" With my awesome ninja skills i grabbed her round the waist with my legs and hurled her onto the floor even though i floored her she still won, Great now i have to go to a party and get hit on by drunken idiots a perfect night out

"thank you thank you thank you!!" Squealing like a idiot and jumping out of the room nearly standing on the dog. Just before she ran out of the door Lee turned back round,smirking her ass of, "Your outfit is in the closet" smiling sweetly before closing the door.

OK i can do this not the best with people but, i can just stand smile, nodd then leave...sounds perfect.


You know when i said i could do this i fucking can't ! I feel like a slut but at least its not like those bunny outfits that's just got whore written all over it and the best part is that Lee is gonna give me her most amazing speech ever,not sarcastic whats so ever.

"Ok your riding shotgun"

"Woah woah what happened to 'you'll have a great time'"

"Kay when you get smashed you can barley walk and I'm not carrying you especially since what happened last time"

"I thought you were a guy blame intoxication" what i didn't realize is that i should have been watching her instead.

*20 mins later*

So far I've had 5 beers guess how many 'Miss sober' had 9 beers, 5 shots, and a fuck load of tequila and she says i drink too much it's already been 20 minutes and I've had enough. I slowly walk up to Lee

"Lee I'm gonna go home I'll see you in the morning" Spinning round nearly knocking me over

"*hiccup* but..but you can't go to Narnia I'll never see you again *Hiccup*" Trying my hardest not to snort with laughter i gain enough strength to answer

"I'll come back" Smiling i quickly gave her a peck on the forehead i quickly got the hell out of that house and started walking the long way home. Checking my watch i realized it was way past half one shit.. it'll at least take me 20 maybe even 30 minutes with these's fucker heels to get home, glancing around i saw a alley to my left it wasn't too dark but you still would need a phone to make your way through

Just this once i thought and made my way through the darken alleyway. Each step i took the colder and quieter it got and i had that strange feeling i wasn't alone well Kay you did end up having 11 beers as i swayed a bit to the left. A cold breath hit the back of my neck that's when i panicked. When the human being is left on their own in the dark their senses are on alert and ready to jump and ran at the slightest thing well that's what my body was doing. I stopped and tryed my sweet best to turn around without stumbling did i succeed....No

As i tryed to get my footing back to normal and stand up straight i was looking into these's beautiful chocolate brown eyes that any girl would want to live deep inside, i could faintly make out a smirk as he took one step forward

"Are you ok "
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of a shitty filler but it need to be done :/
Got a lot of ideas for this story will have hell loads of pain and drama :D
Kay's outfit

Comments please :)