Status: Updating based on comments. :D


Against it all.

“We love you, the kids and I love you.”
Against the love.
“Please stop, I don’t want you to hurt.”
Against the fight.
“Cathy, when was the last time you went outside?”
Against the sun.
“Cathy, you need to sleep, you cannot keep doing this to your self.”
Against the night.
“Cathy, you know razor blades are not allowed on the facilities premises.”
Against the rules.
“Hey Cathy, baby, I brought the kids to see you, they miss you, we miss you.”
Against the force.
“Cathy, is that blood on your arm? Give me the blade!”
Against the wall.
“Cathy, today is the last day of treatment, you are being released today. Please don’t hurt yourself.”
Against it all.
“Cathy? Cathy! Please, please don’t do this to me again!”
I’m humanoid.
“Cathy, you screwed up again.”
I’m humanoid.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello there. :] This story will be my new baby for a while, and will be chapter ed. Updates are based upon comments and subscribers. This is also a really short chapter. Sorry.
This is also not how the chapters will usually be, this is a whole lot different from my original writing style, but hey I like it.