Something After


My life ended the way the universe began: with a big bang.

I don't remember much-- a drawn out horn, a blinding light, then a bone crushing impact. I don't remember the pain, or the frantic crying of the approaching sirens. I don't remember the speeding of the ambulance to the far off hospital, how long I was on life support, or the last words I ever heard.

I remember the desperate warning, the white, the crash.

And that's it.

I woke up in a hospital bed, with no pain blocking my senses.

I woke up in a hospital bed, confused out of my mind.

I woke up in a hospital bed, alone and disgusted by the cheerful brightness the blinding lights casted.

There were no doctors, no nurses, no patrons.

There were only white walls, white floors, white beds, and then me.

Me, scared. Me, desperate to understand what was happening.

Me, deserted in the silence.