When a Girl Likes a Boy


This is a oneshot for this contest by Sports_Gal. Enjoy :)
He was rich, good looking, and a genuinely nice guy... to me. So what was I waiting for? He liked me, and I liked him. There must be something wrong with me.

"Lauren, you're too neurotic about this. When you realize that the only time a woman actually succeeds in changing a man is when he's a baby, you'll be so much happier."

Lauren Osgoode.
  1. 1/3
    “I slept with him, alright?”
  2. 2/3
    “You’re wet,” I tell him, and push gently on his back, “stay down there.” He twists his torso and gives me a smile that, had I been standing, would’ve made my knees buckle. “Now where have I heard that before?”
  3. 3/3
    "I'm so going to have to change my facebook status."