

She giggled as she covered his eyes with her hands; blocking his vision. Never, in all of her 18 years of living had she been this content in a relationship. To her, this was real.

The boy raised his hands, grazing his finger tips over the backs of her hands before lifting them up over his head so that he could follow her arms and to her face. Of course, he knew it was her. Her cute, childlike giggle had given that away; and he loved her for it.

In all of his, 19 years of living he had never been so content. To him, this was real.

She let another giggle escape from her mouth when he traced the pads of his fingers over her face, outlining her eyes, her nose, her cheek bones and her mouth.

He let out his own laugh before he spun around to kiss her on the lips, instantly pushing his tongue through her already parted mouth and grazing his tongue over hers. What started out being as a gentle kiss got rougher and rougher by the second, leading to him laying on top of her – her back now beginning to get muddy and wet, not to mention cold, as he kept her pinned on the park grass.

He let a moan escape from his throat and into her mouth as he felt his penis stiffen. No doubt, she had felt it too as she, once again, giggled. Breaking away from the kiss and panting, she whispered “how about we take this somewhere else, ey?” and winked.

The man smiled widely and jumped up from his position on top of her and outstretched his arm, waiting for her to grab a hold of his hand so that they could run back to his car and drive off. She took his offer, sprung up from the ground and ran with him, hand in hand, towards his car.

He opened up the passenger door for his girlfriend and she slid in with a ‘thank you’ sounding from her lips and a laugh. He bowed, shut the door and raced around to the other side of the car where he could get in and drive them back to his place.

She had her hand on his left thigh the while journey back, gazing at him as he tried his hardest to concentrate on the road ahead of him. Her hand was slowly creeping higher and higher as he drove down the all-too-familiar roads and it took all of his will-power not to pull over there and pin her on the back seats; having his was with her. Of course, she wouldn’t have minded – she wanted this too. And it wasn’t as if it was their first time.

“S-stop it,” he groaned as her hand grazed teasingly over his visible errection.

He used one hand to brush his, obscenely large, fringe out of his eyes whilst the other stayed on the wheel. She giggled again, offering no words in return.

Soon enough, he parked in his drive way and jumped out of the car, his girlfriend following quickly behind him – neither of them bothering to lock the car doors. He stuck the key into the lock and clicked open the front door, pulling her in after him and pushing her up against the wall.

“Fuck, Polly,” he groaned into her mouth; rocking his hips into hers.

She moaned his name in return, her mouth opening and closing into the kiss, her tongue playing with his in a sloppy kiss. He broke away first, latched his hand into hers and dragged her up the stairs and towards his bedroom. They ran passed his parents room before getting to his and he kicked his door open, kicking it shut behind him as soon as they were inside.

His mouth found hers again and his tongue snaked inside of her mouth; their tongues grazing over each others and wrapping around another’s muscle. After all, the tongue is your strongest muscle.

Never breaking the kiss, he walked her backwards until the backs of her knees hit the edges of his bed and she fell backwards – pulling him down on top of her.

After a lot of scrambling and clothes throwing, the two had managed to get down to barely anything – their underwear being the only fabric blocking them from that wholesome closeness that each of them longed to feel.

He reached under her, unclasping her bra and letting the straps fall off of her shoulders. She gave it that extra help and threw it somewhere across the room. He bent his head down, taking her right nipple into his mouth and sucking graciously on the hard bud that had been formed. She felt herself shudder lightly and she suppressed a moan.

Soon, it was her knickers that were coming off and he pulled them down slowly and teasingly; teasing not only her, but himself in the process as well. They were both horny, and they both wanted sex.

“Hurry up,” she groaned, kicking her legs slightly.

He laughed before pulling them down fully, his boxers following shortly. Looking down at his girlfriend’s body, he realized how perfect she was.

His hands felt around her waist, breasts and hips before moving further south and rubbing gently at her swollen and moist flesh. She groaned again before he removed his hand and sat up so he could search around in his bedside table for a packet of condoms. He found one, pulled it on with little difficulty and aligned himself at her entrance.

“Ready?” he whispered into her ear.

She nodded in reply and gasped in both pain and pleasure as he pushed himself in. Instantly speeding up his pace, he searched around for that spot that would make her see stars.

He let out grunts here and there before finding it.

“Oh, shit, Shaant. There,” she moaned loudly and he continued to thrust ruthlessly into that particular spot.

She had her head thrown back, her mouth slightly open and her eyes closed shut. His head was bent forwards, eyes screwed shut and mouth a thin line as he thrusted into her. His hair fell over his face, tickling his nose and he blew it out of the way.

“Fuck, Poll- I. Love. You,” he grunted in between thrusts.

“I love you, too,” Polly muttered in reply.

Reaching their climax at a similar time, Shaant spilled inside of the condom as Polly tightened and shook beneath him; long moans echoing from both of their throats.

He pulled out, tossed the condom away and climbed in next to her in the bed. He pulled the covers up to their naked chests and wrapped his arms protectively around his sleeping girlfriend’s form.

“I love you, Polly,” he whispered into her ear before falling into his own slumber.

Yes, this was real…

And there we have it; well done Polly for making me write my first ever ‘straight sex’ scene… it was actually surprisingly difficult :/