

A robin flew down from the old withered oak tree and landed on the cracked grey sidewalk. Its feet were like a pitchfork, ready to grab a hold of anything that was in the path of the hungry bird.

It did not know I saw, as it cut an angle-worm in two, half for itself, half for its kin. I perceived the bird as being ravenous, though I do not know its entirety.

It flapped its wings as a car drove through a deep puddle on the road. The bird then proceeded to pick at the ground, finding its prey. As he picked and picked at the ground there was a small hole forming, when finally he found what he was looking for.

He tore it in half and gobbled it down, saving the other half for its kin. When said robin finally saw me across the way; it was clear of its intentions as it started towards me. Its eyes were beady and jutted out nervously. It came closer and closer and flew up to meet my gaze.

“I’ve been watching you.” I said.

“It’s been apparent by your stare that you don’t seem to enjoy me.” It replied.

“Sure, you’re a very tranquil looking bird and create gorgeous scenery, but why not look for food elsewhere? I would like to save the worms to help my garden, and not to feed the birds.” I stated, agitated.

“Alright,” It said, “I’ll leave.”

With that the magnificent bird flew from my worried gaze and into the rain of the bleak grey sky.