Rock The 40oz, It's The Change That Counts.

Chapter 001. Six pack.

I took a last swig of my beer, before I set it down on the table amongst other empty bottles; not only beer bottles, but also wine, whiskey, vodka, rum... you name it, we've had it. Considering the party we had the night before, there had collected a wide array of them.

I heave myself off of the tattered plaid couch I had been slunk upon; stuffing falling out of one of the cushions, which had been slashed in anger by Syd.

Syd, my childhood friend, has had a horrific temper her entire life. At least for as long as I have known her. I remember a time in fifth grade, when some roly-poly, fat kid, who thought he was mightier than Christ, named Joey, decided it would be funny to cut off one of Syd's pigtails. Not even two seconds after he had snipped off her right pigtail, did he already regret his actions. At the faint sound of the scissors gone SNIP, Syd had snatched the scissors from Joey's pudgy hands and had stabbed him violently in the leg. With no time to react, Joey was left in shock, grasping the wound the scissors had left in his leg, blood pooling gently down his pant leg.

The next day, Syd had cut off the other pigtail, so her hair would be even, which rendered it quite short. She wore it spiked up on her head, and has worn it that way ever since.

I walked over to the record player, lifted the needle, and removed the vinyl which had been playing. The Misfits, Famous Monsters. I flipped through my albums, considering which one to play next, when the back door burst open. In came Syd, stumbling over herself, closely followed by Brent, her boyfriend.

"Heyyyyyyyyyy, where have you beeeeeeeen all day?!" Syd asked me, slurring her words, and wraping her arm around my neck, to help hold herself up right. In her left hand she clutched an open bottle of red wine in a paper bag. "I've been hiding out, hoping Jake wouldn't think of finding me here..." I said, avoiding Syd's eyes. "You live here silly...wait, why are you hiding from him, what happened?"
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First chapter, it's a bit short, but hey.