Rock The 40oz, It's The Change That Counts.

Chapter 005. Race With The Devil

"Come on, let's get you to bed. You have quite the morning ahead of you." My arm around her neck and hers around my waist, we stumbled our way towards my bedroom. Finally, after much effort, I lay sprawled out in my bed. Within ten seconds of my head hitting the pillow, I was out like a light.

Morning came way too soon. The sun radiated through the window, shining directly into my face and causing me to wake up drenched in sweat. "Ughhhhhh..." I groaned, opening my eyes and immediately shielding them with my hand. My head swam and I felt my hangover hit me like a ton of bricks. I had definitely drank WAY TOO MUCH the night before. I groaned and tossed back my covers , noticing I had been to drunk to even get undressed before getting into bed. I shrugged and moaned at the headache that was now quite pertinent and making me feel like my head was ready to blow at any second. I got up from my bed and made my way to the kitchen.

I was rubbing the sleep from my eyes, and didn't notice the figure standing by the door. I walked passed it and opened the fridge door to grab a beer. The best way to cure a hangover is with a beer, I thought as I uncapped it and closed the fridge door. I turned around to head into the living room but at that moment my blood turned cold and fear escalated through me. There stood Jake, an evil grinned plastered on his face, his eyes red and wired from too much crack and too little sleep. That wasn't what scared me the most. What made me drop my beer and send it shattering onto the floor was the fact that he held a 9mm Glock in his right hand and it was pointed directly at me. I tried to remain calm although my instincts told me to run.

" scared me-" "SHUT UP BITCH." He barked, causing me to back up into the wall in fright."

I fought back nausea, partially from the hangover but mostly from fright and started again. "W-what's wrong, baby?" I said, trying to sound caring, although I now knew I hated Jake with every fiber of my body.

"Didn't I just tell you to shut the FUCK up?!" He said, waving his gun at me. I brought my hands up to my head, as if to shield myself. He stepped closer to me, so close that I could smell the booze off his breath. "SO, SLUT! WHO WAS IT? WHO DID YOU FUCK THIS TIME?" He screamed at me, his face only inches from mine, sending spit globules flying every which way.

"N-no one...I never cheated on you. I swear." I said trying to remain calm. The next thing I knew, his fist came into contact with my face, making my head smack against the wall behind me with a hard 'THUD'. For a few seconds I waited for the world to come back into view and tears had started to pool down my face. When my vision returned he had the gun against my head.

Shit...this is it, he's gonna fucking kill me...

I thought as I tried to remain conscious. "You're gonna regret ever fucking with Jake Burns." I winced as I waited for him to pull the trigger and end my life. But the next thing I knew, Jake was sprawled out on the floor, blood pouring from his head. I looked up in shock to see Brent. He had heard the commotion from his and Syd's room and had crept up behind Jake, just in time, and smashed him over the head with an empty wine bottle.

Relief washed over me and then I felt my legs give out from underneath my body and then complete darkness.