In The Works


Seven o'clock was approaching rapidly, and I was hurrying to finish getting ready. Matt had already left to go taken Devvy out on a date, but not before telling the guys to grill David before we left. I protested this, but he didn't give him. He told me that Devvy's wrestling friends were probably going to do the same to him, so he made sure the guys had my back.

When my make-up was all done, I picked up the curling iron, and began curling my hair. I had to make sure it was even before I put half of it up into a ponytail. Once I finished with my hair, I went into the bunk area and changed into the outfit I had picked out. I had no idea where David was taking me on the date since he had refused to let anything slip.

I checked the time on my cell phone, and yelped in horror. It was five minutes to seven. Hopefully he would be fashionably late, but I highly doubted that. He didn't seem like the type to be late. I pulled the skinny jeans up, and then put a white tanktop on. Over the tanktop, I put on a purple sweater like shirt, that was short sleeved. I clasped my Cheshire Cat smile necklace on, then ran to find a pair of heels.

A knock on the bus door made me jump. While I was still putting on my shoes, I heard all six of the guys go and answer it.

"MEECE!" Johnny yelled, "Your date's here! Hurry your ass up!"

I grabbed my bag and walked out hopefully stop the guys from making fools out of themselves, and me. The guys were interogating David, all of their arms crossed over their chests as they tried to look menacing.

"You better treat her like she's a glass vase," Brian stated, "We don't want our little Maycee hurt or damaged."

"Yeah, we might have to kill you if that happens," Jimmy said with a serious face.

"Could all of you lay off just a tad?" I asked.

All six of them looked at each other, then back at me, "Naahh!" They turned their attention back to David, who still had a smile on his face. The threats the guys were making didn't seem to have an effect on him. Well, that was probably because he could take all of them.

"Can we go now?" I asked.

"Fine," Zacky said, "Be good, stay out of trouble, and call if you need us."

"I will, I will," I rolled my eyes, "You guys stay out of trouble, too."

"Will do. Have fun Meece," Jimmy hugged me, "Now you two get going!"

I giggled and the two of us walked off the bus. We got into the rental car David was using and he began driving to a mysterious location.

"I'm sorry about them," I began, "They're just very protective."

"Don't worry about it," David brushed it off, "I figured that would happen. And between you and me," he leaned closer, "I don't scare easily."

"Good to know," I bit my lip, "Where are we off to?"

"You'll see." he said, not giving any information away.

We arrived at the secret location about fifteen minutes later. He helped me out of the car and we walked inside of the huge building. I nearly screamed when I saw where we were. We walked into the Aquarium, and David paid for us to get in. We began walking through the aquarium, my entire face was lit up with glee.

"I can't believe this," I gasped, watching the different colored fish swim around the large tanks, "It's so amazing." My eyes darted over the tanks, looking for the creatures that I used to spends hours staring at. The sharks.


We spent a good two hours in the aquarium, talking and looking at all of the different species of fish and undersea critters. We had both let lose, and we got to see sides of the other, most didn't get to see. We were both acting goofy, and cracking jokes, making the other laugh.

After our time at the aquarium we drove to the beach. I took off my heels, and carried them as we walked through the sand. The only other people who were on the beach were parents and their children, who were running around, staring out into the dark ocean.

"I haven't walked on the beach at night time in awhile," I commented, looking up at the night sky, "The stars are so gorgeous." When David started chuckling I looked at him. He had his hand in front of his mouth, trying to stop himself from laughing even more, "Are you laughing at me, sir?"

"Yes," he said truthfully, "But not in a mocking way. I like how you can go from being childish, to serious, to amazed, then to happy but not in an annoying way. Your definately a joy to be with."

"Thank you," I said, "You're fun yourself. I like how you're your own person. You don't see that now a days."

"Wow, I even got a compliment too," he joked.

"Oh, shut up," I pushed him.

"So, this is how you want to play, eh?" he raised his eyebrow, stepping closer to me.

"No, don't play this game!" I shrieked, "I can't really run in sand." I nearly slapped myself in the forehead. Now, if you have someone who's about to chase you, why would you tell them you can't really run in sand?

"Really," his eyes explained what he was about to do, "So, this is going to be easy."

"No," I began trying to bluff, but knew it wasn't going to be any use. Without any hesitation, I took off without looking back.

I could hear him catching up to me, but I urged my body to keep going. Suddenly, I was lifted off the ground, causing me to shriek again.

"Okay! You win," I laughed.

"Shouldn't have told me that bit of information," he said when he put me down. We began walking down the beach again.

"So," I grumbled, fake pouting.

"Didn't think I was listening, huh," he put his arm over my shoulders.

"I was hoping," I admitted, "Normally no one does or they don't take me seriously."

"How come?"

"Probably because I'm easily amused and I'm constantly acting like a child," I explained, "But it's who I am. I can be serious when I want to be, and that's usually the time you do not want to mess with me."

"I'll keep that in mind," he said.

"As you should," I smiled cheekily, "Cause like you, I don't scare easily."

"Ah, I see," he nodded his head, "I like how independant you are."

"Always have been, always will be," I said, "That's what happens when you live with seven guys most of the time."

"You're crazy!" he laughed.

"I've been told that many a time," we were now back on the board walk, and I had put my heels back on.

We were walking back to his car, getting ready to call it a night. It was midnight, and it seemed both of us were tired, but we still enjoyed our time spent together.

The drive back to the bus wasn't quiet at all. We continued our conversation all the way back to the bus. When he walked me up to the bus door, I could see the guys spying on us from the window.

"Just so you know, this is happening again," he stated, "Is that okay?"

"I agree with you," I said, "Hopefully it'll be soon."

"Possibly," he said, "Goodnight Maycee."

Being the gentleman that he was, he kissed me on the cheek, then walked back to his car. I waved goodbye, then walked on the bus and nearly got tackled by the guys.

"Where did he take you?"

"Do you realize what time it is?"

"What happened?" Questions were thrown at me from each guy, but all I heard was the loud chatter.

"GUYS!" I shouted, getting them to shut up, "I'll tell you all tomorrow, I'm tired." With that, I pushed past them, and climbed into my bunk. My brother wasn't back yet, so that meant he was still having a good time with Devvy.

I replayed the night over with my head and the smiled never left my face. I didn't bother to change my clothes or take off my shoes. I hugged my pillow, and closed my eyes, hoping that the guys wouldn't wake me up in the morning.
♠ ♠ ♠
date outfit
And here's Maycee's date night. So, the NXT rookies are making me mad. I won't give away anything from Raw tonight because I don't know who's seen it yet, or who hasn't. When you have and you want to talk with me about it, just comment or message me!
Anyway, comment or else there shall be no updates for you. Mwahahahahaha! >=]