In The Works


Devony sat backstage with Maryse in their street clothes, preparing to do a segment with Kane, who was a guest on RAW that night, and Sheamus. The former was sharing her feelings of apprehension with her blonde friend, who waved it off as nerves. Devony'd had a bad feeling in her gut all day. One of the cliche feelings that made her worry something was going to go wrong. When Maryse kept failing to comfort her, she forced herself to remember Matt and Mimi were in the arena at ringside, waiting to cheer for her.

Mimi planned to stick around for awhile. After her date with David, he was absolutely smitten. Of course, he didn't want to out right ask her to come on the road and live with him, since they'd only known each other a few days at the most, but David was a cunning individual. With a little help and planning from Natalya, the cousins had set up a scenario Mimi couldn't say no to; especially when she saw David fumbling with a stack of papers and his phone. He told her he was just so unorganized and didn't really know how to use his new iPhone, it made being on the road all of the time really hard. And since Maycee was the kind of girl that never hesitated to help a friend in need, she immediately asked if there was anything she could do to help.

Two hours later, the papers were signed and she'd become David's PA, or personal assistant. She would travel on the road with him, set up all his appointments, meet and greets, travel arrangements and the like. Devony had honestly never realized just how manipulative the cousins were until then, but she wasn't necessarily complaining; she would be able to see her best friend all the time. And, better yet, Matt would be tagging along for a few weeks to make sure Mimi was comfortable and was treated correctly. Which meant Dev would also be seeing quite a bit of him for the next couple of weeks.

"Honestly, Dev," Maryse drawled, leaning back against the couch they both sat on, "Everything's fine. I don't see why you're so tense."

Devony sighed and ran a hand over her face, careful not to mess up her make up, "I know, I know. I just can't help it."

"Well, you better start," She stated, nodding behind the brunette, "The camera crew is coming. Time to film the segment."

Kane and Sheamus followed a few minutes later, still reading over their lines. Kane, or as Devony usually called him "Uncle K," looked rather tense as he came towards them. Dev frowned and stood, walking over to hug him quickly and ask what was wrong. He replied he'd not been feeling his best lately and was a little dizzy. Worried but unable to stop the segment at that point sat on the couch again, getting into position as the camera turned on.

"So why are you here tonight?" Maryse questioned, flicking her hair from her face, "I thought you had no matches?"

"I don't," Lady Reaper shrugged, "But you do and I figured you could use some back up ringside, you know, just in case."

The evil smirk on the brunette's face made Maryse laugh meanly, "I definitely wouldn't mind having—"

She trailed off, her eyes suddenly going wide as she stared behind Lady, who's back was to the entrance of the room.

"Maryse, what's the ma—" She turned around just in time to be grabbed around the neck by Kane.

She gasped as he shook her slightly. Maryse stood and slowly backed away towards the men's locker rooms, obviously to get help. When Kane didn't pay her the slightest bit of attention, she turned and took off, shouting in french. Lady grabbed Kane's wrist.

"Uncle—" She choked, "What are you doing?"

"It was you, wasn't it?" He hissed, his voice filled with fury and his eyes burning, "You're the one who incapacitated the Undertaker."

"Why—Why would I hu-rt my own father?" Lady cried, her face beginning to turn red.

"You knew you would never live up to his expectations!" He roared, shaking her slightly, "You knew you'd always be living in his shadow! That you weren't good enough to be recognized as anything other than the Undertaker's daughter!"

"Please, Uncle!" She whimpered, tears gathering in her eyes, "I would never hurt my father! Please, I can't breathe!"

"Put 'er down, Kane," A heavily accent, deep voice growled from the door way.

Kane turned, glaring at the pale, red haired Irishman, "Stay out of my business."

"Yer an idiot," Sheamus insulted bluntly, a mean look on his sharp features, "Ye' really t'ink that lass could take out tha' Undertaker? She's nearly two feet shorter den' 'im!"

"A cowardly sneak attack would be the only way she could do it," Kane hissed, glaring at his niece, "The only way she would do it."

"Please, Uncle, I would never hurt my dad!" She cried, "Why don't you believe me?"

"Shut your mouth!" Kane bellowed, turning and striking her across the face.

Sheamus suddenly jolted forward, beating Kane into the ground as Lady Reaper cried, holding the side of her face tenderly. It wasn't until the security could get Sheamus off the taller man that Kane was taken to the trainer's to make sure nothing was broken. He reached down and hauled the silently crying female off the ground, holding her by her upper arm.

"Thank you, Sheamus," She whispered, "What can I do to repay you?"

The Irishman looked at her calculatingly for a moment, before smirking, "Ye' will accomp'ny me to tha' ring ta'night for my match wit' John Cena."

The camera shut off, the last shot being of Lady Reaper's frightened face. Once the camera men had left, Kane and Maryse returned, the former apologizing profusely while Maryse congratulated Sheamus on taking him to the ground. Even staged, bringing down the Big Red Machine was a bit of a task.

"So I'll come find ye' later ta'night, Dev'ny," Sheamus nodded towards her before walking away to prepare for the match.

She nodded as he walked away, the worried feeling in her stomach coming back full force when Kane left as well. Nodding at Maryse, she quickly excused herself to the ladies room, feeling as though she was going to throw up. Twenty minutes later, she walked Maryse down to the ring for her match, stopping Gail from interrupting by throwing her viciously into the steel steps. Eve had immediately jumped out of the ring to check on her friend and come after Dev, only to get counted out. Of course, there was no disqualification because Devony never laid a hand on the other female, only dodged her attacks. Maryse won the match and the two walked up the ramp with cocky smirks on their faces.

Forty minutes after that, Sheamus had found her just as she finished changing. She felt adequately dressed to escort him and stand ringside. The dark red, sexy halterneck dress she wore had been a last minute decision. Originally, Dev was going to wear dark green, but after seeing the red and knowing it was Matt's favourite colour, she couldn't passed it up. With a pair of strappy, sky-scraper stilettos, she knew she'd be driving Matt and every other man in the arena mad. Which didn't upset her in the least.


Devony only nodded her head as Sheamus wrapped her hand around his arm like a gentleman. She felt sick to her stomach; the uncomfortable feeling escalating the closer they got to the guerrilla area. John was already standing there, waiting to go out after us. Dev hugged him lightly, smiling when he complimented her dress. A tech guy told them Sheamus' music would start playing in just a few moments, causing her to wrap her arm around his again as he began walking out onto the ramp. It had been a long while since Dev acted as a valet and it was odd to be in that position again.

She waited ringside while he gloated in the ring, pounding his chest like a brute and shouting. A minute or so later, John ran out, saluting the crowd. It took all Devony had not to smile; he had the best stage presence and really got the fans riled up. She kept hoping to turn face, so they'd cheer for her too. Even though Matt and Mimi were already cheering for her, which almost made her laugh. She didn't though, because Vince would kill her for breaking character. Half way through the match, Sheamus was thrown from the ring and landed right in front of her.

As a valet for the night, she quickly crouched down to check on him, fawning over his nonexistent injuries and assuring him he could beat John's ass. Of course, things started to get messy when John followed Sheamus out, picking him up off the ground and whipping him into the barricade. His light blue eyes shifted to her and she immediately pressed backwards, holding her hands up and begging him to leave her alone. His attention was on her a bit too long though, because Sheamus stood up, grabbing John and viciously throwing him shoulder first into the steel steps.

Upon noticing it was starting to get a bit dangerous, Devony quickly began stepping back as John got to his feet, holding his shoulder and wincing in pain. She could see their subtle way of asking if the other was alright and the responses. It seemed to happen in a glance, and soon Sheamus had whipped John in her direction. Dev pressed her back against the barricade, just barely managing to avoid getting hit. But before she could move again, Sheamus had repeated himself and whipped John again. This time, his entire body smashed hers into the black steel barricade.

A cry of real, legitimate pain escaped Devony's lips as something in her arm snapped in half. The force of both her and John's weight pressed it into the covered steel in an awkward angle and the fragile bone couldn't take the pressure. Another scream left her mouth when John quickly moved away, immediately getting onto his knees to make sure she was alright. Of course, she wasn't though. Honest to God blood was spilling from her arm, where either the ulna or radius had broken in half and protruded from her skin.

"It's okay baby girl," John said softly, holding her broken arm carefully away from her shaking body and leaning his forehead against hers, "Paramedics are on the way, everything's going to be okay."

"It hurts, John," She whispered, tears falling from her eyes as she grit her teeth.

"I know," He murmured in response, smoothing her hair back in a calming gesture, "I know it hurts, baby, and I'm so sorry."

She could see the paramedics coming down the ramp in a flurry, "John, make sure Mimi and Matt get backstage, please? Make sure they can find me."

"Anything you want," John quickly assured her before the paramedics started battering him to get away.

He pressed a kiss against his forehead and moved back to allow the medics to do their job. The pain was dizzying and she was loosing a lot of blood. Dev knew she was going to, as cliche as it sounded, pass out soon. She could just barely make out John getting Mimi and Matt over the barricade and leading them up the ramp, ignoring all questions everyone asked.

"Devony," One of the paramedics caught her attention, "We're going to sedate you. It's completely routine and you'll wake up in a few hours. Okay?"

She only nodded, closing her eyes tightly when he took the needle another man was holding out to him. He quickly pushed it into her other arm, making her hiss slightly in pain. A slightly claustrophobic feeling started to overcome her as the lights in her mind began to dim, but she continued to remind herself that everyone would be waiting for her when she woke up.
♠ ♠ ♠
street clothes, valet outfit.
Just so you guys know, this isn't based on any real match these two guys had. And don't tell me they wouldn't sedate you because of a broken arm; I figure as much, I just needed her to pass out, okay? lol
Sheamus helped her because he is a heel and so is she. It makes sense.(:

I'm glad everyone liked the date chapters so much! Jessi and I worked real hard on 'em for ya'll! (:

Could I please get some comments on this? we have twenty subscribers. I know you guys are there.