In The Works


Both Matt and I were freaking out. John had led us up the ramp and into the backstage region of the arena. He showed us to a couple of seats in one of the hallways and told us to relax for a few moments so he can find out what's going on. The entire time, my brother was glaring daggers at John. It seemed John had caught him, because he said he'd be back and then hurried off to find out what was going on. I knew John was frightened of my brother, but it was still the fact that whoever glared at you like they wanted to rip your jaw off made you want to crawl into a small corner and hide away.

Matt sat in his seat like a good boy. That is, until John was out of sight. He hopped up out of his chair, and began pacing back and forth in front of me, muttering nasty things under his breath.

"He should've been more careful," Matt hissed.

"Shit happens," I said earning a glare from him, "Oh stop the menacing act! It's not like he was like 'Hmm what do I want to do tonight? I know! I'll break Devvy's arm.' It was an accident so calm the fuck down."

"You're acting as if you didn't just see your best friend get her arm broken!" he shouted.

People who were walking around the arena had stopped and began staring at my brother and me. Some even hurried away quickly so they didn't have to feel his wrath. He began pacing again, giving everyone in sight his death glare.

"Sit down," I ordered, growing tired of his constant pacing.

"Back the fuck off, Maycee." he snapped.

"SIT DOWN!" I exclaimed, standing up. He stopped pacing, saw the look that I was giving him, the sat down in his seat, eyes focusing on his hands. I wasn't one to yell, and he knew that. But when I did, I meant serious business.

"Maycee!" a familiar voice hit my ears, and I found myself standing up.

Natalya, Tyson, and David were all hurrying my way, stopping right in front of me. For a split second, their gazed shifted to my brother, but then came back to me. I figured he sent them his death stare.

"Did you hear anything about Dev?" I asked.

"That's why we're here," Natalya started, "Maryse just told me that they're taking her to the hospital now so she can get a cast put on and so they can see if she needs surgery or not. She said it should only be about an hour or so."

"But, after the hospital, they're taking her straight back to the hotel," Tyson added.

"So," David began, "We're here to collect you two and take you back to the hotel to wait for her."

"Alright," I nodded and turned to Matt, "You hear that? Grab your things, we're going to wait at the hotel for Devvy."

Matt got up from where he was sitting, and pushed passed us all. He walked ahead, and we followed him.

"Did he give us a death stare?" Natalya asked me.

"Yeah, but he's been giving everyone a death stare tonight," I sighed.

We made our way into the parking lot. David and them got into his car, while I got into Matt's. The drive over to the hotel didn't take long at all, and soon we were all sitting in the lobby with all of the other wrestlers, waiting.


An hour later Dev, Maryse, and Vince were walking through the huge glass, double entrance doors of the hotel. She was sporting a red cast and she looked completely out of it. Most of the wrestlers rushed to her, surrounding the taller girl. Before long, Vince was yelling at them to give her some space and they all retreated back to where they once stood.

Dev and Maryse walked over to Matt, Nattie, David and me and stood awkwardly in front of us.

"Tired hun?" I asked. At least it was better then the cliche "Are you alright?" question that most people got.

"Yeah," she said, just above a whisper, "And sore. And my arm is killing me."

"Let's get you up to your room then," Maryse said, putting her arm around Devvy's shoulders.

"Stay?" she asked me with pleading eyes.

"Duh!" I smiled, "And Matt has the room next to us. Just let me say goodnight to..well, you know."

She nodded and shooed me away with her unbroken arm. I spun on my heel and went over to where David, Tyson, and Nattie were waiting.

"Hey," he said.

"Hi," I said, "I'll see you tomorrow, then. I want to make sure Devvy is alright."

"No problem," he quickly pecked me on the cheek, "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"You too," I said, "Night everyone."

With a small wave, I rejoined the other group. We began walking to the elevator, and I could see the look Matt was giving David.

"Jeez, Matt. Honestly, you can give Orton a run for his money right now, because you're acting like a total psycho!" I rolled my eyes.

He didn't say anything. Once we were settled into Devvy and Maryse's hotel room, we made sure Devvy was comfotable and not hurting. Right now, Maryse and I were sitting on one bed, while Devvy was wrapped up in Matt's arms. My brother had done a complete 180 from early. He held Devvy like she was the finest piece of china, afraid that if he made one wrong move, she would break. One of the blankets were draped over the two, and I could see him slowly starting to fall asleep.

Devvy was already out. The pain medication the doctor had given her had taken its effect on her. While the two slept, Maryse and I had changed into our pajamas and were now back on the bed. There was no point in using the room Matt had bought. Maryse and I didn't mind sharing the spacious bed, seeing how we had to stay in the room.

"He must really care for her," Maryse commented as she stared at the two.

"Yeah he does," I said, smiling faintly at the two.

"You do know that if he hurts her, I will have to kill him," she told me flat out.

"I'm with you there," I agreed with her, "But I know he won't."

"And please don't take this as me being a bitch," she started off, "But if you hurt David, a lot of people will hurt you. Nattie and me included."

"No worries," I nodded, "I was waiting for that."


The next morning Matt had bought us all coffee. Maryse thanked him, then disappeared into the bathroom to take a shower.

"How long do you get to keep the cast on?" Matt asked Devvy.

"I'm not sure," she yawned, "But I have to go back to the Doctor's again in a week so they can check if it's healing right. And to make sure I don't need surgery. I'm hoping I don't. Cause that means I'll be out longer."

"What are you going to do with your time off?" I asked her.

"I have no idea," she sighed, "Just hang out I guess."

"How about this. We can go along with these guys for a little while longer, then maybe you can come back to Huntington Beach with me for a well deserved vacation." Matt suggested.

"I'd like that a lot." Devony spoke, "And honestly, I'd like it sooner rather then later."

"Alright," Matt laughed, "We'll go after your next Doctor's appointment."

My phone began to buzz, letting me know that I was receiving a call. I picked it up from its place on the bedside table, and hit answer.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Maycee," David answered, "Would you like to go out to breakfast with me?"

"I'd love to," I blushed slightly, "I'll be down in the lobby in ten minutes. Is that alright?"

"Perfect. I'll see you then." we hung up, and I started getting ready.

"Where are you off to?" Matt asked.

"Breakfast with David," I couldn't help but to smile, "I'll be back later."

Before he could protest anything, I hugged Devvy goodbye, then walked out of the hotel room, towards the lobby. Once I arrived, I saw David waiting by the door.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Let's go." he smiled, leading me out into the parking lot towards his car.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I accidently deleted this chapter. Luckily I still had it saved. Don't know how I did it, but there you go I did. Anyway, we have 20 subscibers and like 95 readers. C'mon guys. You obviously like this story. Comments would be very appriciated.
Like I said the first time I had this posted. Lynnie won't be on because she's on the road. So that means no updates. Maybe if you comment, when she get's back, she'll update faster. I know you can do it