In The Works


I hadn't heard much from Matt or Dev over the next couple of weeks. From what they've told me, they were having a really good time together and Dev loved watching them everynight. Most of the time, though, we missed each other's calls because we're all moving around a lot.

After I sent an email to Matt, I leaned back in the chair I was sitting in. David and Tyson were getting check out since they had just got attack by the Nexus ten minutes before. Nattie was freaking out and was talking with Bret, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I was so sick of those seven men, but was also scared of them.

The door to the locker room opened and Nattie walked inside, face void of emotion. I turned my laptop off, closed it and put it away in its case.

"How are they?" I asked her.

"They're getting checked out now," Nattie sighed, "I came here to get you. David wants to see you."

I got up from my seat and followed her to another room where Tyson and David were getting check out by the trainers. We sat down in chairs that were out of the way of the trainers, while they continued to get checked out. David was favoring his head, while Tyson with his ribs.

"Your ribs are bruised," the trainer told Tyson, "Just keep them wrapped for a few days and they should be fine."

"Thanks." Tyson said as his ribs got wrapped up by the other trainer.

"You," the one trainer spoke to David, "Have a slight concussion. Nothing major. You're going to have a headache for a couple of hours. Your friends will have to keep an eye on you tonight just to be on the safe side."

"That would be your job, Personal Assistant," Nattie patted me on the shoulder.

"Just wake him up every two hours," the trainer explained to me, then turned back to the boys, "Other then that, you two are fine. Just be careful."

"Thanks, man." David thanked the trainer, "C'mon, let's get out of here. All I want to do is go back to the hotel and do absolutely nothing."

All of us agreed. We went back to the locker room, packed up our things, and soon we were walking out to the parking lot. However, none of us saw the Co-Women's Champs walking toward us until it as too late.

"Hi!" Layla said, smiling. She walked up to David, completely ignoring the fact that the rest of us were there. Michelle stood off to the side, an evil smirk was etched on her face, "How've you been David? I haven't seen you much since you moved here to Raw."

"I've been okay, considering I just got attacked by the Nexus," David said, chuckling lightly, "What are you two doing here?"

"Supporting Kaval," Layla answered, "Him and the rookies are in a match tonight."

"That's cool," David said, pretending to be interested, "Listen, it was nice seeing you again, but I've gotta go. My head is killing me."

"Oh, alright," she looked disappointed, "Hope you feel better. It was nice seeing you, too."

"Thanks," he said, "Come on, Mimi," he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and started walking, "Let's go back to the hotel and relax."

The smile never left my face once I saw Layla frown. Nattie and Tyson followed behind us and I knew without even looking back that she was smiling like me. Neither of us liked Layla or Michelle since, well, they were complete bitches.

We arrived at the hotel about an hour later due to bumper to bumper traffic. The worst part was the hotel was only twenty minutes away from the arena. We booked conjoining rooms so that if Nattie and I wanted to talk, it would be easier. However, she and Tyson went into the room they were sharing, while David and I began relaxing in ours. I changed out of my clothes from earlier into a huge sweatshirt and sweatpants.

David was laying on the other bed, eyes shut and arms wrapped around his pillow tightly. He wasn't sleeping, that's for sure, because his breathing wasn't calm. He kept shifting, trying get comfortable, but it didn't work.

"You alright over there?" I asked him.

"I can't get comfortable and my head still hurts. I hate those Nexus assholes." he whined.

"Complaining about it isn't gonna make it better," I chuckled.

"It might," his voice was muffled since it was shoved into the pillow.

He rolled over to face me and he was smiling, though I could see the slight pain in his face. His headache must be really bad.

"You don't mind if I go to sleep, do you?" he asked.

"It's fine," I chuckled, "Get some sleep. I'll just have to wake you up in two hours to check on you."

"Okay," he got up, grabbed his pillow then walked over to my bed. He threw the pillow down on my lap and laid down on the bed, moving around a bit to get comfortable.

"What are you doing?" I blushed.

"Going to bed," he said with a huge grin, "You don't mind, do you?"

"You're a sly one, I hope you know that," I chuckled.

"I've been told," he nodded in agreement, "So, you don't mind?"

"No," I said, knowing that my cheeks were bright red, "Like I said, I'll have to wake you up in two hours anyway."

"Have fun with that." was the last thing he said before he fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Me again! I know it was supposed to Lynnie's turn, but she has major writers block and I can totally understand this. We've all been through it. I'm going through it with most of my stories and I was lucky to get this out because I was sort of stuck before.

Comments would be lovely. <3