In The Works


"OH MY GOD!" Devony screamed, standing up abruptly from her place on the couch.

The sudden noise caused Jimmy, who'd been oddly contorted on the love seat sleeping, to wake up and let out a very unmanly shriek. Matt came racing down the stairs of his house, where he and Dev had been staying the past couple of weeks, with wide eyes, demanding to know what had happened. He'd honestly never seen Devony so angry before and it was slightly unnerving for him, especially when she turned her icy blue eyes on him.

"Those no good fucking ass suckers just attacked David and Tyson," She hissed, clenching her left hand tightly at her side, since her right was in a sling, "Fucking son of a bitch!"

"Devvy," Matt quickly wrapped his arms around her, trying to keep her calm, "Baby, it's probably just a storyline."

"No Matt," Devony ground her teeth, glaring up at him, "I know the real shit from the scripted shit. That was fucking kayfabe."

"Then why didn't someone stop them?"

"Because, no one wants to stand up to the Nexus and by the time John and them knew what was going on, it was probably already over," She stated angrily, pulling out of his grasp and quickly making her way up the stairs and into the room she and Matt shared.

"Babe, where are you going?" He shouted after her.

"I need to call Mimi and Natalya."

She quickly rolled onto the bed and started digging through the masses of pillows and blankets, knowing her phone was buried somewhere in the chaos. Her hand soon clasped the familiar, cool plastic and yanked it from inside of a pillow case, tapping the screen and pressing speed dial four. Lately, they'd been playing a super annoying game of phone tag while trying to reach each other. Mimi would call Dev, but would leave a message when she didn't answer. Then Dev would call Mimi and leave a message when Mimi didn't answer. It was a repetitive circle.

The phone rang six times before Mimi picked up, muttering to someone on the other line before answering with a hello. Devony quickly took a deep breath before replying, not wanting to snap at her friend, since Mimi was probably just as angry and shook up as she was.

"I just saw RAW," Dev murmured, laying back against the pillows, "How are the boys?"

Mimi sighed heavily on the other line, "Tyson has a couple of bruised ribs and David has a minor concussion."

"I can't wait for Summerslam," Dev grunted angrily, running her hand over her face after putting her phone on speaker and dropping it in her lap, "John and them better kick the Nexus' ass, hard."

"That's what everyone wants, Devvy. But I swear, if someone doesn't take them out soon, those fuckers are going to kill someone on accident."

Devony sighed heavily, leaning back against the pillows, "I can't believe I was ever friend's with those guys. I just want to punch them all."

"You were friends with them!?"

"I was always close with Jericho, so when Wade came into the picture, me and him were pretty tight," Devony rolled her eyes, "I've yet to give him a piece of my mind though; shit's been so hectic."

Mimi groaned on the other line, "Tell me about it! You have no idea how crazy David's schedule is! And then there's this whole thing with the Nexus and now Layla—"

"Wait, Layla?" Devony demanded, her blue eyes getting wide, "What about Layla?"

"Don't sound so freaked," Mimi laughed, "I know she's a bitch but it's not like she's scary or anything. She was flirting with David."

"Mimi, you need to watch her," Dev warned sternly, "She was all over him for a really long time before he moved over to RAW. Seriously, she was like in love with him."

Mimi rolled her eyes, "I don't think I have anything to worry about Devvy. I mean seriously, not only is she a bitch, but she's an ugly bitch too."

"It's because she's an ugly bitch that you need to be careful. She'll go totally psycho-slut to get what she wants. Just be careful. I would hate for her to split you two up."

"Alright, alright. I'll be careful. So how are you and Matt doing?"

"Pretty great, I guess. They've been doing a bunch of shows within the state, I get to watch them. Matt promised to take me to Disney Land next week, too," Devony grinned pressing her fingers to her lips girlishly.

"Awh, how cute," Mimi grinned teasingly, making a kissy noise into the phone, "Sounds like you two are a match made in kick-ass Heaven. Anyway, I need to wake up David. I'll call you tomorrow."

Devony hung up without saying goodbye, knowing that Mimi wasn't expecting her to. Three quick knocks came at the door before Matt stepped in, passing Dev a nervous look. She rolled her eyes quickly and waved him off, standing up and stretching her arms out over her head. Matt glanced at her stomach as her tank top rose up, his lips twitching slightly upon seeing the still healing piercing in her belly button. Jimmy had quite the time convincing her, but in her first week with the Avenged Boys, her body piercing virginity was stolen.

"When it gets ripped out during a match," She stated calmly, seeing where his eyes had landed, "I'm tearing yours from your lip."

"You're getting more violent," He smirked, "You're not allowed to hang out with Brian and Zack anymore."

"And saying that makes me want to punch you in the face even more," Devony hissed lowly, hands pressed into her hips.

Matt frowned, looking at her carefully. It took him a few quick moments to notice the way her eyebrows were furrowed and how her lips were sealed in a thin line. She wasn't upset with him necessarily, but at everything in general. Tyson and David had gotten attacked by Wade, who she used to consider a friend, and there was nothing she could do about it. Honestly, he knew that she wasn't all too close with either of them, but Devony was protective over the people she cared for.

Knowing she wasn't in the mood for words, Matt crossed the floor and quickly enveloped her in his arms. Devony couldn't really be considered short, she was only a few inches shorter than him, but she was very petite and small framed and could easily get swallowed up in his hold. He heard her light sigh as her arms came to rest around his torso, leaning all of her body weight against him. The emotional strain she's experienced had taken it's tole on her energy.

"Let's go to bed early," He murmured in her ear, "We'll get up early and go to breakfast tomorrow."

"Early?" Devony snorted slightly, "Early for you maybe. I always go to sleep at eleven, unlike you freaks."

"I'll pretend you didn't just call us freaks," He joked, tugging her backwards gently, "Come on."

She quickly began to wriggle in his hold, "No, no, no. I need to call Natalya and then Vince and then Papa Taker to see how he's doing. I've got shit to do and I will not be distracted!"

"Oh yes you will," Matt stated, hauling her back into his arms and dropping her onto the bed, "Lay down. You can call everyone in the morning."

"I'm not a kid," Devony frowned, her lips twisting in a frown, "Don't tell me what to do."

Matt sighed heavily. She was being increasingly difficult, but he couldn't bring himself to blame her. She was stressed, her arm hurt all the time, the meds made her emotional, and her friends were all getting hurt.

"Alright, alright. Do what you need to do. I'll head downstairs and chill with Jimmy until you're ready to sleep."

Devony's frown grew as he left, her blue eyes sparkling with barely restrained emotions. She'd upset Matt. She didn't mean to, but she still did.

"Fuck my life," She hissed,. falling back onto the bed.
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Hey. It's actually me this time :D
Dev's a bit angsty in this one. My baad D: