In The Works


The show was finally over. The Berry's and I cleaned up the Avenged merch booth and loaded it back onto the bus. Once that was done, we went our seperate ways.

"MEECE!" before I got a chance to roll my eyes, I was picked up into someone's arms and was spun around.

"Jimmy, put me down!" I screamed.

A few seconds later, he set me back down on the concrete floor. The rest of the guys stood around me, each of them sweating from the amazing show they had just got done playing.

"We going or what?" Johnny asked.

"First, you have to shower," I started, "And I still have to get dressed."

"What's wrong with your outfit?" my brother groaned.

I was dressed in an over-sized band t-shirt, ripped jeans and converse that were falling apart. I gave each of them a look, causing them all to groan.

"C'mon, pip pip!" I began urging them to go take a shower, "Get all nice and clean while I get dressed."

While they all grumbled, I skipped to the bus so I could get dressed. I pulled out my bag, and grabbed the first clothes I could find-a great way to pick clothes, I know-then tossed them in my bunk. I threw on my pair of white skinny jeans, and my Sunnydale High School t-shirt. Yes, I'm a Buffy geek, sue me. I put on my cross necklace, then went into the tiny bathroom to do my make-up. My hair had a cute wave to it, so I left it alone, knowing it was going to be pulled up within an hour.

The boys made their way onto the bus, each showered and ready to go. I quickly put my red heels on, and pointed to the bus door.

"Onward!" I shouted.

Fifteen minutes later we arrived at the nearest club. Once inside, we got a booth, and Zacky went to get drinks for everyone. The guys began talking about how they might change the set list while my eyes dashed to the dancefloor. A huge sea of bodies were squished close together, each person dancing at their own speed. They were laughing and shouting, having a good time with their friends.

I instantly got up and faced the guys, who all looked up at me. My head nodded toward the dance floor, and they seemed to get the message. My brother shooed me away and told me to be careful. I walked out onto the dancefloor and let the music flow through my body. It didn't matter that I was alone, because hell, most people on the dancefloor were.

A few songs later, and after dancing with a couple of guys, I returned back to the table to see all of the guys, but my brother, were sitting and drinking. I sat down next to Zacky, who immediately wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Why aren't you bums out there dancing?" I asked them.

The only answer I got was them all raising their beer at me, smiling, then taking a sip. I sipped at my shirley temple-I was the designated driver and I just didn't drink-and I let out a groan. More people seemed to be congregating to the dancefloor now, and I still hadn't seen my brother.

"Zack, where's my brother?" I looked up at the man who's arm was still around me.

"He went to the bathroom and never came back," Zacky explained.

"I suspect he got eaten by the evil toilet monster," Jimmy commented.

"I told you guys, use the buddy system!" I exclaimed.

"We're not chicks, Meece," Brian stated, "And your brother's a big boy."

"Besides, he's out on the dancefloor." Johnny pointed.

All of our eyes followed to where he was pointing. We could easily pick him out in the huge sea of bodies with his huge muscles, tattooed arms, and backwards hat. He had a smile on his face and he was looking down at someone. We got a better look when Matt spun the girl around, getting a laugh out of her.

"Whoa!" Brian yelled out, "Who's the hottie Matt's dancing with?"

The girl was a a good couple inches shorter then he was and was dressed in a gorgeous plum colored dress. Both of them looked like they were having a great time with each other, too. The girl was very pretty also, but looked extremely familiar.

We watched as he whispered in her ear. She looked timid at first, but then she took his hand and he brought her over to the table with us.

"We totally thought you got eaten by the giant toilet monster," I commented, sipping at my drink.

We all smirked knowing that Matt didn't have anything to say. Now that the girl had gotten closer, we could get a better look at her. I knew her from somewhere, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Guys, this is Devony," Matt introduced. Even the name sounded familiar! "That's Brian, Johnny, Jimmy, MB, JB, Zacky, and Maycee."

It suddenly dawned on me who was standing before us. We both seemed to realize it at the same time because we both looked at each other, eyes going wide.

"Mimi?" she asked.

"Devvy!" I squealed.

I hopped up from my seat and attacked the girl in a hug. The last time I saw her was when we attended the same boarding school together. We became pretty good friends, and even kept in touch for a little bit after that. After a couple of years, we lost touch. She was a successful wrestler, while I sold merch for the guys.

"You'd rather be called Mimi over Meece?" Brian questioned completely ruining my train of thought, "I don't get you sometimes."

"Anyway," I chose to ignore his comment, "How've you been?"

We sat down in the booth. I pushed Zacky down so we both could fit inside the booth. Matt took his seat across from us and everyone listened it.

"I've been good," she smiled, "What about you?"

"Pretty good," I nodded, "Working for these fools."

"That's great," she said, "Wrestling's going extremely well."

"I bet Lady Reaper," she blushed at that, "It's been too long."

"It has," she agreed. She went to speak again, but what cut off by someone yelling.

"DEVONY!" a guy was stomping through the crowd, pushing people and making a lot of enemies among them.

"Who the fuck is that?" MB asked.

"My boyfriend." Devony muttered.

"Hey Dev," three people walked up to the booth, one being a woman and the other two men, "Markus is freaking out."

"I know," she said, "Is there any way you guys can stop him from finding me?"

"Will do," the taller of the guys said.

My mouth almost dropped when I saw him. David Hart Smith was standing in front of me and I couldn't believe it. My crush for the longest time, was standing in front of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Maycee's club outfit

And here is chapter 3. I hope you like it.
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