In The Works


Devony smiled meekly at Natayla, one of her best friends. The slightly shorter girl gave her a 'We-are-so-going-to-talk-later' look before following her cousins to distract Markus. Everyone on the WWE roster and most of the techies knew about Dev and Mark's relationship. They just didn't know how bad things really were. Natalya, Ron, and Kofi were really the only ones who suspected something was going on. Devvy bit her lower lip and looked at Mimi from under her eyelashes, feeling a blush coming over her cheeks.

"It was really nice to see you, Mimi," She said timidly, standing up, "But I should probably leave."

"Why?" Maycee questioned, frowning at the look on her old friend's face, "We were having fun."

"My boyfriend has some pretty bad temper problems and I'm usually the only one that can really calm him down," Dev shrugged, trying to pretend it was no big deal.

But in all truth, it was a very big deal. She knew that later in the night, when they both returned to the hotel room they shared, Markus would be furious. Furious that she'd been dancing with another man, furious she'd been talking to someone without his permission, and furious that she'd avoided him. The nervous energy soon converted to pain, causing a stomach ache to clench her stomach muscles.

"I don't know if even you'll be able to calm him down tonight, hun," Mimi stated, looking over her friend's shoulder, "He looks really mad. Maybe you should crash on the bus tonight? We'll have a slumber party. It'll be like we're back in school again!"

Devony couldn't help but jump as a hand was lightly placed on her shoulder. She looked back to see Ron, more commonly known as R-Truth, standing behind her. He was a close friend of hers, one that she confided in regularly. Even more than Natalya and Maryse.

"You should go, Dev," He stated, his voice easily carrying over the music.

Knowing it wasn't exactly a suggestion, Devony nodded, "A-Alright. I guess it couldn't really hurt anything, right? I'll go grab some stuff from the hotel—"

"No need!" Mimi said quickly, "You can borrow some of my clothes! It looks like we're about the same size. Well, you're a bit taller than me, but you get what I mean."

Devony nodded and smiled slightly, before turning to hug Ron, "Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow."

He nodded and kissed the top of her head, sending Avenged Sevenfold a dirty look over her shoulder before walking away. Out of the corner of her eye, Devony could see Markus getting more and more angry as the Hart Dynasty continued their diversion.

"We should probably go now," She stated, keeping her eyes low.

Mimi nodded, getting slightly suspicious about her friends attitude, before turning to her brother, "MATTHEW! Walk us back to the bus?"

Matt nodded and stood, "Only because you have a penchant for getting hopelessly lost whenever you try to go anywhere alone."

"One time..." She muttered lowly, glaring at her older brother.

He snickered, wrapping a heavily tattooed arm around each of their shoulders and leading them out of the club and down the street. Dev had tensed considerably under his touch, which he noticed but chose to ignore. There was something about him that made him feel protective of her, kind of like how he felt the need to protect his baby sister. Of course, there was a slight difference in his feelings towards them. Mostly because he was against incest.
Devony woke up the next morning to her cellphone blaring, "Dev. It's Cena. Answer your damn phone! It's not hard! Take it out of your pocket and tap the screen! ANSWER YOUR PHONE! I'm not going to shut up. Still not shutting up. You better answer your phone because I won't shut up until you do. Notice I still haven't shut up? DEVONY BRYNN! DEVONY BRYNN! Answer your phone. You're probably annoying the Hell out of everyone around you because you haven't yet. Dev, come on. Answer your phone. It's been nearly fourty eight seconds now. Pick up the phone! If you don't pick up in the next two seconds I'm going to assume you've been murdered. One... Two... OH MY GOD—"

"It's been going off like that for the past twenty minutes," Mimi stated upon seeing her friend's pale green eyes open, "Well, not exactly like that. One of them was a girl with an accent."

Devony sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose in annoyance, "Ron must not've told anyone where I went. So now everyone's probably freaking out."

Before Mimi could respond, Dev's phone began screaming at her again. This time, it was the heavily accented voice of Sheamus. "Dev'ny, I'm callin' yeh. That means answer yer damn phone. Are yeh listenen' to a word I'm sayin'? I swear woman, yeh best answer yer phone. Come on now, lass. It's nay so hard. Pick up the damn phone. Yer pushen' meh buttons, girlie. If I'm callin' yah, I'm ob'liously worried yer dead. Yer not dead, are yeh? I donna think that would sit well with e'ryone. Nay, lass, pick up yer phone. Dev'ny, pick it up. Dev—"

"Was that Sheamus?" Mimi's eyes got wide with excitement, "The mayonnaise jar with eyes?!"

"Yeah," Devony sighed and forced herself to stand up, twisting her upper body in order to crack her back, "I should probably get going. He doesn't call unless everyone's really freaking out."

"Oh, okay," The shorter female frowned slightly, her bright eyes dimming slightly.

Dev's face dropped upon seeing the dismayed look on her friend's features, "Hey, we're filming RAW tonight. Why don't you and the guys come? If you don't have a show that is."

"Last night was actually our last show this time around. Long Beach is usually where we end the tour," Mimi smiled.

"Awesome, here, let me call Vince and I'll get you guys some tickets and passes," Devony smiled, grabbing her phone.

A groan fell from her lips, seeing the fourty plus missed calls and nearly a hundred text messages. Most from John and Maryse. Dev made a mental note to kill Ron later for not telling everyone where she was. With a deep sigh, she dialed Vince, knowing that he was going to chew her out for sure for just getting up and leaving without a word. He was like her second father. Mark Calaway, aka the Undertaker (whom she referred to as Papa Taker), being her first. Devony had stopped referring to her biological sperm doner as a father a very long time ago.

Maycee listened as Dev cringed. Mimi could hear the man on the other line basically screaming, telling her she had acted irresponsibly and had everyone worried. Much to her anger, Mimi could see tears in Devony's eyes as the man continued to brutally yell at her over the phone. Easily stealing the phone from her friend, Mimi pursed her lips.

"Hey you," She stated after putting the phone on speaker, "Shut the hell up, you're making Devony cry. She wasn't being irresponsible. She told that one dude where she was going, it's not her damn fault he didn't tell everyone else. Now stop fucking yelling at her."

"Who's making Devony cry?" Matt's husky, low voice rumbled from the hall that led into the bunks.

"This guy on the phone!" Maycee stated, holding up Dev's phone, "He's being a jerk."

"Devony, where are you?" Vince asked cautiously.

"With an old friend from school," Devony sniffed slightly, feeling quite ashamed and guilty, "I met up with her at the club last night and crashed with her. I told Ron. I didn't mean to upset everyone."

She could hear Vince sigh, "Please don't cry Dev. So many people would kick my ass. I didn't mean to yell. You just scared the shit out of everyone. Come back to the hotel, please? So that everyone can see that you're alive and well?"

"I'm bringing Mimi with me," Dev said softly, but her voice held a stern edge.

"Alright, just please hurry back." There was a click and she knew he'd hung up.

Dev looked at Mimi from under her eyelashes, wrapping her arms around her torso timidly, "You'll come, right?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I know that Devvy seems kind of pathetic, but it's all part of my plan (;
Hopefully ya'll enjoyed reading this! I sure enjoyed writing it! aha.
Oh, and I'm sorry it took so damn long for me to update! Who ever said that people have more time when school gets out was a LIAR. lol.

Comment please? Thanks guys(: