In The Works


After the show had ended-it was amazing-the guys and I wandered through the back, searching for Dev so we could congratulate her and Maryse on an epic match. I was still wearing the pink cap that Maryse placed on my head, ready to return it to it's rightful owner. The boys never took their eyes off of the divas the entire match, while my brother eyes never left Devony, so needless to say, they were excited that we were searching for them.

"Did you see your brother's face when you got Devony's hat?" Brian asked me, "I sould sense the jealousy from where I was sitting. And that was quite far from where he was."

"I saw," I laughed.

"Too bad she has a boyfriend," Johnny was such a joykill. Matt's eyes narrowed at the mention of Devony's boyfriend, while the guys grew quiet.

"Why would you say that?" Jimmy asked.

"You're totally going to hate me, but I have to agree," I spoke up, earning an angry glare from my brother, "Hear me out! You're not going to ruin her relationship with him as much as it kills me to say it. I'd rather see her with you, but this is how it is."

"I don't like him," Matt shook his head. I went to say something but he held up his hand so he could continue, "Listen, Maycee. You know I'm not the type of person to just ruin someone's relationship because I'm jealous. I honestly have a bad feeling about this guy and I don't like him. You know from experience. Some of the guys you dated, I was okay with because they treated you well. But the one I didn't like, I voiced my opinion because he rubbed me the wrong way. And I was right."

I had to agree with him there. For an older brother, a very protective older brother, he was chill with most of my past boyfriends with the exception of one. That one, his name was Sean, had been cheating on me for almost a year. We were together for two. When I didn't except my brother's decision, we sort of had a falling out, resulting in me moving into Sean's apartment. Six months later, however, I caught him in the act.

When I went back to my brother he didn't tell me 'I told you so' or rub that he was right in my face. He comforted me, then he and the guys went and beat Sean up. After that, we became closer. So when he says he doesn't like this guy, there was definately something wrong with this guy.

"Alright," I sighed, "You're right."

"Damn straight I am, now let's go," he ordered.

We continued walking through the arena, catching glimpses of the other superstars as they walked through the halls with each other. It wasn't long until we found who we were looking for. Devony was standing with Maryse and Natalya. Her head was down and her arms were wrapped around her torso. Maryse looked both pissed off and extremely upset, and Natalya was shaking her head.

"Dev!" I called.

Devony turned around at the sound of name being called. I took the hat off of my head, and walked over to her. I handed it back to her, and she took it with a small smile.

"Are you okay?" I asked, seeing the tears that were forming in her eyes.

"I-I'm fine," she forced a smile, "Uhm, when are you guys leaving?"

"I don't know," I shrugged, "I'm thinking in a day or two. Why?"

"I wanted to hang out one more time before we had to go," she explained, "Tomorrow?"

"Of course," I agreed, "Just call me when you get up tomorrow morning."

"I will, and sorry to cut this short. I'm extremely tired," she said.

"No problem," I waved it off as if it were nothing, "Oh, and congrats on tonights win. You too Maryse."

"Thanks," they said together.

I hugged her, and motioned for the guys to follow me. They kept asking why we were leaving so early, and I kept telling them that Devony was tired and that we would see her tomorrow.

"That was bullshit Meece," Matt snapped when we reached the bus.

"I wasn't going to force her to let us stay," I groaned.

"Something's wrong," he went on.

"Obviously!" I exclaimed, "I want to know what's going on as much as you do, Matt, but for now we have to let it go. She'll tell us if she wants."


Most of the guys were off doing their own thing, while I was sitting in the back of the bus with Zacky and Jimmy. Video games were keeping their attention, while the thought of sleep was taking over my entire body. Brian and Johnny were passed out in their bunks, while my brother was looking up things on his lap top.

A knock on the bus door broke all of our concentration. My eyes snapped open, and Jimmy paused the game he and Zacky were playing.

"NOSES!" the two put their index finger on their noses before I got the chance to.

I grumbled, got up from where I was sitting, then walked to open the bus door. Matt was sitting at the tiny kitchenette area, staring at the the bus door. He nodded his head toward it and I went to answer, knowing all to well that he wasn't getting up.

I opened the door and my heart broke at what I saw. Devony's face was completely tear stained, her make-up smudged because of the tears. Bruises covered her face, creating an ugly mix with yellow, black, blue and her make-up. There was a slight cut on her lip, too. Her arms were still wrapped around her waist, but she did seem to be favoring her stomach. A small gym bag was hanging off of her shoulder and I noticed the shivers that ripped through her body.

"Devvy," my voice was just above a whisper. I hugged her, but was careful not to hurt her anymore. She hugged back, and I could feel tears soaking through my shirt.

I let her go ahead of me onto the bus and immediately pointed toward the back. She walked there in silence, while Matt gave me a look. It was the 'I was right....again' look and the 'I'm going to MURDER him' look mixed together as one.

"I know," I agreed, "Just, stay here for now, alright? I want to talk with her alone."

He didn't argue. I walked into the back, kicked Zacky and Jimmy out, and we sat down to talk. It was quiet at first, but then she started.

"Markus was...angry about me staying over, for avoiding, him, for dancing with your brother," she began, "He needs to have control over me. I've wanted to break up with him for so long, but I just couldn't do it. He'd find a way to beat me since we work together." she paused and I continued to listen, "I guess this was the final straw. He...he never beat me in the arenas. He'd save it for when we were back in our hotel room, seperated from everyone."

"How long has it been going on?" I asked.

"Two years," she answered, eyes focused on her hands, "The worst part? Hiding it from my friends."

"Oh hun," I bit my lip, "You of all people shouldn't have gone through that. And when I see the fucker, I'll kill him."

"Again, you won't do shit," Zacky poked his head in, "You'll get big brother to do it for you."

"Damn straight I will," I snapped, "Now leave." He waved goodbye to us both, then disappeared.

"Can I stay?" she asked me timidly.

"You don't even have to ask," I said gently, "But do people know you're here?"

"I told David to tell everyone, and I think he's more responsible then Ron is," she giggled.

"I hope so," I said, "I don't want to be woken up again."

"Well you might," she said, "But only because we have plans to wander aimlessly around the city to try and find a good time. And guess who's invited?"

"Me?" I guessed with a huge smile.

"Uh huh!" she said happily, "It's going to be a blast. Especially because a certain someone you've had your eye on is going to be there."

"W-what?" my eyes widened, "I don't have my eye on anyone."

"LIES!" she shouted causing me to jump, "Now, I suggest we get some sleep so we can get up tomorrow."

"Yes ma'am." I mumbled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay, Outfit!

Okay, so here is number 7!
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hmm let's go with four comments until the next update? Sound fair enough? =D