In The Works


Devony yawned and sat up, her eyebrows furrowing as her light blue eyes glanced around the unfamiliar room. Pain swam around her mind as she lifted her hand to her lip, gently brushing her fingers over her split lip. A small murmur left her lips as the memories from the previous night filled her mind. Markus, the match, going to the bus Maycee and the guys were on after everyone yelled at her. Dev cringed, remembering how furious everyone was after the match. How could she not tell them? How could she hide something like that from them?

She glanced next to her, seeing Mimi sleeping peacefully. A small sigh fell from her lips and she reached into he small gym bag she had brought the night before, grabbing her cellphone. She'd set it to silent the night before, not wanting to wake anyone up again. John had called her twice, Maryse three times, Vince nine, and Natayla seven. It hurt to know that Ron and Kofi hadn't called, as they were two of her very best friends. Devony took the time to listen to the plethora of messages mucking up her phone, tears finding their way into her eyes again.

"Are you alright, Devvy?" Mimi questioned with a yawn, stretching her arms over her head.

"Yeah," She said softly, smiling, "Just listening to the messages everyone's left me."

"Maryse and Natalya were yelling at you last night, weren't they? About... him," Mimi frowned, watching her friend nod, "That's why you came over here."

"Don't be mad," Devony sighed, clutching her phone to her chest, "I had no where else to go, and I knew you wouldn't be so upset with me."

"I'm not mad," She shook her head, "I wish you would've told me when I returned your hat so I could've kicked their asses."

Devony couldn't help but crack a smile, "I hate to quote Zacky but..."

Mimi reached over and playfully smacked her friend, "I wouldn't send Matt to do my dirty work! He would never hit a girl anyway."

"Let's get dressed," She stated, "I have DH Smith, Nattie, Morrison and Ron meeting us at Starbucks in... an hour."

"David is coming?" Mimi's light eyes got wide.

"I told you that last night," Devony smirked and pushed her friend's shoulder, "The guy you've had your eye on? Remember?"

"Oh," The shorter girl frowned, "I remember that now. How was it so obvious?"

"No, no," Dev waved her hand dismissively, "It wasn't obvious at all. You're just my best friend, and even if it's been years, I can still read you like a book."

Mimi rolled her eyes, "Let's get dressed."

Both stood, laughing and chatting about nothing as they walked out of the backroom. Dev went into the bathroom while Maycee went to grab some clean clothes. She could hear the band joking around in the front, just getting back from an interview they'd had that morning. A blush filled Devony's fair complexion as Matt's booming laugh hung in the air. Looking to herself in the mirror, she couldn't help but grimace. Her face was covered in bruises and her bottom lip was split right down the middle. Dev wasn't nearly as good as the make up artists on RAW, it would be hard to cover.

A knock at the door startled her, causing her to drop the hat she was about to put on, "Are you almost done?"

"Sorry, just a minute," Dev called back upon hearing Mimi's whiny question.

She quickly replaced the hat on her head and pulled it down to some what cover her face. With one last grimace in the mirror, she opened the door and stepped out, motioning for Mimi to change.

"I'll do your make up once I've finished, okay?" She questioned, "I do the guys' make up sometimes, so I'll be able to cover all that up."

Devony nodded with a smile and walked into the back for a moment to collect her bag before slipping into the main room and shoving her clothes into the bag. She could hear all of the guys bustling around in the small kitchen and she frowned, tilting her hat down over her face a bit more. Her long auburn hair fell in a mess over her shoulders, slightly hiding the Cheshire Smile image on her t-shirt. Her phone began to buzz in the pocket of her jean shorts, making her jump slightly and quickly pull it out.

"Hello?" She questioned softly.

"Hey, we're all heading over to the Starbucks we talked about." Ron replied.

"I thought we weren't meeting for another half hour though?"

"We ain't. Morrison and DH are gonna have one of their muffin eating contests again, didn't think your friend would wanna see that."

Devony could hear David and John's shouts of protest from the other line as she laughed slightly, "Alright, we'll meet you in thirty then. Mimi and I might be bringing some more of the guys though, just so you know."

"Yeah, yeah." Ron paused to shout at John, who was, by the sound of it, jumping off the couch and onto David's shoulders, "See you then."

Devony giggled lightly to herself and hung up, knowing he was done talking. She looked to her side to see Mimi had come out and was holding a make up bag in her hands. The taller sat obediently on the couch and pulled off her hat, taking her long hair up into a pony tail to keep it out of the way as Maycee started working. It was about fifteen minutes later that the ugly bruises marring Dev's face were hidden behind a layer of cover up.

"Alright, that should do it," Mimi smiled as they both stood up.

Devony smiled, "Thanks, do you wanna invite your boys to come with us? I warned everyone I might be bringing some extras."

She nodded and skipped off into the kitchen. Dev slung her bag onto her shoulder and tucked the edge of her white t-shirt into the pocket of her shorts, so it was visible she was wearing something under it. Mimi's high voice was easily heard over the roars of the band, making Devony chuckle as she slipped her hat back on over her head. The cellphone she'd replaced in her pocket began ringing again, making her roll her eyes.


"Me and Randy are coming with you guys," John Cena stated, "And don't even think about saying we ain't, cause we are. Nobody knows were that asshole ex of yours got to and we ain't leaving you alone until the police catch him. I know, I know, you're with David and them but no one can protect you as well as a certified psycho—"

"I'm not psycho!" Randy argued.

Devony rolled her eyes, "Okay, okay, I'll see you guys there. Bye."

She hung up before the annoying duo could reply, knowing they were most likely arguing like idiots in their rental car. Replacing her phone in her pocket, she looked up and saw Mimi had rounded up three of the guys to accompany them around the town. She smiled slightly.

"Well, Psycho and Muscles will be joining us apparently. Are we ready to go?"

"Yeap!" Mimi grabbed the taller female's hand and quickly began dragging her towards the door, leaning up to whisper in the other's ear, "Matt basically jumped at the chance to spend time with you."

Devony's eyes got slightly wide and she shook her head at her friend, "Hush! He's just behind us!"

"What are you two whispering about up there?" Matt's deep voice rang in their ears.

"You!" Mimi grinned devilishly back at them, "Now hurry your tired old asses up, we got places to be!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys, it took you this long to get four comments out? come on, I know there are at least fourteen of you that should be commenting on every update. now get a move on, kids! four comments on this or I won't be updating any of my stories(: ohhh, bummer.
Like the banner? Good, took me forever and a day to make (;
DH Smith and some of our wrestling boys in the next one. Yeaah. :D