He'll Never Know

The Killer Of Me Is the Killer Of You

"What the hell is he doing her?" I asked.

My grandmother gawked at my 'colorful' language. Pete scoffed at this.

"Your coming back to L.A with me." He acted as if it was the most obvious thing in the world! I loathe him, I really do.

"No, I wont go! I have a life here, I have a boyfriend-"

Pete cut me off."Thats exactly my point! Those kids are bad news! Your drinking with them-"

Now it was my turn to cut him off."All kids fucking drink Pete! You even know that!" I said my temper rising. My grandma saw the red flag go up and stepped in.

"Delilah, he has a court order, just, just go pack up a bag that'll last you intill your stuff is shipped." She said pushing me up the stairs.

I huffed and stomped up the stairs.I took my grandmother's advice. I packed a bag. But I didn't go back downstairs to be taken away by Pete. I jumped out my window to the ground. And I won't lie,it hurt like hell when I landed on the ground. But at this moment I brushed off any pain and ran for Krystal's house. Her house was only
a couple blocks away. But I always felt safer there.

10 Minutes Later

I reached Krystal's house and knocked on her door. I knew she was alone tonight, her mom was on her shift at the fire house and her dad
had passed a long time ago.
I ran up to her door, knocking quickly and loudly.
She answered, the expression on my face told me that she was surprised.

"I ran away, Pete got custody of me, he's trying to take me to L.A tonight!" I said taking a deep breath to help steady my uneven breathing.

She just gawked. "Ok then, I'm guessing your hiding here then?" Ah she so understanding! I love this chick.

I hugged her causing us to fall into her house.We laughed as we lay sprawled on her foyer floor.We stood up and closed the door and entered her living room. I sat on the couch with Krystal.

"So what do we do when they find you?"Krystal questioned me.

"Their not going to find me, and if he does get me on that plane, I'll just figure out a way to come back."I said confidently.

"Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but have you ever thought about giving Pete a chance? I mean what if you like it in L.A?"Now this is the part of Krystal I can despise some days. When I know she's right.I sighed.

"I know i should, but i don't want too"

"Just take my advice, I'd kill to find out my dad was alive, so just give him a chance, I'm sure your mom would've wanted you to." Thats where she got me, she was right, now that I've calmed down, I realize that she is right, and if I don't like it, I'll use that fund Stenny has and come back home.

I took out my cell phone, carefully dialing Pete's number [something his mother decided to give me]I listened to it ring.He picked up his voice frantic.


"Hey Pete, can you come pick me up? I'm at Krystal's, Grams has the address."I hung up quickly, not wanting him to start yelling at me
while I was at Krystal's.

Five Minutes Later

Pete drove up in his mom's silver BMW. I stoof form where I was sitting on the porch and gave Krystal a hug goodbye.

"Explain everything to Derrek, I'll call Luke and give him the news"
I walked towards the car. Taking a deep breath before opening the passenger side door, and sliding myself into the car.

Pete drove me back tom y grandma's house."I'll let you go in and get what you need and say goodbye to your grandma, I'll stay out here in the car and arrange us a flight"Pete said still gripping the steering wheel. I nodded my head and took off my seatbelt.

I walked up into the house and p the stairs to my room, my grandmother in tow. I grabbed my giant black suitcase and opened up my closet doors. I solemnly started to fold up various hoodies,shirts,pants, and shorts that I would need.

"Your doing the right thing you know, giving him a chance."My grandmother said.

"Ya...Krystal talked me into it"I said quietly,now adding various CD's into my suitcase [I didn't have an Ipod like most kids]

My grandmother hugged me form behind."I know what your thinking, and I'll be fine, I always wanted peace and quiet" She said trying to bring a cheerful tone to the mournful mood.

I gave her a small smile, closing up my suit case that was now filled with pictures and such.

"I'll be back believe me.

"I know that, just, go and try to get along with Pete, and just let him in"
I nodded and picked up my suitcase, I gave my grandma a quick hug and walked out of my room and out of the house. I entered the expecting car after I added my stuff to the trunk. As we pulled away from my grandmothers house, my home it started to rain. A small smile crept on my lips form the ironicalness [a/n weird word but that's how spell check said it was] of the situation. It was then that I realized that I was leaving, that I wouldn't see Luke again for a very long time, and that I was leaving. The feeling sunk in, and I tried my hardest to contain the tears that so desperately wanted to release themselves. As we reached the town line I gave a mental goodbye to the town, the town that harbored me, the broken girl whom had lost almost everything.