He'll Never Know

My Heart Is On My Sleeve

The war was on inside my head. The whole plan ride to L.A was a constant, 'Do I call Luke? How Do I tell him? No! Dont tell him, Yes! Tell Him! Lie? Say I'm on vacation?
Yes the little war was annoying me, that and the fact that Pete was snoring right next to me. But I wasn't concentrating on that. (Although I did get bored and try to plug his nose, it really does work...)

At Pete's Place

After being seperated from Pete so that I was 'safe' from paparazzi and being stuck in evil L.A traffic, I wasn't in the greatest mood. So when I walked in on Pete having sex on the couch I was a little tipped over the edge. I mean the nerve! He knew I was in the next room! Damn him!
I came here for my mother and grandmother's sake. But there is no way in hell I was going ot stand for this. I marched to my room and closed and locked the door. Pete's sad attempts at apologizing did not faze me as I sat in my closet.Weird yes, but it felt safe in her to me. (no, it was not some glam walk in closet)

"Delilah?! I'm sorry, I shouldn't of-It's goign to take a while for me to get used to this."
I scoffed at his words. I just tried to block it out. I needed to calm down and straighten my head. This terrible mistake that I had made was coming to bite me in the ass. And I didn't need to lose control of my rage on top of it all.

After a little while Pete walked away. I was hoping he sent, we'll call her Slut-on-a-stick, home. I picked up my cell phone and delicatly dialed Luke's number. Taking in a deep, shaky breath I waited for him to answer.

"Delilah?!Where the hell are you?"

Ah the wonders of caller I.D. "Hey Luke, I'minL.AwithPetethejagoffundermyownfreewill." I

"YOU WHAT?!!"He screeched. Well there went my plan to hope he didn't hear what I said.

"I am in L.A-"

"I heard that! But why?"He tried to calm down.

"I well you see, a certain person told me to give him a chance and I did, and Pete has custody anyways"I said in a huff.

"Ya I know,Krystal knew where you were! She wouldn't tell me! And and, Delilah! I can not do this with you! First your saying he's horrible and you never want to see him, now your all 'i gave him a chance'. This is bullshit! Your a bi-polar bitch you know that? I don't think we should be together anymore." With that the line went dead.

I was shocked. He just blew up. I did not see that coming. Luke was usually so understanding, calm. What was it? It seems as though he used me coming here as an escuse.

Then it dawned on me. I opened my mouth in horror. He had been wanting t dump me for a while, and just didn't have a way of saying it. Well this makes my day...not.

I stood up and walked out of the closet. Unaware that there were tears rolling down my cheeks I walked out into the living room. Sure enough as I suspected Stenny was jumping around the kitchen. I suspected she'd show up soon.
She bounce up to me. "Aww! Tears little Delilah?"She said smiling.
I wiped the tears, now noting that they were there."Lets go out Stenny." I said in a hushed whisper.

She smiled and grabbed my hand running out the door.