The Most Important Part


Brian plopped into the empty chair next to Matt and groaned, rubbing his temples to get rid of the slight headache he had.

"What now, Haner?" Johnny asked, chuckling at his friend and band mate.

Brian looked at his bassist and glared. "I can't think of a god damn solo for 'Dear God' and it's pissing me off." He grumbled.

Matt shook his head, "Brian, it'll come to you. Don't worry."

"DON'T WORRY!?" He shouted, outraged that his friend didn't see the importance. "The most important part of a song is the solo. Everybody knows that right?" Brian looked around at his fellow band mates. They all appeared to be ignoring him or just rolling their eyes at his drama filled ways. "EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT!!!!!"

"Calm down buddy, you'll get it." Jimmy said calmly, "All you need is inspiration."

Zacky, who was watching this ordeal from his spot on the couch fished his cell phone from inside his pocket and smirked. "I'm....." He paused, Brian was glaring daggers at him and Matt looked confused. "I'll be back." He announced before getting up from his spot and walking out of the studio. Brian began to pout, his lower lip popping out slightly, and his arms were folded over his chest.

"I fucking hate this." Brian mumbled, more-so to himself than the band.

"Quit your bitchin' Gates." Johnny piped up from his spot on the floor. "Why don't you just call it quits for the day and get some food? You haven't left all day."

"NO!" Brian yelled, jumping into a defensive pose in his chair. "I’m not leaving until I get this god forsaken solo done!" He smacked his fist down on the table, causing Johnny and an unsuspecting Jimmy to jump.

After Johnny's heart rate returned to normal, he looked at Matt. "Am I needed? I have everything but 'Dear God' and 'Gunslinger' done. Plus I think Lacey had something planned." Matt shook his head and told him he wasn't needed. Johnny stood from the floor and as he left, Zacky came back into the studio and gave Matt a look that only he would understand. Brian gave Zacky a suspicious look and Zacky rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you go practice in the recording room?" He asked Brian. Brian growled, emitting a few low curse words to leave his mouth, but grabbed his guitar and went into the room, plopping unto a stool.

Matt stood from his chair, going to see if everything was turned off so Brian couldn't hear what was being said.

"Did you call who I think you called?" Matt asked as he took his seat again. Jimmy leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees and lacing his fingers together. He was interested to say the least. Zacky simply smirked and leaned back into the couch.

"Wait, who'd you call, Zee?" Jimmy asked, chuckling at Matt's anxiousness.

"No one," Zacky said slyly, "no one, too important." Jimmy seemed confused at first.

"You didn't call Michelle did you?" He asked.

Zacky's face turned into a grimace. "Fuck no. What do I look like? Stupid?"

Jimmy smirked and started chuckling to himself. "Really want me to answer that?"

"Shut the fuck up Jim." Zacky growled.

Jimmy started laughing hysterically and shook his head. "You called her didn't you? Addison?" He asked, after he settled down. Zacky nodded, still glaring at his friend.

"So you really called her Zee? How'd you get her number?" Matt asked.

"Well," Zacky started, softening his glare and sitting forward a little. "Addison and I bumped into each other one day and well, we gave each other our numbers."

Matt cocked an eyebrow. "Wait, the Addison. Like, Addison Smith, the only girl that ever managed to break Brian's heart?" Zacky nodded.

"She'll be here in a few minutes."

"You know that's just gonna kill the boy? I mean, he still loves her. That's why his other relationships haven't worked out. But he'll just be an even bigger mess when she leaves here." Jimmy said, the excitement he had felt earlier was dwindling.

"Where you're wrong Jimbo." Zacky squeezed in. "Addi, is in love with him still." Jimmy and Matt both raised an eyebrow, utterly confused at their rhythm guitarist. Zacky sighed, "let's just say they'll both leave happy."

"Uh huh." Matt and Jimmy said together. "Whatever." A light knock was soon heard upon the wooden door.

"Come in." Jimmy called a little bored. As the door opened, a petite, black haired girl walked into the room. The guys recognized the girl as Addison immediately, if the hair wasn't obvious the cupcake tattoo on her wrist was a dead give away.

"Hey, Zacky." Addison chirped softly. Jimmy and Matt's jaws dropped upon seeing how great she looked. The last time they had seen her, she was 19 and hadn't grown into her body yet.

"Hey," Zacky piped up. Addison smiled and looked over to Jimmy and Matt.

"Oh, hey Matt, Jimmy." They smirked at Addi and gave her a small 'hey.' Zacky stood from his seat and embraced Addi in a hug. She hugged him back, immediately smelling the cigarettes and cologne. Zacky soon let go and lead her over to the couch.

"So, why am I here exactly?" She asked in a sweet innocent tone. Matt and Jimmy looked towards the recording room and gave her sad expressions.

"Oh..." Addison mumbled, almost instantly knowing what he wanted. She looked towards the room and saw Brian fumbling with his acoustic guitar. "What makes you think he wants to see me?"

"Addi, we all know he still loves you. He's been miserable at best since you left him." Matt said softly.

"I doubt that." She mumbled. "I saw him with Michelle, they were always smiling."

"That's not true. They were never happy. All Michelle could do was bitch about how he never got over you. He's warned every girl that there's a place in his heart that she'll never get and they usually leave soon after." Jimmy said as Zacky pulled her into his side. "Plus he can't get anything right. I mean he's got everything down, but he still has trouble focusing on solos." Addison looked at Jimmy with wide eyes.

"Wait, he's always been able to play like nothing is going wrong. How can they be so hard now?" She asked. The guys shrugged and stayed silent for awhile.

"You still love him, don't you?" Zacky asked upon seeing Addi's eyes gloss over. She simply nodded her head. "Then go get him. Show him you still care." He whispered in her ear. She gulped but let go of Zacky and stood from the couch, walking towards the door. She looked back at Matt and he gave her a reassuring smile. Addi then took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Matt don't -" Brian trailed off as he looked up from his guitar. "A-addison?" He felt as if his heart was breaking all over again.

Addison bit her lip and nodded. "Hey, Brian." She said softly. Brian stared at the only girl he ever truly loved and gawked. She was here, and she wasn't telling him she wanted nothing to do with him. Like she did the last time she walked into a recording room.

"So, I heard you couldn't think of a solo for a song." She said trying to break the tension a little.

"More like a couple." he scoffed, "I mean, I have one than more for the most part." Addi nodded and took a seat on the stool in front of him.

"Sing it to me?" She asked.

"What? Like old times?" Brian asked. Addison nodded. Brian sighed but adjusted his guitar in his lap so he could play.

"What's it called?"

Brian looked up from the guitar and quirked an eyebrow. "Why are you here?" He countered. He saw Addison flinch at his harsh response.

"I-I" she stuttered. "Tell me why you care?" She retorted harshly, hoping he'd just drop the subject.

"Whatever, I'm just shocked you're not telling that your too good for me now." He grumbled. Addison flinched. She didn't want to think about their last interaction. It was the week after they started recording their second album and she was going off to college. She didn't want to hold Brian back so she lied to him and told him she wanted nothing to do with him and that she never loved him.

"It's called 'Dear God'" Brian's voice brought her into the present and she nodded slightly. The soft music of this acoustic guitar soon filled her ears. It was amazing, what his playing still did to her, she felt so at ease and like she knew exactly what Brian was feeling.

"A lonely road, crossed another cold state line. Miles away from those I love, purpose hard to find." Brian sang and it sent shivers up her spine. She forgot that his voice did that to her. Addi loved his voice, he was definitely no Matt, but he was amazing to her. He pocket vibrated and she quickly pulled her phone out of her pocket. She opened the phone and saw the text.

He wrote it for you. It was from Zacky.

"Dear God, the only thing I ask of you is to hold her when I'm not around and I'm much too far away." Addison's vision became blurry and she bit harder unto the bottom lip.

"We all need the person who can be true to you, but I left her when I found her and now I wished I stayed. 'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired and I'm missing you again, oh no. Once again." A tear escaped Addison's eye and rolled down her cheek. It was beautiful to her, thought everything about Brian and everything he did was beautiful.

Brian finished out the lyrics and when it came to the solo, he stopped. He looked up from his guitar to Addison. The few tears that had managed to escape her eyes had caught his attention. Brian placed his guitar unto the stand and stood up in front of Addison. She looked up at him as he placed his hands on her cheeks and wiped the tears gently away.

"That's beautiful Brian."

"Thanks," he mumbled. He was still unsure about every move he was making around her.

"I'm sorry. I never meant anything I said when we broke up." She sobbed, everything was hitting her at once. "Brian, I only left because I didn't want to hold you back. I-I didn't think you needed a distraction. I love you, I always did." Brian pulled Addison up and into this arms, burying his face in her hair.

Brian wanted to stay strong, he didn't want to cry and make her feel worse, but he couldn't. He let the tears he'd been holding in for so long out and held on to Addi for dear life.

"I love you, too Addison and I've missed you so much." He said into her hair. "But you hurt me and...what am I saying? I forgave you the second you walked in here." Addison chuckled a little and tried looking up at Brian.

"I was asked to help." She said a little while later.

Brian quirked an eyebrow and chuckled, "Zacky?" She simply nodded and laid her head back unto his chest. Brian and Addison soon let go of each other and Brian's brain was in full writing mode when he picked his guitar back up. He started to play a rhythm that Addison had heard once before, a rhythm he came up with when they were dating. The perfect solo and ending to the song.

Brian soon put the guitar back and Addison sat on his lap.

"The most important part of a song is the solo. Everybody knows that, right?" He asked Addison. She smiled and pecked his lips.

"Everybody knows that."
♠ ♠ ♠

Ahh! lol. This took forever to freaking get on here. "Sorry."
Hope you like it! :)

Addi's outfit