
Chapter Two; English, Dancing and Denial.

I was currently sitting in English next to Nick. Now, I didn't plan that. That was the only seat left. apparently. Ms. Sanders was reading a William Shakespeare book. I couldn't pay attention because the lack of sleep I got from a certain nightmare that I wanted to forget. But I couldn't get the howl off my mind. That was the only thing that was stopping me from forgetting.

I looked at Nick to find him doodling in his notebook. His eyes got mine & he slid down his notebook so I could see. On the peice of paper was a funny doodle of Ms. Sanders with a big mouth, crooked, rotten teeth and foam coming out of her mouth like she was rabid. I'm guessing he didn't quite like her, but talk about over exaggerating. Ms. Sanders was beautiful, with her red hair she looked like a model. I was impressed, he could certainly draw. But I couldn't help but laugh. It was hilarious to picture her like that.

"Ms. O'Riley, is there a problem? If there is I'm sure the principal would like to help you through it." I choked back my laughter and shook my head "No ma'm. No problem." I said smirking while looking at Nick. He was trying to hold back a laugh. He did that on purpose! Oh, I am so going to get him back.

Once Ms. Sanders went back to reasing aloud I quickly wrote Nick a note saying: "That was mean. ):" I looked at him as he read it and a small (more like microscopic) smile appeared on his face while writing back. "Hey, what're friends for, right? And notes? Really? What're in grade ten?" I stiffeled my laugh "Well, I don't know about you, Mr. grade twelve-tough guy, but I am (;" He just smiled slightly and shook his head, stuffing the note in his pocket.

I couldn't ignore the jealous glares and meaningless whispers from girls around us when Nick & I were passing notes. I'm guessing this doesn't happen often. After a few more minutes of Ms. Sanders voice echoing in the classroom, I started to get drowsy, so I layed my head down on my desk and closed my eyes.

As I was about to fall asleep I came up with a plan. My eyes shot open and I tried not to give it away by smiling. I quickly wrote it down and threw it against his head. I quickly layed my head back down and closed my eyes, trying to act like it wasn't me. But I could still see his reaction from the tiny slits in my eyes.

He turned his head to glare at me and he opened the note; a laugh leaving his mouth. It was like music to my ears and I tried to hide my smile and blush while I heard it. Ms. Sanders quickly slammed the book shut and onto her desk, making everyone jump. She was making her way to Sean and I looked at him frantically.

He tried to hide the note quickly, but it was too late. Ms. Sandershad already hot to his desk and took the note. "Let's see what is so funny Mr. Jonas and Ms. O'Riley, to interrupt my class, again." She walked back to the front of the class "You know the rules everyone, if I see a note, I get to say it aloud." Everyone 'ooh-ed' and she opened the note. I hung my head and sunk in my seat. First day of school and I'm getting into trouble already. That's gotta be a record.

"I wish she could close her big mouth so I could go to sleep. Or as Mr. Shakespeare would say: 'I dream for her bitter lips to shut, for I could use this time in peaceful slumber.'" She read the note aloud. Everyone in the class giggled and wooped in acceptance and it just made me sink in my seat farther and a blush to creep up onto my cheeks. "Raya O'Riley! Did you write this?!"

I sat up straight, trying to be strong. "Yes m'am. Honestly, I did everything, I'm to blame. Nick did nothing." Nick was about to protest when Ms. Sanders cut him off "Well, I'm glad you're honest. No I want you to take this note and your things to the principals office, now."

"Y-Yes m'am." I stuttered and quickly collected my things not looking at Nick. But before I left I couldn't help it. I looked at him and smiled, assuring him I was strong but the look of quilt never left his face.

I swiftly made my way down to the office. I told the receptionest why I was there and she told me the principal would be with me shortly and to take a seat. It felt like a dentists office; quiet and a bit depressing.

I heard my name being called by what sounded like a middle aged woman, so I headed to the principals room. When I entered the big, leather, fancy chair was turned so I couldn't see who was in it. It slowly turned and as soon as I saw who was in the chair, my heart bassically stopped.

"I've been expecting you." She said in a creepy voice, then laughed "No, I'm kidding. But Raya, I was wondering when I was going to see you next." My eyes widdened. Why was she here? "T-Tabitha? What're you doing here?" She leaned forward as if she were to say a secret, so I did the same.

"People in the council need jobs too." Yeah, Tabitha McMaster, my new principal, was part of my world and also apart of the council. She's a Doppleganger. They're a master of mimicry that survive by taking the shapes of humans, and rarely ever seen in their own true skin, for if the sun hits it, they'll die.

I told her why I was there and she told me to forget about it. Honestly, I was glad to. I didn't really want to get into trouble on my first day. It's bad enough that my English teach hates me and that I'd have to deal with that every morning.

"But, I have to admit, you have a way with Shakespeare." She laughed, and I giggled while nodding. "I could tell you're gonna pass that class." So, all of those summer and winter nights reading all the Shakespeare books I could get my hands on is finally paying off. Tabitha made a motion toward the foor as the bell rang for the next class.

"By the way, I'd like it if you didn't hurt my student body," she started, laughing slightly "A girl came in here this mornign claming she was choking on something, but didn't know what." I smirked "More like who." Tabitha raised her eyebrows at me "I m-mean yes m'am." She gave me a warning glance "Yeah, that's more like it." And then I was on my way to Math. Gross.

[hidden;] <-- IT'S A WINKY FACE! :D

Math was pretty boring, and unenventful. I ate my lunch alone on the bleachers, while everyone was in the cafiteria. I didn't want to bug Nick more then needed. It's bad enough he has to deal with me in class. I feel like I intrude on him. Sometimes I wish I could just turn invisable and watch him all day, to see what he was really like. Okay, I sound like a creep. I'm going to shut up.

Now, I was currently in gym, Nick passing apologetic glances everytime we locked eyes. Our gym teacher told the guys to make a giant circle around us girls, and us girls to make a small circle too. "No girls, start walking slowly to your right, and guys to your left. We're picking your permanent dance partners," he started before anyone had a chance to ask what we were doing. I gulped, uh-oh.

"Stop!" he nearly screamed after a moment or two. "Now, the person you're currently faced with is your partener." And low and behold, I was faced with Nick. That just made me more nervous. He smiled at me for the first time today and my knees felt weak, but I tried my best to stand strong.

"Thanks for earlier" he started and I just nodedd, not really trusting my voice with the way my body reacted when he smiled at me for the first time. "To make it up to you, I got your homework." I snorted, and laugh "Oh, you shouldn't have!" I said sarcastically, and he just laughed.

I love the feeling of knowing I can cause that beautiful sound, and that smile to appear. Wait. I didn't say that. I blushed, afraid he heard what I thought, but he couldn't. "Can you dance?" he asked, breaking the silence. I shook my head "I have two left feet" he chuckled light and my heart fluttered. I mean, not it didn't. God, what's wrong with me?

"Well, hopefully we can change that by time this unit ends. But I'm sure you can just go to the hospital for that." He joked as a smirk creeped up onto his lips and I laugh.

"Now, for this years unit," our gym teacher started "Is Salsa!" All of a sudden all the guys groaned and all the girls either giggled or squealed - honestly, I thought it'd be the complete opposite. Except for Nick and I. We just blushed.

We barely knew each other, how the hell are we supposed to dance the salsa together?!

I gulped, my blush deepening as I thought about it. Salsa. A dance of close proximity and unnecessary amount of touching your partners body.
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It might be a little boring, but I hope you like it! I thought the first chapter was a little dull, so I tried to make this chapter a little more fun, flirty, and funny. (: