
Chapter Six; Oops...

"Honey, I'm home!" my dad sang, jokingly. MY eyes shot open and I instantly started panicing when I felt Nick's arms wrapped around me from behind. I joltedup, slightly waking him. "Nick!" I whisper-yelled, shaking him vigorously. I heard footsteps making their way to my door and without warning I pushed Nick off my bed and onto the floor with a loud "thump". I softly put myself onto the floor quickly while the door opened. My dad poked his head in and looked at me weirdly "You okay, oinker?" I giggled lightly at my nickname. "Yeah, Dad. Just fell out of bed." I lied, smiling slightly. I felt bad about it, but maybe it's a good thing to do. "Well, I bought you breakfast. It's downstairs. I'm gonna take a nap. See you later!"

My dad was tall, with dark hair and some stubble. He was such a computer nerd, but he was really buff. He calls me oinker because I like to eat, sometimes a little too much.

"I can not believe you did that to me this early in the morning." Nick said, gronaing loudly. "Shh!" I tried to hush him, but it was too late. "Ray... who was that?" my dad asked, hesitantly. I shut my eyes, thinking of an excuse. "Uhmm... No one? I'm going through puberty, Dad. You must have heard me." I heard Nick chuckle lightly at my lame excuse. "Ray..." my dad started again, walking toward my door. He opened my door and looked in Nick's direction.

Nick looked like he had seen a ghost and my dad's face couldn't have been more red. At first, I thought he was mad. But when he started to stutter and search for words, I realized he was just embarressed. Then, I remembered Nick was just in his boxers.

"Oh..." my dad finally got out. "S-Sorry for interupting..." "No! Dad! We were--" "I honestly don't want to know. But, just... keep it down?" I blushed and looked down. When he closed the door and when we heard his door close Nick and I bursted into laughter.

"I can't believe that just happened!" I said through my laughter. My dad had walked in and though Nick and I were... having sex. Or was just about to. How could you not laugh at this? I couldn't possibly think of a good reason for my dad to think that, but, it was still funny. But, then again, it's normal for a guy to have... what my old friends like to call it, morning wood.

The next think I knew I heard Nick whisper "Shit" and run for my bathroom. I couldn't help but laugh more. Nothing like a heart attack first think in the morning followed by a lughing fit. I wish all my days started like this... Not. Although... starting the day with Nick cuddling with me...

I shook my head to rid myself of the thoughts coruppting my mind. I didn't need to think about that. He hurt me once, he'll do it again. I heard the toilet flush and I collected my outfit for today and headed into the bathroom once Nick was out.

"So, what are we going to do today?" Nick asked through the door. I rolled my eyes. "We?" I asked. "Uhmmm... yeah, my training?" He questioned more then said. "Well, I don't recall saying we were gonna train everyday." I stated, but quickly realized that I sounded rude. "Sorry. It's just my dad thinks I'm having sex with you. Isn't that enough for today? Plus, I need to do my own practicing..." I trailed off and quickly finished getting ready for today. "Why don't you go hang out with Kayla?" I mumbled because I didn't really wanna start another fight about it. I honestly hate saying her name. Lets just called her "whats-her-face". Yeah, that'll be good. "Because I want to spend my day with you. Not her. I told you, she doesn't mean anything to me." He said bluntly, but I could tell he was holding something back. His voice was close which made me realize he was close to the door so he could hear me mumble.

My breath hitched as I heard his soft voice and how delicated and fragile it sounded. I continued brushing my hair and ignored the comment. I will not let myself get hurt by this heart breaker. I decided he needed an answer and with my gaurd being up and everything, nothing nice came out.

"That's not what it looked like when you were kissing her." My voice was soft and broke a couple of times but I ignored. I heard him sigh and sit on my bed.

I didn't want to deal with this. Me and my stupid mouth.


It's been ten hours since I've see and been with Nick. My magic wasn't improving at all. If anything it's getting worse. It's 6pm and this mornings argument with Nick is really getting to me. I can't focus on anything else. I have no idea why it's getting to me. He's just a boy. A stupid, heart breaking boy. I sighed, deciding it was time to go home.

Dad was gone again and when I walked up to my street, I saw Nick. He started coming towards me and I decided to just let it play out. See what's going to happen.

"I'm really sorry about this morning." I said when he reached me, shocking us both. "It's fine. I hurt you. I kind of deserve it." he stated softly, his eyes matching his voice. "That's the thing, you don't. I'm not your girlfriend in any way. I honestly have no reason to be this upset about it. Will you forgive me?" We both were talking in hushed tones, as if someone would die if we talked any louder.

"I forgive you only if you forgive me." He said, stepping closer. Now, I don't know what got over me, but I stepped closer as well, making our faces a few milimeters apart.

"I forgive you." I whispered ever so lightly, a smiling over coming both of our faces. We both leaned in closer, our lips almost touching.

As our lips touched I was sent to hevean and back, making my head spin.
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Do you forgive me for taking so long to post? Haha! I would have written more, but I thought this was a good place to stop. (: