Calling Christian and Gloria

Louder than bombs and eternity

Gloria and I had the love of the century, we had it made man. We had an apartment, a car, and shitty jobs but hey they were jobs. We're both fighters, I'm a man who plays by his own rules and doesn't follow the status quo, and she's not afraid to say what's on her mind. The day I met her was the day my life changed forever. It was a sunny summer evening in Detroit Michigan, I was walking with my buddies and there were a bunch of people around with picket signs. The signs read "War isn't healthy for kids, parents, teachers, and pigs!", I was wondering what brought this up but I didn't want to ask.

Just as we began to walk away I caught eye of a girl, black hair up in a ponytail, short skirt on, Chuck Taylors, and a pleather jacket. I went up to her and began to talk to her, the words didn't come easily but they tried to come out.

"Hi my name's Christian, do you want to go on a date with me?" I said, dumb thing to ask but I did.

"My name's Gloria, and you're attractive enough sure!" I was hooked, never in my life have I got a date as easy as that.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked nervously.

"Surprise me!" She said sweetly but aggressively.

So now lets fast forward past the date, and to the time when we began to officially started going out. The first 4 months were amazing, like I said the perfect setup. Everything was cool, I protested with her, she became my partner in crime my co-vigilante if you will. I'm just going to tell you the story of that whole time, up until now.