Status: I dont know if I'll continue this

Scarlet Moon

A Werewolf! Who's A Werewolf?

When I got inside I put my back against the door and put my head in my hands to think. I spoke aloud to myself ' OK Scar your fine you’re just being paranoid because it’s a new house and you’re not used to it. You probably just saw a tree. Yeah it was a tree not a creepy person that wants to rob you! Dang it SHUT UP SCAR… Wow I just told myself to shut up…anyway I think you need to go sleepy now.' I started to get up from the cold, hardwood floor, and I heard a noise. It was footsteps. I could tell I wasn’t the only one in the room and When I got up all the way then looked straight ahead of me I saw a shadow. I could tell by looking at it that the shadow was a tall boy about my age. After staring for a long time I notice, 'hey this is my house why is he here?' and my common sense kicks, causing me to scream. “AHHHHHHHHH.” A light came on and I saw the boy right in front of me holding his hand out. I didn’t notice that I had fallen on the floor after I screamed. I backed away from his hand and said in between breaths “WHO…ARE……YOU?!”
He pulled his hand back and said, “Well lets just say I’m the son of your parents old friend.”
“Oh OK then.” I get off the floor with his help and bring him to the couch in the main room. “Sit here ill go get my mo and dad.”
“Well maybe you shouldn’t tell them I was here…”
“… And why is that?”
“Never mind just go get them.”
I gave him a funny look then left the room, a little worried about the boy i didn't know sitting in the living room. When I got up the stairs I let out a sigh of relief you never know when those things will break. I walked down the hall and saw that the candle had burnt out. I will have to put in a different one later. When I got to my parents door I knocked three times and hear my mom say, “Scar? You need something?”
“Yeah mom.”
“OK come in.”
I walked into the room and saw that my mom was sitting in the window seat reading a book. I walked over to her and said, “Mom this boy came to our house and said that he’s one of your old friend’s son.” She made an angry face and then forced a smile but I could tell something was up. My mom waited a minute before talking again and said, “Black hair? Your age? Really tall?”
“Yeah that’s him.”
“OK well I don’t want to wake up your dad so go back to bed and ill handle him.”
Handle him? Hm I wonder what she means by handle. Oh well I’m not asking. I walked to my room and couldn’t help but think about what my mom said. Usually she would introduce me to people. I heard my mom’s footsteps as she walked through the hall and down the stairs. When I couldn’t hear them anymore I sneaked out of my room and went quietly down the hallway. I climbed halfway down the stairs and no further, I didn’t want my mom to see me or hear me. She has strangely good ears.
I could hear some words but they were hard to make out so I went a little further down the stairs. I heard silence for a minute then the talking continued. I heard my mom say, “She’s not supposed to figure out she’s….. Until …. 16... couldn’t you wait… 2 days?!!”
“I didn’t think… days would matter… She needs to know… she’s… werewolf.” A WEREWOLF! WHO'S A WEREWOLF?!! I walked further down stairs because I hated missing pieces of the conversation then I tripped over a book on the steps and rolled down to the floor right next to the weird boy’s feet. “Well hello there,” he said to me.
I noticed his eyes and my moms eyes meet for a second with a worried face then go straight back to me. “Hi and what’s with the worried looks?”
“What worried looks dear?”
“Mom I saw you two look at each other like you were nervous or something. What are you cheating on dad with a teenager and what’s this about werewolves?!!”
“Oh heavens no I wouldn’t cheat on your father with this little brat. Your father and I have adopted him because his dad was out best friend and he recently died in a car accident. And how much of the conversation did you hear?” I saw the weird guy look at my mom when she called him a brat… Wow I need to figure out his name. “All I heard was you were talking about me, something I could hear in two days, and I think I possibly heard that I’m a werewolf…Oh and what’s your name weird guy? Oops said that out loud didn’t I?”
“Yeah you did and just because you don’t know me doesn’t mean you can call me weird guy. My names…Shiloh…”
“Ha ha you have a dog name wow your dad must have been stupid!” Shiloh looked at me and I swear I heard him growl. I looked at my mom to confirm it and she hit him on the back of the head. “Don’t growl at my daughter Shy.”
“Yeah sure whatever. So Scar, I can call you that right? Well anyway I will explain all of this the best way that I can. You’re a werewolf chick. Well not yet but you will be on your sixteenth birthday. I haven’t turned into one yet either because my birthday is the same as yours. Your mom and dad were best friends with my dad and your mom was in a werewolf pack with him so that means your mom is a werewolf. Anyway I already know your gonna ask so I might as well tell you now the only reason I’m so cool about it is because my dad told me when I was little so I already know all the details. When you are a werewolf you’re not a man eating animal or anything you eat regular food and your normal, well except for the whole turn into a wolf thing. When you are a werewolf pup you have to control your anger if you get angry you will start morphing so the only times you morph are when your angry, when you make yourself,- which you shouldn’t do until you're experienced - or if you go outside during the full moon. Since I turn into one the same time you do I’m you official guardian and I have to teach you all you need to know. Get it? Got it? Good.”
It took a while to all go through my head then I looked at Shy-as my mom calls him- and said, “I’ve got one question.”
“Shoot…not literally.”
“Ha ha very funny. OK so why do werewolves exist? There's a reason for everything so I'm curious.”
“OOOOH I LOVE TO ANSWER THAT QUESTION! Ok werewolves where alive a long time ago. People believed that they weren’t monsters and that they were guardians if the forest. Now people are scared of werewolves but we still have to protect the forests just without getting seen.”
“So basically we used to be needed and believed in but now people think we are monsters and most don’t even believe in us?”
“Yeah you catch on fast. You’re taking this pretty well. I think you need some sleep though, it’s eleven.”
“SWEEEET I'M A WEREWOLF!! Oh sorry well yeah I’m pretty tired so I’m going to bed goodnight.”
I walked out of the room and up the evil stairs. When I get to the hallway I remembered the candle was burnt out but I looked at it and it was lit. Well that’s not creepy at all. I walked to my room, opened the door, and ran to my bed. The minute my head hit the pillow I was asleep. My dreams were filled with sugarplums and rainbows. NOT! They were filled with werewolves…
♠ ♠ ♠
The first time I wrote this it was present tense and I had to re edit it so I'll go back and see if I missed any changed that needed to be made another time.