Status: On hiatus for now. Im to busy right now to update

Love Conquers All

Chapter 2

English Class:
The kids were talking among themselves when me and Abby walked in thank god the teacher wasn't in yet i remember the last time she yelled at me for being 2 minutes late, anyways the teacher walked in as me and Abby took our seats.

"OK class settle down.The class stopped and gave her there full attention.
I have some news about the partner thing i have a list of who's partner is which...I already have them picked out.

"I hope i don't get some loser for a partner.Nick Called out.

"That is enough Mr. Clark. Nick settled down.

he knows not to mess with Ms. Westerly

"OK miss Larsen who have Adam Abby smiled when she found this out I'm gonna have to ask her about that later.

Ms. Smith you are partnered up with Nick.

Great now I'm in pure Hell.

"Ms westerly please can i have a different partner.I pleaded..

"No you may not now sit down" she shot back,

I obeyed and sat back in my seat and sighed.

"I'm Abby i told you i was going to get someone i hated with a passion.i Expressed to her.

" I'm sorry girl, I'm just glad I'm not with someone i hate Adam is a pretty decent guy when he is not around his friends. She explained.


Our conversation was interrupted when Ms Westerly started talking.

'OK class tomorrow you will get with your partner and go over somethings by the way the project is where you are married and have to manage bills."she said,

Great I'm married to a total jackass.

At lunch

i went to the lunch and i couldn't find Abby anywhere she must of went to the restroom.I went to the lunch line and waited to get my lunch. As i was standing there i noticing someone tapping me on my shoulder i turned around and it was my "husband".

"What do you want jackass" i snarled.

"i just wanted to come over and greet my wife and to see what you were up to"he said grinning.

"well i don't want to talk to you" i shoved him away and turned back around.\\

"Oh come on don't be like that.He put a arm around me.

"Get your arm off me or you wont have one." i pleaded.

"OK, OK don't me crabby pants now" he said still grinning.

I grabbed my lunch and try to pass nick but it wouldn't work.

"now where are you going"? he asked.

I swear he loves pissing me off.

I'm going to eat lunch with my best friend.

"Well i was wondering if you would like to sit with me"? he asked
"No thank you" i said.

He actually frowned when i said that but i shrugged and just went to sit down with Abby.

"Hey whats up with you" Abby asked concerned.

"Nothing nick bugging me again."i said.

"Oh" Was Abby said.

I got through the rest of lunch without nick bugging me.I just cant get why nick looked said when i turned him down.Its not like he likes me or anything. i don't know. i headed off to math last period then home.

hour later:

i was on my home walking by myself because Abby stayed after school when i seen a car pull up beside me i noticed it was Nick
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry you have to find out what happens between nick in the next chapter.

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