Status: Just starting up!

I Can Give You Everything You Ever Wanted from Love

Give Me Some More More More

Aria sat in the back of the class and chewed lightly on the tip of her pen out of habit, while focusing on what to write next. She was nearly halfway finished with her paper on Animal Farm, the book she had chosen to accompany her essay on the Russian Revolution. She had everything planned out, from her thesis to the conclusion. She figured she could be done before the period was over, leaving her satisfied with the fact that she would have no homework for the rest of the night. She would be able to relax while the rest of her classmates scrambled to finish their reports.
Miss Kurt was wandering around the classroom offering help to the desperate students who had waited until the last minute to begin writing - and some even reading. But Aria was of course in no need of the teacher's help. She had it all figured out, and nothing could break her focus now. Nothing.
Miss Kurt slipped by Aria's desk on her way to help a frantic Jamie Bauer, whose hand was waving wildly in the air as she just about had a full on panic attack. As the older woman passed by she subtly dropped a small envelope in Aria's desk, identical to the other letter she had received from the mystery student at Dulaney.
Aria snatched up the letter, all thoughts of Animal Farm, Snowball, and the Russian Revolution forgotten. She would have to finish her paper that night, but she didn't care. She would stay up all night if she had to. Right now, this letter was the most important thing to her. She needed to know who her mystery boy was.
She tore open the envelope; too excited to do it neatly. She pulled out the letter and unfolded it quickly; flattening it out on her desk and beginning to read.
She sighed as she realized that she wasn't going to be learning his name any time soon. She would win their flirty little game of not giving names. If Aria was one thing, it was stubborn. Under no circumstances would she be giving her name first.
But her sigh turned to a smile as she read the rest of his letter. Sure, he could be a little bit cocky, but it all seemed to be in jest. He also seemed to have the same sense of almost crude humor as herself. A wonderful sign, seeing as most people didn't understand her joking, thus making things a bit awkward. He had a quick and impressive wit about him. Another thing pulling her in was the simple fact that he joked about a girl being stronger than him. Most guys at Towson, and she was assuming Dulaney was the same way, would never be able to say a thing like that, too afraid to lose their masculinity. He seemed sweet. She liked him already.
She pulled out a new piece of paper to begin writing her response to this mystery boy. She tapped her pen against the page before once again sticking the end of it in her mouth and chewing lightly as she pondered exactly what to say. She wanted to make this letter everything her mystery boy wanted to read. She wanted to sound every bit as funny, sweet, interesting, and attractive as he had to her.
She brought her pen to the paper and began to write.
Dear A,
Well then, I'm amazing at secrets, and I always win, so good luck learning my name. ;)
Young and handsome, eh? That sounds like code for 'compensating for a small penis' hahaha.
Rapist, no. Stronger than you, definitely. Be scared. :)
He seems like he'd be a riot. Sometimes you need someone like that in your life to spice things up.
Hmm, sounds like a sex change is in order...

Sincerely, A.

And now for the big decision. Should she give this mystery boy her email address? He seemed harmless enough. And besides, Dulaney's administration surely wouldn't have letters sent to her from a madman, right? And it wasn't like her email address had her name in it or anything. It was simply an easier way to communicate.
If she had his email, surely she could have his aim too. They could speak instantaneously. No more of this snail mail. She didn't want to deny him and have him choose to stop responding because of the old fashioned nature of their communication. She wanted to know more about this boy. Every thing in fact. And she wanted to know it now. She was already majorly into him, and she didn't even know his name. Who knew where this could go? She needed more. She quickly scrawled her email address at the bottom of the page before getting a fresh envelope from Miss Kurt so that the letter could be sent ASAP.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aria is starting to liiiiike Alex. :D
And hopefully you like our story. haha.
Love you all!
<3 Lia and Jessica
Title Credit: Give It to Me - The Maine